I meet with my trainer today! Wish me luck, cuz I'm going to need it. LOL!!!
Okay, so it went well. He put me on a set schedule of what to do! Yay!!!
Beginner Program Setting Sets x Reps Weight
(BM) Super Leg Press 5 2x15 + 40
Calf Press 5 2x15 + 40
(BM) Seated 5 2x15 + 40
(Magnum) Leg Extension 6 2x15 + 10
(Fiex Fitness) Pull Down - 2x15 + 30
(DB) overhead Press seated 2x15 + 2
(FM) Row " 2x15 + 20
(FM)Chest " 2x15 + 10
Breathe out when lifting weight up/in when lifting weight down
2 sec. up/4 sec. down
3 days at 2 sets of 15 + reps Then raise weight
My choice of 5 minute cardio.
So there ya have it...ask me how I'm feeling in a couple of days. lol
Good Job Ma, I told ya! I'm way proud of you. I know I'm to lazy to get to the gym. love ya
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/03/2005 03:58:00 PM
Thanks Pa. You're my support. You make me go every other day!!! No matter what I say!! You can kick me in the butt!!! I need that, because then I'll get lazy! We're a good team. You work at the gym!!! You can do it any time you want, Silly. I love ya...Pretty soon, I'll be talking like Ceddy! LOL!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/03/2005 04:04:00 PM
yeah, lil Ceddy you. Don't forget to do those reps on your fobrolibilators.
love ya
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/03/2005 04:50:00 PM
LOL- Just call me Ceddy!!!
Love ya, too!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/03/2005 05:46:00 PM