Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 


Here's a few things I wanted to share:

We were called to deal with frustrating people.

convenience NEVER produces character.

Conflict + commitment prompts change.

Hard doesn't always mean bad!

The practice of patience helps complete something lacking in us.

Why people drive us crazy- (hint:They're supposed to!)

What we think:

They bring out the WORST in us.

They keep us from thinking too highly of ourselves.

They keep our pretenses from working.

Get a clue!!! They're supposed to!!!

2 Corinthians 4:10-12 In any given relationship demanding patience, God could be working life in one person and death in the other.

When he makes us different in the same situation. (Think about that!)

Patience Waits! Never think that waiting is idle.

Monday, February 27, 2006 

It's 70 outside!!!!

Today is going to be 70 degrees. Yes, you read it right, 70 degrees! It's beautiful outside. We had our inspection. Of course she showed up 30 minutes late and never thought to call anyone. Whatever! She came and looked at everything! Everything is good! Of course I already knew that. Anyway, the kids were waiting for her to leave, because they wanted to go outside to our playground. She only stayed about 5 minutes and that was that. The kids and I, left and Brevy headed to the playground on his bike. We were ready for another day of play. We got there and a little baby girl showed up not too long after. The kids were gentle with her and they played together side by side. The sun was warm and there was a slight breeze, but it felt good. Finally some nice weather. If I can't have snow then I want nice weather. We played for an hour and 30 minutes out there. I didn't want to come home, but I was hungry and so were the kids. We ate sandwiches and had some juice. As we were eating a HUGE dust devil came through our back yard and knocked over a plant that I have sitting under a window. I tried shutting the sliding glass door and the windows. Then, I had a big mess to clean up. Ugh. So much for a clean carpet. Isn't wasn't that big of a mess, but I couldn't believe the size of the dust devil; HUGE! Brevy asked what had happened and I told him it's like a tornado. He said, "oh yeah the tornado will take our house away!" Thank God it was just a little dust. That's what happens when you live in NM, Charles said. hehe. Kiddies are napping now and I get to relax. For once there is nothing for me to do. Amen!


Gpa's Birthday

Yesterday was Grandpa's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!! We did all of our usual Sunday accomplishments, like go to church and take aiy to Sunday school. We came home for a bit so the kids could eat. We picked up the cake and the bday cards and we were on our way to Jemez. We surprised him by stopping by with the cake and all three kids. He was happy to see us. We visited and cut cake. Afterwards the kids ran to play outside. While outside they claimed to see a bear and flew in the house to tell us. I started laughing and said, "what?!" They showed me what they saw and I told them to get back in the house. It was a HUGE.....Dog. LOL. It was black and brown and was HUGE! But ya never know if it will bite or not. They stayed in for about five minutes and ran back out to play again. Brev thought that the little bread house was an actual house. Aiy said he was knocking on the door and expecting someone to answer. He couldn't figure out why there wasn't anyone in there. Aiy, just laughed at him (we all did). He's too funny! We left G'pa for a little bit to go to the playground at Charles' old elementary/high school. It reminded me of when we first lived in Jemez. We used to play basketball there. Well, Charles did, I just used to get the rebounds. I missed it. We used to take Aiy there as well when she was two. We really haven't been back since. On the ride up there I was looking at the beautiful scenery. The red rocks are gorgeous. I miss it! We passed a spot where they once found some actual dinosaur bones. I was telling Brev about it and again he was looking for the actual dinosaur. He said, "well where are the dinosaurs then, I don't see any." He's a character! Anyway, we played at the playground for awhile. It was a nice warm day. Charles, decided that he was going to teach me how to play tether ball. I didn't even know what it was. He had to explain it. Okay, I am a New Yoker, remember this. We used to play kick ball and dodge ball...Stuff ya heard of. LOL. I know...I know...So, anyway- I think I started to get the hang of it until baby started cheating. LOL. It was fun, but the ball was hard and I think I hurt my wrist. Then, it was off to the swings. I LOVE SWINGS!!! The kids took off and I sat there swinging for awhile. My mom and I, used to swing when I was little. It's her favorite, too. But that's what it reminded me of. Bones and I, were going to go down the slide and I put her up on the platform and I was getting up...All of a sudden I see her walking backwards and I knew she was going to fall...I couldn't grab her and I yelled her name. Too late, she hit the dirt. Poor thing. She got up and looked around. I asked her "are you okay?" and she started crying. A big delayed reaction! I think she was fine until I actually asked her. Poor thing! So, we got up together and went down the slide after that. It was fun! We stopped at Gpa's to say bye and then the kids wanted to see if G'ma was home. While going to G'mas house I saw Mona (April's dog!) Actually MY dog! I love her so much. When she was a puppy she used to jump all over me. I waved at her and she saw me from the car. While in G'mas driveway I didn't see any Mona. Aiyana, said lets go see if she's coming down the road and nothing. So, we all ran down the dirt road to the end. She was sitting at the edge of her driveway. I said, "MONA!" and she looked at me and nothing...Then, in my squeaky "I'm talking to an animal" voice I said, "MAMA!" and she looked at me...And she started running. She crossed the road without even looking and ran to me. It was funny, because she's so fat she runs sideways. LOL. She jumped all over me and the kids. My mom in law started walking towards us. She was probably wondering what we were doing. LOL. We all walked back to the house with Mona. She was so cute. She wouldn't let me go into the house either. She'd sit so I couldn't go into the door. We spoiled her for awhile and then it was time for a snack. The kids didn't want to leave. Charles and I, were ready. We had a night of cleaning up ahead of us. Little things, because I did a lot the other day, but it still had to get done. So, we left and headed home. I had to give the kids a shower, because they brought more dirt home with them than there was at the playground. Charles and I, finished up what had to be done around the house. The kids helped. They went up and down the stairs picking up stuff. We all pitched in and got it done. We ended the day with stories out of Brevy's Bible. Aiyana got picked up and the kiddies went to bed. Charles, was exhausted. I stayed up and finished four chapters of homework in my workbook. I got it all done! We had a good day!

Saturday, February 25, 2006 

Passin' the "yuckies"

Miss. Meesa is sick! She's got the sniffles. She didn't get up until I woke her up at 10:20am. Poor thing! She was out like a light! We're back to running the vaporizers and slapping vicks on her. She walks around and you can smell the Vicks before she gets to you. She walks around with tissues in her pocket. Now she's hiccupping and breathing through her mouth. Hopefully she gets better soon and we don't get it. That's wishful thinking, because it always goes to all of us.

Aiy, will be coming on Sunday. It's also Dad-in-law's birthday and we'll be making him a cake and taking it to him. I finally don't work on Sunday, but they are adding hours if you do want to work. I offered to go in at night after Aiy goes home. Charles, said I need a break. Yeah, of course I need a break, but we also need the money. *Sigh*

I can't believe that Charles is leaving in 5 days. I wish we could go along. Too bad it wasn't in Colorado this time so we can drive. Air fair would be an arm and a leg for all of us to go and that isn't possible. So, we'll be here waiting and praying for him to get there safely. I'll be working and G'ma will be watching the kids.

I felt so awful last night at work. I felt like I was getting sick and was on the phone talking my head off in a low monotone voice (so I thought...) Usually, I'm so chipper on the phone and I get so many comments on how nice I am. This time I felt like crap and was doing my best verbatim I could possibly do. Finally, my vto number came up and I left an hour early. That's pretty good, because that's the first time I left in like a week and a half. The lights and PC didn't help me at all. As I was leaving I found another thing planted on the floor. This time it was someone's ring. I find more stuff in that building just lying around. Last week I found someone's Id. I turned both the ring and the ID into security. Hopefully they actually try to find the owners. That was my good deed for the day. :)

Now I have to finish up some ever lasting house work and eat something. In the mist of all the things I do, I always forget about me. I have to stop doing that...I tell myself that everyday. MUST REMEMBER TO EAT!!!

Hopefully, we're all not passin' the yuckies to one another. Especially tomorrow when all the kids are hyper and running around. Wish me strength!

Thursday, February 23, 2006 


I'm trying to make the bed...Here she is right in the middle of it. She loves when you lift the sheets and it gently falls down. She jumps all over the bed when that happens. You can see it in her eyes. Naughty wee-wee.


Here she is, again...

I can't even make the bed without her laying all over it. She's got to be apart of EVERYTHING! She's a cutie!!!


Laundry Cat!

I can't even do laundry with out her. Is there any place I go and she's not there? No! She follows me around the house like a little dog. LOL.


Lilly thinks the bean bag is hers. She was sleeping until lil Mr. woke her up. lol.


Today's cleaning day...

I had a one track mind today. I was going to clean everything so come Monday the house would be clean. Everything IS clean! My check list is as follows:

Master Garden tub

Vanity Mirror

Clothes washed

Sink and accessories wiped off

Master glass shower

trash taken out

Kid's bathroom

Kid's Garden Tub

Kid's Mirror

Dusting of the furniture (upstairs and down)

V-Day Hearts taken down

Windows cleaned

Took the kids outside

What do I have left to do? (As if that wasn't enough!)

Cook dinner

Complete Bible Study

Read to the kids

Put the kids to bed

collapse from exhaustion- check!


No work tonight! :)

I AM SO EXCITED THAT I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO WORK TODAY!!! I've been working like crazy without VTO-ing. Can you imagine? It's so hard not to leave when they're actually letting you go home. So, I feel like I earned my day off. I'm happy to say that next week they're not adding hours so I'll have Friday off. It doesn't really help Charles and I, with spending time together though. He's going to FLORIDA with out me. I don't think I'll ever get to Florida. Living in NY, EVERYONE goes to FL., except me. So, since it's a business trip, I'm not too worried about it. Baby, as long as you bring me back LOTS of Mickey Mouse stuff, I'll be okay. :) I think if I saw Mickey, I'd probably knock him down with a great big hug; worse than a kid would do! Hehe...

Today though will be a day of cleaning. We have a house inspection on Monday. I want everything to be nice and neat. :)

I think we're finally going to see Aiyana on Sunday. She's thinking about coming over more. I guess it finally hit her that she doesn't see her mom anyway so it's the same thing as sleeping over. Alrighty then! She said she'll probably come over next Sunday as well while Charles is away. That's what she says now, until her mom reads the note about his out of town travel and I bet she doesn't come.

So, that's that! Nothing else going on
. I'm just so excited I don't have to rush to work tonight.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 

A beautiful Princess

Miss. Bones and I, were in the bathroom brushing her hair. She mumbled something and I said, "What?" and she said, "Mama, I'm brown!" I said, "yes you are, we all are! Brown is beautiful!" She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and said, "princesses aren't brown!" and I looked right back at her and said, "Yes, they are!" She said happily, "when I get big I will be a princess!" and I told her, "You already are!" Bless her heart! She's a thinker!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

Bible Study

Coming from Bible Study I'm so pumped! It lasts a good part of the week, too. Amen? I wanted to share some things that I was thinking about. We were completing our "Viewers Guide" about Peace. "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts" Col. 3:15. "May God himself sanctify you through and through" 1 Thess. 5:23. The Greek word for peace is eirene. Peace truly rules! Another thing I was thinking about and this is so good...Peace comes with Authority, not with the answer. We talked about the difference between a peacekeeper and a peacemaker. A typical peacekeeper often attempts to keep peace at any cost. Ironically, this brand of peace is primarily a false peace Jer 8:11. Then, we learned that a true peacemaker is inferred in the word eirenopois. Poieo means "to make, do, expressing action either as completed or continued." Keep peace. Two antonyms of "make": Argeo- to be idle. Katapauo- to cease working. Antonym of "peacemaker": Philoneikos meaning friend or lover of contention. The motivation for keepers of false peace are fear and distrust. The motivation for Lovers of contention are misery, power, and lack of discipline. As Beth Moore put it, "We all have some doin' to do!" Amen? Our next chapters are all about patience. Notice peace came first! I'm looking forward to it. Nothing will stop me from completing it, not even the devil himself. There's no peace outside God! "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace" Eph. 2:13-14.

Monday, February 20, 2006 

Work, work, work....

I got off early last night. I left at 8pm and was actually able to get off the phones in time. Thank the Lord for that! I was so exhausted! I could NOT work there full time. I get so tired of talking! Me? Tired of talking? Yeah, it's really bad when we're busy and have to make all of our mandatory offers. I'm working all this week as well. No breaks! If I see another clearance catalog, I'm going to scream!!! This is my last week with the "team" pretty soon it will be non existent. :( Not looking forward to that. Enough about work...

Sunday, February 19, 2006 

Church <3

Church; The Lord's Super, fulfilling, Moving, Love!

I was really tired after a long night that didn't go so well. I came home and gave my problem to the Lord, afterward feeling relieved; like the weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I woke up after being really drowsy and went to church. I'm feeling really good now! I'm taking that with me to work tonight. :)

Saturday, February 18, 2006 

Work is working! :) hehe...

Why these kids wake me up at the crack of dawn is beyond me. Ugh.

I'll be working tonight until Midnight. On top of that I have added hours on Sunday (my day off) until Midnight as well. Wonderful! There's no getting out of it either. I could use the extra hours so I guess I shouldn't complain. Week to date, I am number one on my team. Wow! I've never been number one, let a lone even high lighted for a "lift." Nice! The week before I was number three. My supervisor says, "Hey Hillary, you've been rockn' these last couple of weeks!!" I took a look at the numbers and sure enough, I was! I tell myself the "lift" is an extra surprise. Every time I work for it, it doesn't happen. If I tell myself, "I'm here for base pay and the lift is extra, then I rock! LOL! Whatever works! I just found out last night that my supervisor won't be my supervisor anymore. :( She was a seasonal couch and her time is up. So, she was explaining my new team and new couch to me last night. It sucks! I mean, it's a whole other area on the floor that you have to sit in. A tiny area, at that. Not only that, but she already has her team established and here we come. I won't be the only one. I know of one other girl 'coming with me.' I bet we're not the only ones though. It's just going to be weird, I guess. I hear my new coach is a good one. One of the girls that's been on her team came by to vouch for her last night. She shook my head and said, "you WILL be making that $8.00 lift with her!" Okay then! Apparently she's good! Whatever! As long as I'm not cramped up in a cubicle next to someone else, I'm all good. Give me my elbow space! I'm a New Yorker!;)That's what's going on with work. I also ended last night with a lovely call. :) As for today...The short couple of hours I have at home, I will be relaxing. Two days until Midnight?! I hope I can survive!

Friday, February 17, 2006 

This is good.

This is a forward that I received from my cousin today. It's good, so read it.

Never doubt the Word of God!!!

Make a personal reflection about this. Very interesting, read until the end...

It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7): " Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Here are some men and women who mocked God:

JOHN LENNON: Some years before during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:

"Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are more famous than Him" (1966)".

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.


During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.


After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic tone he said: "Not even God can sink it"

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.


She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He is a preacher and Evangelist and the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.

After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:

"I don't need your Jesus"

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.


The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:

"Don´t stop me, I´m going down all the way, wow the highway to hell".On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his vomit.


In Campinas, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend. The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter - holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:



Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact. The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a carton of eggs, none was broken.

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus. Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.

P.S: If it was a joke, you could have sent it to everyone. So are you going to have courage to send this?.

I have done my part, Jesus said "If you are ashamed of me, I will also be ashamed of you before my father. What benefit does it have, if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul?

What can man give in exchange of his soul? (Matthew 16:26).


Some GOOD news today...

When I talked to mom last night they in fact called up my uncle Joe and talked to him for awhile. He isn't one to talk on the phone, but him and Frank shared some good stories. They also have more in common then they think. Uncle Frank also has a "spot" on his leg. I was telling Mom that they all need to get together. The Holy Spirit was working through me when I was talking to her. We talked about life and death. Our family always waits until someone passes to get together and that's the only time we all get together. It is just got to stop. I was telling her that none of us are promised tomorrow. I think she thought about it and then they called him after we talked. She called me back to let me know that they all talked together. I was happy to hear that. I mean, they're brothers and sisters. Geez! So, anyway things are looking up there. I'll be checking on them, too. I was thinking of getting Uncle Joe a card just to let him know that we're thinking about him and that we care. He's all alone where he lives. He lost his wife about five years ago and ever since he hasn't been the same. That's just so awful. I want to let him know that he isn't alone. So, I'll be doing that as well. I hope that when I'm old and stubborn (hopefully I won't be stubborn) that someone cares enough about me and does the same.

It's a cold day here. I think it's only about 30 degrees right now. If only it would snow. The mountains will get some, but it's not hitting land for us. Sucks! It would be a nice change. For now though it's overcast and really cold. The kids are sleeping and I was trying to accomplish getting my Bible Study completed. Charles, found a great resource online to help me with that. It's under my links of you want to check it out. It breaks down the Bible and explains it. I love it! That's about it here. There's plenty to be done around the house so I'll be ending here. Have a great day!

Thursday, February 16, 2006 

It's News None-the-less...

I haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. Well, it's awhile for me; I would like to write everyday. So the latest news on some things is as follows....

I had an eye appointment yesterday. I want to get some glasses. Go figure! I've been wearing contacts since the 10th grade and I'm very happy with them. Well, I figured glasses would be good for back up. Plus, when I get my surgery done in march, I can't wear my contacts. So, they're good to have. So, anyway- I went to this fancy place now that I have insurance.:) I found out that I have allergy bumps on my eye lid (on the inside.) See, I'll be here (in NM) for 7 years this March. Every year my allergies get worse in the spring as a result of all the dust. My eyes itch so bad I feel like tearing them out. Are ya with me? That's okay if your not, keep reading. So, my allergies caused the lil bumps. She prescribed me eyes drops that would take care of it. Come March though, I bet I'll be in the same predicament. Anyway, so that went well.

I got some news about one of my uncles. He's not doing well health wise. My cousin told me that they might have to amputate one of his legs if he keeps it up. Sad!!! Does that just happen when you get older? Do you stop caring about yourself and your health? Uncle Frank is like that, too. Nothing is easy, this I know. I'm sure it's a challenge everyday. It's sad to me though that you'd just give up. If my mom wasn't around for Frank; who knows. It's frustrating I guess. So, pray for healing.

More Aiy news: Aiy has decided not to sleep over anymore. I think it's been three or four weeks since the last time she has. Every Wednesday she calls Charles and tells him she's not coming over. Her reason is because, "I'm scared, but I don't know why!" I'll tell you why. She's scared of leaving her "mom." She wants to much to be approved by her, she'd do anything to please her. Now every little girl wants to please their mom, wants mom to be happy. BUT at the expense of her own happiness? That isn't right! She needs her daddy, too. And lets not forget about us. We're not chopped liver! Sad! So, she told him again this morning that she would not be coming over again today. So, that leaves Sunday to spend "quality" time with her. BUT this Sunday she is also NOT coming over. Her mom is dragging her to Jemez for a Baptism. Isn't that something? Aiy, won't disagree, she'll go with her. That frustrates me. What are you going to do, though? Her "mom" gets everything she wants. What's going to happen when we go on vacation and she doesn't have her mom? I'm not going to be up all night because she doesn't feel like she can make it through the night with out her mom. She makes her feel like that. I mean she's 8 years old and she's got more worries than 8 people put together. That's sad. I just don't understand it. I'm sure she'd love for Aiy to stay away from us. I believe that's her plan. Isn't that sad though? Aren't you supposed to want the best for your child? I think that's evil. *shakes head* I have to get this out, because it's bothering me. Ugh! I just don't know about some people. Aiy, will find all this out for herself when she gets older. Right now she doesn't understand it. The day will come when she finds out what her mom has been up to for all this time. Poor Yana!

Any good news today? Well, lemme see...No, I don't think so. Wait there's got to be something....OH, I KNOW...My Baby is coming home on his 'late night' so we can spend some time together. He'll be with us for four hours today all because we never get to see him on Thursdays. It's basketball night. So, I am happy about that. By the time we're done shopping the kids will take a nice nap. Then, I'll have some time for Bible Study. That's about all the news I have today. Keep us in your prayers. We need all the prayers we can get! Amen?!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 

Happy love Day!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May your day be blessed with love, laughter, and special moments all through out the year.<3>

Monday, February 13, 2006 

I'm often saying, "Lord, I'm in a mood..."

Cleaned house. Completed Bible Study homework. Tired!

Today has been a long day already. Maybe it was because I woke up when Baby called this morning. I dunno, but I've been up ever since trying to accomplish all things that need to be accomplished. Make sense? Well, anyway; my point is, I'm trying here. The weekend left little time to do things, as it always does. I got a lot done today. I'm really grouchy though. It's chilly and windy outside. Didn't they say it was going to be like 60 out there? Someone lied! I should have taken a nap perhaps. Lilly is laying on my side of the bed though. Some much for clean sheets, now they'll have cat fur all over them; naughty Lilly. Brevy, finally went to sleep a little while ago. He gets up because he's got a 'free bathroom pass.' Nice try, but I'm all over it. Naughty kids! Did I mention that I was grouchy? Yep, I am! Isn't it time for a vacation yet? Shouldn't I be laying on the beach somewhere soaking up the sun? Shouldn't I be relaxing somewhere? All answers lead to, "yes!"

Sunday, February 12, 2006 

February 12th, '06


Friday, February 10, 2006 

Purple Girls

picture-removed Brevy's getting better in photography. He wanted to take pictures of Bones and I. He's getting better! :) He had fun laughing and clicking away even when we weren't ready.



Brevy's photography! lol! He's learning how to take pictures, I'd say. We're the purple girls today. :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006 


I'm so busy, I'm bored. Does that make sense? Nah, I didn't think so. But it's true. I have a million things in this house to do. Every time I start on something the kids interrupt me. Then, I look around the housing trying to figure out everything that needs to be done and It's played out. I'm tired of cleaning, but thankful I don't have to go to work. Too bad I can't just be on vacation for the rest of the days. That would be nice. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go finish cleaning. :-(


Living Beyond Yourself, a Beth Moore Poem

I've arrived at a conclusion,

maybe one of life's rare finds

that there's not a lot worth salvaging

within this heart of mine

It's ever ready to destruct

and lie above all things...

It tends to laugh when it should cry

and mourn when it should sing.

I've wasted countless hours begging,

"Fix this heart, Lord please!"

while it stomps it's feet, demands it's way

and floods with sin's disease.

At last, you're able to get through

and lay it on the line:

"You must give up that heart of yours

and trade it on for mine."

So I cry out with the psalmist,

create within me, Lord

A new heart crystal clear

that only Calvary could afford.

A heart which pounds the rhythm

of heaven's metronome

and issues forth a boundless love

and beats for You alone.

I want to love at which You love,

despising what you hate

and see myself as least of these

oh Lord, retaliate

The efforts of the evil one

who seeks to make my plea

that of his own, "I'll make no move

til I've considered me."

Peel away my fingers,

finally make me understand

the power to love and please You

can't be found within a man.

So, my Lord, I bring this offering;

a stubborn heart of stone

And ask You, in its absence,

please exchange it for Your own.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 

What I learned today...

Today was Bible study and it was my day to bring snack for the class. Last night we all went to Sam's Club and picked up some stawberries. They were the biggest strawberries I've seen in awhile. I picked up some butter marble and cinnamon bread and some mini cinnamon rolls with orange juice, of course. The kids helped me bring it in and the other lady's set up while I took them to day care. Today's lesson was about love and it was good, powerful, and filling. I always walk away learning something I didn't know. This time it was that God is greater than our hearts. I mean it sounds right, but I never looked at it that way I guess. Wow! We talked a lot about the Greek word for love is agape; the foundational quality of the fruit of the spirit. Agape is kind, patient, trusts, and always protects. Agape does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not self seeking, and is not easily angered. Agape keeps no records of wrongs. Agape never fails! Then, I found out that only God is capable of agape. No matter how hard we try we cannot exercise this kind of love. We cannot love the unlovely. We cannot love those who don't love us. We cannot love those who hurt us. Agape is divine love! Amen? Amen! "Love never faileth!" 1 Corinthians 13:8 Just wanted to share that with ya. I learned a lot today and this week. The next chapter that I'll be working on all week is about Joy. It's exciting! I like sharing! I tell myself this all the time..."When you know better, you do better!" I love that phrase, because it is so true. I got that from my cousin. That's it for now...

Sunday, February 05, 2006 

Super Bowl Sunday

Go Steelers!!!!!!!! What a busy day we've all had. We got up early and it was so hard for me to get up this morning. Last night at work I had such a migraine. I took my meds and it still didn't take it away. I left work an hour early (with my job I can leave whenever!-yay) and Charles picked me up. I had to take more meds two hours later, because it didn't work. Awful! So, I was so drowsy this morning I couldn't get up. We went to church and by then I was perky. Church was great as it always is. Charles, is getting baptized next Sunday. I'm so HAPPY for him. Aiy, went to day care for the first time and loved it. She also wants to be baptized there. Wow! God, is good! Kids did great as they always do at church. Then, it was off to take Aiy to Sunday school (her second dose of church). We washed the car while she was there and got breakfast. Then, it was off to Hastings! We picked up the Gospel on DVD. After that we went home. I called mom on the way to wish her a Happy Super Bowl. LOL. She made a lot of food and was getting ready to pig out. Charles, also made a ton of food. We had big fat pork chops, hot wings, bar b q wings, and French fries. I made the healthy stuff; fruit salad and a green salad. We ate well to say the least. Aiy and I, also had chocolate covered strawberries and of course chips and dip. We tried to get some healthy food in there. Most of it wasn't. Oh well, we never get a chance to pig out like that. It was fun! Bones tried cucumbers for the first time and loved them. She ate her whole salad. She also ate jalapeno dip and loved it. Her and Aiy, sat there filling there face. Gosh! G'pa, came over and watched the game with us for almost four hours. I was busy dealing with the kids and didn't get to see much. I saw some good touch downs though, I guess that counts for something. It was a long day. A busy day. I'm glad Charles and dad spent some quality time together. I haven't talked to my dad since before my bday. He didn't even call to say Happy bday. It took my mom past 3pm and then I ended up calling her. That's just how they are, I guess. Anyway, this week has gone by so quickly...I can't believe tomorrow is Monday. Where did Friday go? I still have to complete my Bible Study homework and my snack day is on Tuesday. Oh great! I have to go to Sam's Club and pick up some breakfast goodies for the ole gals. So much to do, so little time. Well, I should end here. It's getting late. G'nite. Happy Super Bowl Sunday, for those of you who are football fans. :)

Saturday, February 04, 2006 


I got my new URL in order and it's much better than the last. So, yesterday was the associate sale. This sale wasn't as great as the Christmas one. They had so much stuff for the Christmas sale. I got a couple of things, not much. Oh well though. I managed to get some gifts for mom. She'll be happy to receive another purse. Poor thing has had the same purse since the 80's. Every time I got to NY, I give her one of mine. This time, she's got her own. :) She'll be happy! Work was really slow again last night. I only spent an hour there. Lots of people went home and I was one of them. We made some pop corn and started to watch, "Wedding Crashers." I DO NOT like that movie. Charles, has been picking the worst movies these days. Sorry babe, but ya have!!! I think I'll pick the next movie. :)

I have to work tonight until midnight and I'm not leaving early tonight. I'm just going to have to stick it out. :-P~! I hate getting off at midnight though. Oh well!

Brevy, got his hair cut yesterday. Amen! He had way too much hair. Then, yesterday when I went to put him down for a nap he was worried about messing up his hair. Oh good Lord; help me! This is what I have to deal with. LOL. He's a silly kid!There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.

There's a bunch of house work to be done so I better get started. :-P Ugh!

Thursday, February 02, 2006 


I'm changing my URL name soon. I have a few ideas (that my hubby gave me) for a new one. Let me know what you think is better... #1 Watermelon Cubes, #2 Walermelon seeds, #3 Watermelon Life, #4 Watermelon Days, #5 Mama Melon, #6 Melon Lover- LOL! I am so bad at coming up with new names....LOL! Any ideas? Let me know!!! :):):):):):):)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

Birthday Bow

Cuties, getting ready for bedtime. It was a really great day, but Charles and I, were really tired. Thanks again Baby for all your hard work. :-)


Want some cake?

My birthday was great! I ate all day...Lunch and dinner. Then, we came home to eat cake and ice cream. Can you say, Piggin' out? Yep! That's what we did, all day. It was fun though!


Happy Birthday to ME! :)


I went to Bible study this morning. Charles, took the day off and dropped us all off at church. The kids went to day care and I went to class. I knew my teacher might try to call me out in class...Sure enough she did. Everyone said Happy Birthday to me and she even put it up on the board. LOL. After class Charles took us out for lunch at LoneStar. YUMMY! He also let them know it was my birthday. They came to sing to me and brought us a HUGE piece of cake with ice cream and four forks...The plate was bigger than Brevy. LOL. We ate well. Did I mention Brevy had two hot dogs before that? Yep! Then, cake! Wow...LOL. Then, it was time for the kiddies to take a nap.

Thanks for everyone who called me, despite my rude message that I left; "Today is my birthday. I'm too busy to answer the phone. Please leave a message after the BEEP!" Usually, I have the politest message on my machine...Not today. Thanks Jenice for serenading me on the machine. That was very sweet! Thanks Baby, Brevy, and Bones for the beautiful cross you got for me, it's truly what I wanted. Thanks baby for all the hard work you did with the decorations; lovin' the purple theme. Thanks babe also for getting Mom in law to watch the kids later for dinner. Thanks for everything. You are truly amazing! Thanks Jen for the birthday card; very nice of you. Thanks mom and dad for the gifts. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It's because of all of you that I am having a wonderful day. I love ya!

Part II

So, the kids were sleeping when Mom in law came. Marisa, also came with her. She handed me a present. They're beautiful hand crafted earrings. Wow! We started looking at my mom's hand painted note pads. They're really pretty! After that Charles and I, left for dinner. We went to P.F Changs, where else? I ordered the same thing I always order, sweet and sour chicken and Charles got something different this time. He also told them it was my birthday so they brought us ice cream with a banana roll with caramel dripped lightly over it. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! We're ordering the whole thing next time. We topped it off with some citrus ginger tea, which was also really good. I must have gained 10 pounds already...Which isn't really a bad thing. I just felt really full all day. LOL.
After dinner we went shopping to my favorite store in the mall. I brought a really nice dressy outfit along with a really cute pair of pants. Then, we headed to Bath and Body works and got some more good smelly lotion. Then, it was time to go home. We got home and cut cake and had more ice cream. See what I mean when I said I ate all day....?? LOL. I'm such a pig, but it was so good. Mom and Marisa left to head home. Marisa, was telling us how she took her physical for the Navy. She'll be going after she graduates. :) She's excited! I'm excited and nervous for her all at the same time. It was a really good night. I had so much fun with my hubby. It was good that we got some alone time. Amen? Amen! Thanks again for everyone's emails and nice thoughts. Love ya guys!

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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