What I learned today...
Today was Bible study and it was my day to bring snack for the class. Last night we all went to Sam's Club and picked up some stawberries. They were the biggest strawberries I've seen in awhile. I picked up some butter marble and cinnamon bread and some mini cinnamon rolls with orange juice, of course. The kids helped me bring it in and the other lady's set up while I took them to day care. Today's lesson was about love and it was good, powerful, and filling. I always walk away learning something I didn't know. This time it was that God is greater than our hearts. I mean it sounds right, but I never looked at it that way I guess. Wow! We talked a lot about the Greek word for love is agape; the foundational quality of the fruit of the spirit. Agape is kind, patient, trusts, and always protects. Agape does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not self seeking, and is not easily angered. Agape keeps no records of wrongs. Agape never fails! Then, I found out that only God is capable of agape. No matter how hard we try we cannot exercise this kind of love. We cannot love the unlovely. We cannot love those who don't love us. We cannot love those who hurt us. Agape is divine love! Amen? Amen! "Love never faileth!" 1 Corinthians 13:8 Just wanted to share that with ya. I learned a lot today and this week. The next chapter that I'll be working on all week is about Joy. It's exciting! I like sharing! I tell myself this all the time..."When you know better, you do better!" I love that phrase, because it is so true. I got that from my cousin. That's it for now...
It's such a wonderful class. I love Beth Moore and Carol for teaching it. I'm getting a lot out of it. When this one is over, I'll be taking the next one. :) Amen!
Thanks babe. Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 03:42:00 PM
Yes, I am. That's really neat. We learn new Greek words every lesson and it's really neat. Religious Studies, that must be a really interesting class.
Me too! Cinnamon rolls are so yummy!!! :) I'll send ya one! heheh...
Posted by
Hillary |
2/08/2006 09:30:00 PM
When you're learning different meanings and words and go back and read, it really makes a difference. Just knowing a new meaning really changings things.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/10/2006 11:08:00 AM
changes things, that is.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/10/2006 11:09:00 AM