Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Thursday, March 30, 2006 

Another Migraine, No more Relpax...

My Relpax is gone! Done! As in, no more! What shall I do? Praying to the Lord seems like the one and only thing that works for my migraines. Can you believe that it will cost $200.00 to get more without insurance? OH MY WORD!


Get together

Some of the mom's and I, are getting together and will be taking the kids to the park tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful outside and I hope it keeps it's promise. The kids are so excited to get together with some of the other kids to play. They miss them, because we haven't been last week. It's Spring break and family week at church. Everyone is supposed to stay home and spend time with one another. I'm excited about getting together with these ladies, because I don't know anyone here in NM. I have no friends really. I have a few that I talk to at work, but that's work. Bible Study has been great. I have the chance to talk with other mother's who are also learning about our Lord. I missed having class! Our next Bible Study class will be our last for this session. I remember the first day, I was so nervous, I didn't know what to wear. I felt weird, because I didn't know anyone. Here I am loving it and I don't want it to end. The good news is we're having another one this summer. I can't wait! I just hope I'm not away on vacation when it starts. Won't that just be my luck though!? I'll pray that it will be just in time. We should know more details this coming Tuesday, about dates and all that good stuff. We're making our last day a great one. We get to bring any kind of food we'd like to share with the class. It's going to be a pot luck and we're inviting the staff members of the church. It will be nice to end it that way. :) Here's to good eating!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

Happy Birthday, MOM!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 

Home Sick

I miss home! Where's home? NY! How long have I been gone? Seven years this March! Ugh! I texted my mom and my dad since now that actually have cell phones, Imagine that! Usually mom and I, talk a lot through the week. My dad and I, aren't that lucky. I miss him! His crazy stories, his funny faces, his exaggeration, his obnoxiousness. I just miss him. Come Spring I always feel this way. I hate it! I'm too far from home to just get in a car and drive a couple of hours to see them. It makes me feel like I'm missing so much;Like I'm their parent. Dad and I, just spoke awhile ago. He told me he read the worst place to live is NM. I said, Well yeah that's probably true. At least he called back and we got to talk. Mom's birthday is tomorrow and he wants to take her out. Except she won't leave the house. He was asking what he should get her. I miss everything! Birthdays, holidays, special occasions, everything! I love our house and our church, but that's about it though. Is that enough to keep me here? I don't know! Haven't I stayed long enough? When I go to NY to visit them though I can't stand to stay in the house. It's weird, it's like I'm glad I'm there, but I'm antsy. What does that mean? My parents bicker and fight a lot and it drives me crazy. My kids don't know what it's like to have parents that fight, because Charles and I, just don't. Of course we get on each other's nerves, but that's besides the point. :) I didn't think I'd feel this "cabin fever" this year. I don't know why I thought this year is any different than any other year. I'm established here, but I just miss home. Summer, isn't that far away to go visit; but then again it is when you have an itch to get out of this place. Land of enchantment? I think not, Land of entrapment! I miss NY! I miss the people, the food, the smell of water in the air, everything. I just want to go home! :P


Today, is going to be a boring day! It's a day of cleaning! I work tonight, too! Ugh....

Sunday, March 26, 2006 

Jesus Heals

Just when you think he's too busy and has too many things to accomplish to answer your prayer(s). It's not true! He's never too busy to hear what you have to say. I had an everlasting migraine today. I should have taken my medicine right when I got it this morning before church, but I didn't. It went away after I ate and then it came back while we were at the park. We came home and tried to sleep it off, but I couldn't nap while Aiy, was around. So, it got worse and I was starting to feel physically sick. I ate again and took my medicine. Charles, told me to lay down for an hour and see if it helps. It seemed to get worse. I asked for some tea and while laying there with a rag over my head in my dark room, I sat up and prayed aloud. I asked Jesus to heal me of my pain; to take my migraine away. I heard his voice (not aloud, but through the Holy Spirit) and I drank my tea. At that moment I looked around and it was gone; not a trace. I thanked him aloud and proceeded to go downstairs for dinner. Charles, was on his way up with a plate of food. I looked at him and said, "I gave it to Jesus and He healed me!" and sat with everyone and ate dinner. I know in my heart He healed me. The last couple of times that I had a migraine the medicine didn't take it away, because I waited too long and/or I'm getting too used to it. I know He healed my aching head. He listens! He's always there when you need Him. He heals!

Friday, March 24, 2006 

Our Date

Charles and I, are going on a date this evening. I can't wait! We're going to P.F Changs, of course and somewhere else afterwards. He hasn't said, so I think it's a surprise. Either that or he hasn't thought of it yet. Haha! I think it's the first one. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it. It's been awhile since we last went out together. What makes it even better is we get to go out with out the kids for a change. They'll be spending some time with Grandma. Amen to that! Well, that's all for now. More later about our date!

We had so much fun! I was able to eat everything, too. It was nice getting out with out the kids; it always is. We were going to see a movie and get home late, but we didn't think that was fair to poor Grandma who just came from work. We rented a movie and went to the book store to look around. I saw about three books that I really wanted, but I'm going to wait on them. We're always at the book store. :) It was a fun night filled with conversation and lots of laughing. :) We came home and the kids didn't even tear up the house. I kind of gave them a warning before I left. hehe. BUT it worked! LOL... We set up my office area a little nicer. I had stuff everywhere the other day and now it's nice and neat. :)

We're going to go pick up our new cell phones today when Charles, gets home. Then, I have to go to work; all day! Imagine that! LOL. It will be my real first day back, because I won't be going home early this time. So, to midnight it is. Ugh! I hope I can hold up. I'm doing really well these days. Some feeling is even coming back!

I'm just glad we were able to get out last night and have some fun. It was much needed time!

Thursday, March 23, 2006 

A Waiting Game

I have DSL sitting here in my loft, but I can't install it until after 5pm. WHAT KIND OF CRUD IS THAT? Is that a tease or what? I've had dial up now for like EVER...Since what....9th grade....? I've been out of school now for how long...? EXACTLY MY POINT!!!! I FINALLY have DSL, but I can't install it until 5:00pm? UGH! Just my luck! The kids are up then too. Right now the house is quite, everyone is sleeping peacefully. I could do it now. Why not now? Grrrrrrrr. It says, "activation date: March 23, 2005 after 5pm. You cannot connect your high speed internet prior to this date." WONDERFUL! Ironically, mom got her package today, too. Her birthday is coming up, March 29th. I wanted to get her present out early so I wouldn't forget. Amen! She didn't know she was waiting for them. I called her right when the mailman was delivering the mail, too. (Talk about good timing!) She said, "Oh it's just the mailman." I said, "Well he better have your package in hand, too!" She burst out laughing and said he was coming to the door with it. Am I good? Or am I good? I can toot my own horn, just this once. So, anyway she was surprised and happy. Me, on the other hand am waiting anxiously to install my DSL. Come 4:59pm, I'll be waiting to go ahead and complete it. :) I think I've waiting long enough. Right? Right! :)

6:45pm- I DID IT! I HAVE DSL!!!!! :):):):):):):)


Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! ~1 Chronicles 16:32

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

A Sweet Princess to the Rescue

I was putting clean sheets on my bed this morning. As I heard a little voice say, "Mommy can I help you?" So, I gladly agreed. She helped put my bed back together along with Lillian in the middle of it all; Just how she likes it. I was so surprised! So, we moved to her room and I asked her, "Would you like to help me take off your sheets and put new ones on?" She gladly agreed. I must say what a wonderful and refreshing help she was. She giggled as we struggled to get the corners of her bed. She thought we should also do Brevy's room. So, we moved on to his room and did them same. She helped the entire time. She even helped take the dirty clothes down stairs with out me even asking. Wow!? What do I owe all this wonderful help from a sweet lil Princess? Hmm...All while Brevy relaxed. He did do his part and take down his dirty clothes and helped with the clean laundry. Wow! I was really surprised. I dug in my purse and honored her with a little surprise. I looked at her and said, "This won't always happen, but I did appreciate your help this morning.Thank You!" As I handed her a reward. She looked up and me and said, "What is it?" and I said, "MONEY!" LOL. Cutie! So innocent! :)


A Dusting

This morning I woke up to a small amount of snow. What a pleasant surprise! I knew it was going to snow. The mountains looked ominous last night and you could almost feel it. We'll take anything we can get, even just a dusting. I opened one eye this morning and saw the snow and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm worse than a kid! This time I didn't run and get my sweats on and jump in it though. Maybe I will a little later. :)

Yesterday, I had my stitches out. I guess I didn't relies I only had them in the bottom. LOL. I guess I was out of it all week. It's been a rough week. I went to work and went home right away on Monday. Everyone was happy to see me, but I had trouble when it came to the offers. I couldn't talk fast enough or even clear enough, in my opinion. My supervisor was like, "why are you here?" Sent me home...LOL. I left early last night as well. I just can't seem to do it. My left side is fine and back to normal. My right side LOOKS fine, but isn't. It feels like there's a little tight ball in the corner of my jaw that isn't allowing me to open my mouth or even chew correctly for that matter. It's all because of that nerve (that has a name as long as my arm) that runs through the bottom of the jaw. When, they injected to num me, the muscle is now num, too. They told me it was perfectly normal to be able to not feel a part of my chin/lip. Oh wonderful, that makes me feel a lot better. Then, came more good news...It could take up to three months to regain it. Isn't that something?! Ugh! So, for now I have to put up with it. I have to keep up with the hot packs, that will "loosen the muscle"--Right! Only me! Oh well, the teeth are out and hopefully in the future I'll look back and say, "I did the right thing getting those annoying wisdom teeth out!" I can hope, anyway!

As far as today, I have a million and one phone calls to make. I need to check on so many different things, it's not even funny. I feel like I'm so way behind in everything. Yet, I should pace myself or I'll go crazy.

Oh, I almost forgot...Bible Study was fulfilling yesterday morning. Oh how I'm missed last week so much. I could have used it! My teacher let me take home the DVD. So, now I can plug in Beth Moore anytime my heart desires and receive the message. Amen! We don't have class next week due to "Spring Break" and get to keep it an extra week. :) Well, that's about it for now. I should get started on some things and attempt to accomplish something at least. Have a Blessed day!

Monday, March 20, 2006 

90% Recovered

My mouth is still swollen! I still can't open it all the way. Still can't feel half of my chin/lip, but I'm getting there. There's work tonight; a night filled with talking....? Ugh. I don't know how well I'll do, but I'm definitely going to leave early. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I'll get the chance.

Sunday, March 19, 2006 

IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!


On the Road to Recovery...

I'm eating real food these days. I've had a breakfast burrito after church today. I had chicken, rice w/ celery soup, and veggies so it would be soft for dinner. I tried mixing it all up and eating it that way. Eh, it kinda worked. I wasn't able to eat all of the chicken. My mouth is soar and I think I messed with one of the stitches, because I tasted a little bit of blood. Yuck! Tuesday, I get my stitches out and I'm not looking forward to that day. I still can't open my mouth that much. The swelling has gone down a lot, but I saw some bruising this morning. I was attempting to put on some eye makeup so I wouldn't scare the church folk and I saw the side of my cheek was greeny-yellow. We attempted to take a nap while Brevy and Bones laid down today. Aiyana, made so much noise during that time that it was impossible. I was so tired, too. My meds put me to sleep and I only take a half of one. So much for my rest and healing. (I'm being dramatic, of course!) We played a round of endless 'Uno.' The game kept going and going. We turned the pile over three times and still no winner; I gave up! We had some "girl time" while Charles, cooked. The girls and I, painted our nails. Well, I did their toes and nails. Miss. Bones, really loves having hers done. Aiyana, said it had been forever since someone did hers. It was fun! Bones, also got new earrings yesterday. She hasn't had earrings since she lost the back to her butterfly months and months ago. Now she's wearing crosses, she thinks she's all cute. She told me that her friends liked them! hehe... Well, that's all for tonight. My mouth is forever hurting, what an endless story I see this being. After Tuesday they'll be something else, watch and see. Ugh! The rest of the night I'll be perfecting my mom's birthday package that I'm sending her. Other than that, it's a relaxing night. I have to go to work tomorrow. That's going to be a challenge. AH! :-O

Saturday, March 18, 2006 

Real Food...

It took me an hour to eat pizza last night, but I ate it. It was my first real food since Tuesday. Wow! I'm getting tired of yogurt, apple sauce, jell-o, and pasta. I could never get tired of eating ice cream. My mouth is always frozen after I eat that and that's a good thing. Hopefully, I get better every day. It's hard when your mouth is so swollen it doesn't open much. For the first time ever I can say I don't have a big mouth. Big cheeks, but not a big mouth. Kids are driving my crazy, because Dad's at work. Is it 1:00pm yet? I'll be glad when he gets home. Ugh...

Friday, March 17, 2006 

St. Patty's Day...

Pain and more pain.

The swelling peaks on the third day, Okay well that was yesterday. Oh yeah she says, "the swelling peaks on the fourth day, too!" Wonderful! No more cold packs...Now I switch to heat. I still can't feel half of my lip/chin. I could poke it all day and don't feel a thing. I called work to "call off" for Saturday. I called my surgeon to have them extend my 'excuse notice.' I'll get paid for every day, but tomorrow. Ugh. I'm set until Monday. I don't work on Sunday so that's another day to recuperate. I'm tired of Charles making fun of me. I keep telling him I want to eat cookies. He keeps telling me that I'm hiding them in my cheeks. It's NOT funny anymore! At least mine will go away in a couple of days....Yours, are for life! HA! Naughty! He's leaving again today to finish up some work. Even though he told me he'd take an extra day off. Now he's got a presentation to do and must prepare. Wonderful! So, I get stuck with the loud noisy kids. They'll be sleeping most of the time, but they must wake up at some point. Ugh! Right now I'm in pain and have to go take some medication. It feels like a never ending story. *sigh* Is there a vacation coming up in my future yet?

Thursday, March 16, 2006 

After the Surgery...

Since when am I up at 6:30am? This is crazy! I'm not a morning person! Charles, got up to make some coffee and take Aiy to school. Of course that meant waking me up. It probably wasn't his fault, he didn't give me these FAT cheeks. I hate these puffy, swollen, fat cheeks that I have. I can't sleep for a thing. I have to lay on my back, because if I lay on my side, it hurts. The cat was on my feet all last night. I barley had any room to move. Why didn't I kick her off? I tired! She owns the bed; problem number one, I know! If it wasn't for that codeine I'm taking, I'd be up all night. PAIN? UGH! THE PAIN! I'm so tired of taking this white pill and then four hours later taking another white pill. UGH!I have a hard enough time swallowing pills as it is! Ice 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. It seems the more ice I put on, the bigger my cheeks get. I can't bend down, because all the blood rushes to my head and it feels like a train just ran over it. When you have little kids, they don't get this. I don't even get it! Half of my chin is still numb; Okay this freaked me out! My right side of my lip and chin I can actually feel. Good news, right? Well, what's going on with my left side of lip and chin? My whole left side of my face is way more puffy then my right. Hopefully, when it goes down I'll be able to feel my lip/chin again. See what I mean? These surgery stuff is so not for me. I'm not used to people waiting on me hand and foot. I'm used to doing all the running around, multitasking, cleaning, and watching the kids all at the same time. The kids are awful these days. Little Miss. Bones told daddy, "NO!" all day yesterday. I felt like kicking her little butt into next week and I wasn't even IN the conversation. BUT I let Daddy deal with it. Oh yeah, I did put her in time out, because I couldn't take her attitude anymore. She's 3 foot nothing....You mean to tell me she's going to tell her dad no??? Where does she get off? Kids these days! They think they own everything and can do whatever they feel like it. OH I DON'T THINK SO! Mama, is only down for a couple of days kids...I expected it from Brevy, but not Bones. They are just trying to see how much they can pull over on poor dad. I think he was starting to crack last night. He was getting 'short' with all of us. I asked him, "Are you cracking? Because you know I'd love to take over if it wasn't for these teeth that I'm missing and everything that goes along with that!" He claimed he had it under control. Poor baby! He's doing EVERYTHING for ALL OF US! That's my job! Well, usually we share that job and I can't do much right now. I sat at the table last night with the kids while they did an art project. Brevy, brought out the glitter glue and finally started to make me a 'get well' card. Mind you, I asked for one while I was "under the knife," but they couldn't be bothered when Marisa was watching them. Nice kids! :P So, they finally made me one and they're going to finish it today. That kept them busy for about 45 minutes and out of Dad's hair. I managed to fill out my March madness brackets online with Baby's help. He's a March Madness fanatic. I hate watching it myself. I love basketball, but don't know one college basketball team from the other. Pro- is a different story. It was fun picking the 'better' name or the 'area' closest to NY. That's how I pick them. lol. However I picked Duke to win it all. We'll see how right I am and if I win any money, I'm going on vacation. :) Yeah right! I can dream though. I've already taking my first round of pills this morning and iced my face. Since I can't go back to sleep, I'm here complaining. I need to get it out somehow. Bones is still sleeping and of course Brevy is up at the crack of dawn. Did I mention how Charles, is leaving me today for part of the day? Yeah, he's got a mandatory meeting to go to. Luckily, he's leaving when it's the kids nap time and hopefully I won't have to do too much. I don't know how long I can take this dependency stuff. It's like I want to do stuff by myself, but at the same time; I can't! I hate to ask him to stay home one more day, but at this rate I'll need him for Friday. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh! I'm supposed to return to work on Saturday. You should see me, as a matter of fact, no you shouldn't. I'm a mess! I look like Big mama. Any one out there know what I'm talking about? Not a pretty site! That's it for now. I think that's more than enough detail!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 

Before and After pictures

I had my surgery yesterday. Everything went well. This morning I woke up like this and feel as big as an elephant. I'm soar and taking my medicine. I'm icing my big huge cheeks. I said well now I'm really one of you guys (meaning Brevy, Bones, and Charles), because they all have big cheeks. One thing that was really nice was my surgeon called me personally last night from his cell phone. I was really impressed. He said he wanted to make sure everything was going well. Wow! That made me feel good. I also want to thank some people for praying for me. Thanks to my family of course, Hollie, Jen, Jenice, Jessica, and everyone at work. You guys are the best! Today, I can't really speak that well, I'm too swollen. Charles, is taking care of my every need. You are truly the best and I appreciate you. I should go take my penicillin. Just wanted to show you the big difference. :(

Monday, March 13, 2006 

My First Surgery

Tomorrow is my appointment to remove my four wisdom teeth that are still under the gum. YIKES! I'm scared, but have prayed and will continue to pray about it. Wish me a quick recovery! :-}

Sunday, March 12, 2006 

It Snowed!!!

Some trees that were covered with snow. Wow! It snowed in NM! I guess what they said came true. Imagine that for once, the weather man....actually right...? Wow!


Smokey tip-toeing along so he's feet don't get wet. hehe...


Foot Print



Can you believe it snowed here in NM? Wow! I can't! Baby woke me up this morning and said he had a "frize" for me. BUT he told me I had to stand up to see it. Not something that won me over considering it was like 7am. Ugh! He finally said it snowed and I jumped up a little cranky...But wanting to see the snow. Lilly and I, checked it out after I put my contacts in. Much to my surprise there was a good amount on the ground. It actually stayed there. Wow! First thing I did was got my sweat shirt and sweat pants on and flew outside to go play in it. Where were my kids? Eating! They were taking too long and Daddy told them they had to eat first so I ran out by myself. Well, not totally by myself Smokey was there. He spent the night in our garage with a big blanket and a bowl of food. His parents left him out to fend for himself in the cold. It was way too cold for that so we just left him in there. He didn't want to go out anyway so it worked out pretty well. So, Baby let him out and he barely walked on the edges on the garage, because he didn't want to get wet. The wind was blowing; it was really cold out this morning. After running all over the place in the snow and bringing some in the house for Lilly, I went in and showered and got ready for church. The kids were able to play in it after they were all ready and bundled up in their winter gear. They were throwing snowballs at me and laughing their heads off. hehe. We picked up Aiy and headed to church. By then the sun had come out and was melting what Mother Nature had left behind. Brevy, was saddened at the thought of the snow not being there when we return home. I tried explaining how the sun works and why it wouldn't be there. He still didn't like the idea and was really quite the whole way. aws. We had an eventful morning. We picked up some movies after church, after Aiy's Sunday school. We ate breakfast (Charles and I, that is) and got Aiy a 'grown up' bible. She doesn't like her 'kiddy' bible. So, she got a new one today and she can't wait to read it. After getting home, we ate lunch and it was time for the little ones to rest. Charles, Aiy, and myself snuggled on the couch with popcorn, pillows, and blankets and watched Harry Potter, III (don't ask me what it's called, because I have no clue!) I like Harry Potter movies, but this one I flew asleep on. I never do that! NEVER! I always watch the entire thing, especially when there's popcorn involved. I must have really been tired. So, whatever! I got some rest while Charles and Aiy watched it. They woke me which felt like every five minutes...Ugh! We went to a Children's Church Concert tonight. It was good! It was like a play with lots of singing. I enjoyed watching it. It reminded me of when I was in chorus. Some of the kids have such nice voices. It's really something! I can't wait for brevy and Bones to get into something like that. I'll be their number one fan! Well, that's it for today. There's so much more to blog about, but it's going to have to wait. I need some more sleep! Surgery in two days. AHhhhhhhhh! I'm so scared! G'night and may God Bless!

Thursday, March 09, 2006 

Three Snowflakes

It snowed. I can't believe it! I squinted really hard and I saw about three snowflakes. That's pretty good for NM. :P At this rate the kids and I, are never going to get to go sledding. :( If it was NY, we'd be perfect snow bunnies by now. I miss it! I either want it to be really cold and snowy or if I can't have that, then nice weather. It's this in the middle stuff that's annoying. One day it's like 70 degrees and the next it's 30 and snowing. What's Mother Nature planning? Oh well, I guess. We can't have every thing we want.

The kids and I, had a good day today. I got to sleep in this morning. I don't feel icky anymore. Amen to that! Aiy, did great last night. Her and Bones slept together and she didn't wake up once. I have the best ideas! I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. It doesn't matter, all that matters is I thought of it and it worked like a charm. So, this morning I was well rested. I took my time getting ready and doing Bones' hair and we left for a couple of hours. We got some things done and then grabbed some lunch and took it home to eat. We had good conversation while eating. Brevy and I, were talking about the snow. hehe. He's got such an imagination these days. He had me laughing, as usual. There good kids! Lots of work, but good kids! :)

I started my Bible Study assignments. I can't believe I'll be missing it on Tuesday, because of my surgery. Ugh! They'll all be praying that I make it out okay. Amen! I'm shaking in my sketchers! I know everything will be just fine, but I've never had any kind of surgery and I'm just nervous. I'm going to a really good surgeon, I hope that means something. We'll find out, now won't we?

Well, I need to go make dinner for my little ones. They had a long day and took a late nap. Now they're looking at me with big hungry eyes.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 


I found this lilac colored template and I'm going to try it out for awhile and see if it suits the 'Spring look' that I was looking for. I didn't find that many that I liked. Be sure to leave your feed back, especially if you make templates or know of where they're some cool ones. I think I looked at everything though. Eh, nothing impressed me. I have no idea why my picture is so big. It's kind of scary. lol. Any ideas on how to make it smaller? Be sure to leave your comments. Thanks! My side bar is cute, though. :)


Joy or Chara

A lady in my Bible Study said to me yesterday that I don't look like a "Hillary." I said, "No?" When I was growing up I thought the same thing. So, she told me she was going to think of a nick name for me. She told me at the end of that day that she's going to call me the Greek word for joy; Chara. I think she came up with another Greek word as well. But she specifically said, "Greek word for Joy!" I thought that was cute and wanted to share my new nick name, Chara. :)~

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 

Flu? Or Just Tired?

I think Charles got me sick. I was fine until he came home yesterday. Sorry, babe- but it's true. :} The kids didn't feel well when he was gone either. He was also feeling much the same. My legs ache from my thighs down to my toes. :{ My throat is scratchy and it feels like there's a pound of dust in it. Could be allergies! Maybe I'm just tired! Ugh...I Hope it's not the flu. Wouldn't I have a fever? Ugh...I hate feeling yuckie! :(


He's back!

Yes, he's back!!! We were all anxiously waiting his arrival yesterday afternoon. We were counting down his landing time which was 12:30pm. So, at Noon I was telling the kids,"Daddy lands in 30 minutes!" Then, it was "20 minutes" and so on...We were so excited! When his plane landed, he indeed called and told us how long it would be before getting home. There's bags to pick up and the car, of course. So, we rushed outside and made me a chalk banner on the drive way that read, "WELCOME HOME, DADDY!" Decorated with hearts, flowers, and scribbles from the kids. While we were waiting we made hop scotch and spent an hour hopping up and down it while we awaited his arrival. It was so beautiful outside. Nice and warm-70 degrees! The sun was shining, birds singing, and a nice breeze. I told Brevy, "don't get dirty!" What did he do? He got dirty! I said, "Don't spill your water!" What did he do? He spilled his water all over him. I said, "Don't fall!" Because he was tipping himself in a plastic blue chair. What did he do? He fell! I HAVE GOT to STOP saying, "DON'T!" I was so used to choosing my words carefully before I had children and was a preschool teacher. It was much easier then, because I practiced it all day. Now, it's like that's all I ever say. I was taught from George that when you say "don't do..." The child is actually thinking about what you just said...And they heard...."Do!" And then they react, because that's exactly what they are thinking about. Ugh! I know this! I just need to start choosing my words more carefully. I should say, "feet on the floor!" instead of "don't jump off of that..." I have some work to be do. So, anyway...Everything I told him not to do, he did and was a mess when Daddy arrived. That's okay though! :) Miss. Bones, had on a pretty spring dress that she picked it out herself and was happily twirling it in to show daddy. She also ran over to hop scotch and showed him a thing or two. It was funny! I, of course ATTACKED him. :) I've been waiting long enough. Patience doesn't come that easily. LOL. It was nice! We took the kids to the park after exchanging gifts. Boy, did the kids get a lot of stuff. (Pictures to come!) I, got a really nice mug. It's a blue/purple color with a Mickey Mouse on it, he looks 3-D, it's really cool. Now Charles can keep my other Mickey cup that he's always stealing for tea. You're welcome, Babe! All, is well and I'm so happy he's back home! Safe and sound!


Happy Birthday, Jessie!!! :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006 


YAY!!! Baby is coming home tomorrow. AMEN! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! I've been missing him so much. Last night I worked until 11:30pm. Usually, I call Charles when I'm walking to the car...This time there was no one to call. :( I missed that! I just talked to Jesus and that made me feel better. I got to talk to Charles when I got home. Iended up going to bed really late. Mom-in-law woke me up at 6:45am and then followed Brevy. Why there are morning people, I could not tell ya. ugh. The alarm didn't even go off and here I am up and walking around trying to find the heater, so I could turn it on. lol. Then, of course with all the talking that mom and Aiy were doing, there was no getting back to sleep. So, I got up talked to baby again and got ready for church. The house was a mess. The kids had out 7 DVD's thrown everywhere. Their dirty clothes from last night were all over the place. They had toys in the living room. Ugh. I made them clean up every little bit of it, too. Naughty kids! I didn't find any pen marks on the walls as of yet, but last time I sure did. The house is all nice and tidy now. :) Anyway, so we went to church. Virg, in her car with Aiy and me and the kids in the van. They followed me all the way. We got there early and dropped the kids off at day care. It was strange not having Charles with me in church. It's strange not having him around at all, really. I sure did miss him! Pastor and friends are back from Cuba and had a safe trip. We talked about marriage and some things going on at the church for married couples. Nice! :) After church we went to the mall. We had "hot dog on a stick." I love that place, because they have the BEST lemonade. We all got corn dogs and cherry lemonade. Then, it was off to the movies. We went to see "Curious George." It was cute, but I wasn't in the mood for a movie. :) hehe...I laughed my head off anyway. It was silly and funny! I used to love reading those books when I was little. I'm exhausted now that I'm home! I had little sleep and was hoping to take a nap, but it's so beautiful outside. I feel like I'll "waste" a good day being in the bedroom sleeping. I dunno! I feel like I should be outside in the sunshine. Charles, is shopping for us right at this very minute. I said to him,"Get me anything MICKEY!" hehe. He bought Brevy a nice hat and himself one, too. I guess he's working on the girls. We're a little bit "harder." lol. I just can't wait! I know I'll sleep good tonight knowing he's just hours from getting home. I think the next time he decides to leave me with the kids, the kids are going to have to be in school. They just drive me nuts at home! Ugh! We think of things to do, but those only last so long. Amen? Well, if you have kids you know what I'm talking about. I sure am beat from these last couple of days. Today, though is a good day though! :) I'm happy and in a great mood!!! Thanks for your emails every morning, babe. They helped! Love you, muches!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, March 04, 2006 


Patience. I must have patience. Day three isn't going so well. I'm tired of getting up early. The cat wakes me up every morning. She brings her feather up stairs and plays with it under my door. She does flips and runs into the door making so much noise. Ugh. Then she meows all morning, until you let her in. By then I can't go back to sleep. Kids are so full of energy during the day. We're playing outside and their fighting over toys. One thing after another it seems. I'm so happy to go to work today and just get away. Aiy is coming over late tonight. So, it's really just going to be the kids and gma for awhile. *sigh* The last time I had to do this the kids were younger and didn't know how to talk. Things were a lot easier then. I'll be glad when Charles comes home. He'll come in and I'll go out. lol. Hopefully, we can go out on Sunday and not be in the house all day. It's supposed to be pretty nice all week. Especially Monday, it's going to be 70 degrees again. I guess Baby will be bringing the sunshine with them. Amen to that! There's only so much these kids can do inside before you start pulling your hair out. I'm just tired! I need someone else to talk to, another adult. No email. No phone calls- (other than from Charles.)I can't wait for the kids to get into a school! AMEN TO THAT!!!! How many more months? 4!!!! I'm counting down the days, too! It will be good for both him and me. More tomorrow, if the kids let me.

Friday, March 03, 2006 

Day II, (w/o baby!)

It was hard trying to fall asleep with him not there last night. I called him before I went to bed. I had a migraine and just went to sleep before the news was over. Imagine that! Brevy's cough is getting worse! Bones is just really runny. He always gets it worse than her. Baby is feeling the same way, but it's hot and humid there and isn't bothering him as much.

It's chilly and dry as a bone here. We went to Target today. I really didn't want to go out, I'm fine with my hermit life style right now while baby's away. But I told myself that's no way to be so we got out for a few hours. The kids looked at the toys and books. We picked up some things that we needed and a surprise for Daddy. We also decided to grab a hotdog while we were there. No coke for me, I gave it up. So, we washed it down with a nice cold lemonade. The kids wanted to go to Sam's and get it there. I had trouble explaining how we weren't just going to Sam's for a $1.50 hotdog and drink no matter how good they were last time. Did I mention the kids were not listening the entire time we were in Target? Ugh! Another reason why I didn't want to go out. I'm just not in the mood. I'm kind of glad that I work tomorrow. Maybe it will help get my mid off of things. I'll be there all day and night. G'ma will be watching all three kids. The house is still nice and clean from inspection, but I guarantee when I get home it will be toe-up. (Yes, I said TOE up!) Not looking forward to that. Then, it will be church in the am. I'm going to have a schedule so she can follow what normally goes on for Saturday night and all their snacks and food laid out. Hopefully, this will make it easy. They have endless movies to choose from. They can call it a movie night and everything will go well. I can have hope, can't?!

Cousin Joe wrote. He said his mom checked up on Uncle Joe and things aren't looking so good with his leg. He said, he wouldn't be surprised if he got a call letting him know that they had to cut it off. OH NO! I bet mom and uncle Frank didn't even bother to go see him, either. I just don't understand that. *shakes head* What is there that I can do? That's what I need to think about. I know I can have an impact somehow. I need to give mom a call today. Hopefully, if they know how bad it really is then they'll go see him.

Only 11 more days until I have surgery. They still haven't called me about it yet. Ugh. Hopefully that Saturday I can return to work. Can you believe that Spring is right around the corner? I can't wait to wear light colored clothes and have the cutest cropped pants back again. I need some gauchos to my wardrobe. That would be a nice spring addition! Until then I'm sticking with my jeans and heavy dress pants. Baby is lucky to have hot and humid weather. He doesn't even relies it either. :-{

Thursday, March 02, 2006 

Baby's gone... :(

My Baby woke me up this morning about 3:30am to say goodbye to me. I was sleepy and wanted to walk him to the door and he told me no to say in bed. He left and I turned the ringer on for the phone in my room; So, we could talk when he got to the airport. He called and we spoke for awhile. I miss him already. I know I can do this! I do it almost every year. When Brevy was born soon after he had to leave for the same reason. It's just hard when you know he's always coming home. He's always going to be there at night time. I usually don't see him on Thursdays anyway. At least I know he'll be coming home to eat and sleep though. Ugh. Worry is the devils way of getting at you. I'm trying not to worry. I wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction. I said my prayers for Charles to have a safe arrival. He's chilling in ATL right now. I'm tired from waking up so much even though I wouldn't have it any other way. I need to know what's going on. Now that the kids are up, I'm grouchy. Just tired! Bones is tired too and she just looked at me, like don't even bother me. LOL. She's got big bags under her eyes, just like her mom. Poor thing. Today is going to be a long and tough day, but I'll get through as I always do. I also pray for patience. I need all the help I can get. Amen? I'll probably call mom, I haven't talked to her in a couple of days. Maybe that will help! I just want to vegg for the next two days. I don't have to work and that helps. Or does it? Maybe if I was busy I wouldn't think so much. Thank the Lord he's got his phone and will be calling me any chance he gets. So, I'll be blogging really quickly these days so I don't tie up the phone line. :) Thanks for the support.

UPDATE!His plane sat in ATL for an extra 30 minutes due to electrical problems. His plane is huge, 220 people on board. They finally made it safely though. He's in his hotel and is probably going to sleep for a long time. I know I did. He woke me up to let me know he got there okay. I checked on my son to see if he was sleeping or not. He's laying on his back with his leg crossed over the other, but sound asleep. Lately, he hasn't been sleeping. So, I'll take it. Even if he were sleeping up-side down, it wouldn't matter. hehe. All is well! I also talked to my mom. She ended up calling me after I blogged. Weird, almost like she knew. I'm just glad everyone is well. Well, see how things are tonight. :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

The latest Stuff!

My Pa is leaving tomorrow morning and not coming back until Monday afternoon. :( I already miss him! AND I have to work tonight...Which sucks, because I really won't get to see him. Ugh! He IS getting home early today so at least we have a little bit of time. We'll be running around, grocery shopping and such though. I'd rather do that stuff with him than me and the kids. It's easier when you have help! I'm also spoiled, because he drives me to work almost everyday and picks me up. I hate driving, especially at night. Lately, I've been driving to save money on gas (which is going up again.) and it sucks. I'm so spoiled, but I appreciate it!!!! Ugh! It's going to be hard to get used to driving myself. The minute I have a day off, too....I don't work Thursday or Friday; it would have been a great opportunity to spend some time together. That's not going to work out. Oh well!

I'm on my new team at work. It's not that great, but not that bad either. Last night I was so mad, I was talking to a guy that wanted to dress like a girl (we get those calls and it's not a big deal.) BUT he/she ordered all this stuff and when we got towards taking his credit card, he hung up on me. UGH! I knew it! I was thinking the entire time that I should have taken it right off the bat. I was so mad at myself. It would have done no good to call him back, because he was just looking to waste my time. He made my handle time up to 40 minutes, NOT GOOD! I hate talking to guys on the phone. The minute I hear their voice, I'm like..."Oh here we go!" I tell myself don't judge! This is what happens. I think I will do it to all the guys that call this way I don't get stuck with trying to bring down my handle time at the last minute. Wonderful! My new team and my supervisor will see the average handle time and not be too happy. I know I wouldn't be. Ugh! I left after that! My AOS is high!!! So, that's the good news. Oh well, can't win them all.

Today's high is going to be 64 degrees. Not as nice as the last two days, but I'll take it. Brevy told me this morning that my ears were mad. I said, "what does that mean?" and he said, "when you turn around they look mad!" lol. I still don't get it, but that's what he said to me this morning when I was making him breakfast. He's a trip! I have a thousand things I should be doing, so I'm going to get started!

Wish me luck and strength while Charles is away! :-{

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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