After the Surgery...
Since when am I up at 6:30am? This is crazy! I'm not a morning person! Charles, got up to make some coffee and take Aiy to school. Of course that meant waking me up. It probably wasn't his fault, he didn't give me these FAT cheeks. I hate these puffy, swollen, fat cheeks that I have. I can't sleep for a thing. I have to lay on my back, because if I lay on my side, it hurts. The cat was on my feet all last night. I barley had any room to move. Why didn't I kick her off? I tired! She owns the bed; problem number one, I know! If it wasn't for that codeine I'm taking, I'd be up all night. PAIN? UGH! THE PAIN! I'm so tired of taking this white pill and then four hours later taking another white pill. UGH!I have a hard enough time swallowing pills as it is! Ice 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. It seems the more ice I put on, the bigger my cheeks get. I can't bend down, because all the blood rushes to my head and it feels like a train just ran over it. When you have little kids, they don't get this. I don't even get it! Half of my chin is still numb; Okay this freaked me out! My right side of my lip and chin I can actually feel. Good news, right? Well, what's going on with my left side of lip and chin? My whole left side of my face is way more puffy then my right. Hopefully, when it goes down I'll be able to feel my lip/chin again. See what I mean? These surgery stuff is so not for me. I'm not used to people waiting on me hand and foot. I'm used to doing all the running around, multitasking, cleaning, and watching the kids all at the same time. The kids are awful these days. Little Miss. Bones told daddy, "NO!" all day yesterday. I felt like kicking her little butt into next week and I wasn't even IN the conversation. BUT I let Daddy deal with it. Oh yeah, I did put her in time out, because I couldn't take her attitude anymore. She's 3 foot nothing....You mean to tell me she's going to tell her dad no??? Where does she get off? Kids these days! They think they own everything and can do whatever they feel like it. OH I DON'T THINK SO! Mama, is only down for a couple of days kids...I expected it from Brevy, but not Bones. They are just trying to see how much they can pull over on poor dad. I think he was starting to crack last night. He was getting 'short' with all of us. I asked him, "Are you cracking? Because you know I'd love to take over if it wasn't for these teeth that I'm missing and everything that goes along with that!" He claimed he had it under control. Poor baby! He's doing EVERYTHING for ALL OF US! That's my job! Well, usually we share that job and I can't do much right now. I sat at the table last night with the kids while they did an art project. Brevy, brought out the glitter glue and finally started to make me a 'get well' card. Mind you, I asked for one while I was "under the knife," but they couldn't be bothered when Marisa was watching them. Nice kids! :P So, they finally made me one and they're going to finish it today. That kept them busy for about 45 minutes and out of Dad's hair. I managed to fill out my March madness brackets online with Baby's help. He's a March Madness fanatic. I hate watching it myself. I love basketball, but don't know one college basketball team from the other. Pro- is a different story. It was fun picking the 'better' name or the 'area' closest to NY. That's how I pick them. lol. However I picked Duke to win it all. We'll see how right I am and if I win any money, I'm going on vacation. :) Yeah right! I can dream though. I've already taking my first round of pills this morning and iced my face. Since I can't go back to sleep, I'm here complaining. I need to get it out somehow. Bones is still sleeping and of course Brevy is up at the crack of dawn. Did I mention how Charles, is leaving me today for part of the day? Yeah, he's got a mandatory meeting to go to. Luckily, he's leaving when it's the kids nap time and hopefully I won't have to do too much. I don't know how long I can take this dependency stuff. It's like I want to do stuff by myself, but at the same time; I can't! I hate to ask him to stay home one more day, but at this rate I'll need him for Friday. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh! I'm supposed to return to work on Saturday. You should see me, as a matter of fact, no you shouldn't. I'm a mess! I look like Big mama. Any one out there know what I'm talking about? Not a pretty site! That's it for now. I think that's more than enough detail!
awww....I'm sorry you're still feeling so gross! It'll pass soon! :)
Posted by
J |
3/16/2006 05:13:00 PM
Ugh Nenny! It hurts so bad!! It feels like my roots are just screaming....and I took my meds. Snif. I can't wait until this is over. :(
Posted by
Hillary |
3/16/2006 07:25:00 PM