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Sunday, March 12, 2006 


Can you believe it snowed here in NM? Wow! I can't! Baby woke me up this morning and said he had a "frize" for me. BUT he told me I had to stand up to see it. Not something that won me over considering it was like 7am. Ugh! He finally said it snowed and I jumped up a little cranky...But wanting to see the snow. Lilly and I, checked it out after I put my contacts in. Much to my surprise there was a good amount on the ground. It actually stayed there. Wow! First thing I did was got my sweat shirt and sweat pants on and flew outside to go play in it. Where were my kids? Eating! They were taking too long and Daddy told them they had to eat first so I ran out by myself. Well, not totally by myself Smokey was there. He spent the night in our garage with a big blanket and a bowl of food. His parents left him out to fend for himself in the cold. It was way too cold for that so we just left him in there. He didn't want to go out anyway so it worked out pretty well. So, Baby let him out and he barely walked on the edges on the garage, because he didn't want to get wet. The wind was blowing; it was really cold out this morning. After running all over the place in the snow and bringing some in the house for Lilly, I went in and showered and got ready for church. The kids were able to play in it after they were all ready and bundled up in their winter gear. They were throwing snowballs at me and laughing their heads off. hehe. We picked up Aiy and headed to church. By then the sun had come out and was melting what Mother Nature had left behind. Brevy, was saddened at the thought of the snow not being there when we return home. I tried explaining how the sun works and why it wouldn't be there. He still didn't like the idea and was really quite the whole way. aws. We had an eventful morning. We picked up some movies after church, after Aiy's Sunday school. We ate breakfast (Charles and I, that is) and got Aiy a 'grown up' bible. She doesn't like her 'kiddy' bible. So, she got a new one today and she can't wait to read it. After getting home, we ate lunch and it was time for the little ones to rest. Charles, Aiy, and myself snuggled on the couch with popcorn, pillows, and blankets and watched Harry Potter, III (don't ask me what it's called, because I have no clue!) I like Harry Potter movies, but this one I flew asleep on. I never do that! NEVER! I always watch the entire thing, especially when there's popcorn involved. I must have really been tired. So, whatever! I got some rest while Charles and Aiy watched it. They woke me which felt like every five minutes...Ugh! We went to a Children's Church Concert tonight. It was good! It was like a play with lots of singing. I enjoyed watching it. It reminded me of when I was in chorus. Some of the kids have such nice voices. It's really something! I can't wait for brevy and Bones to get into something like that. I'll be their number one fan! Well, that's it for today. There's so much more to blog about, but it's going to have to wait. I need some more sleep! Surgery in two days. AHhhhhhhhh! I'm so scared! G'night and may God Bless!

I will! It still makes me nervous. Don't forget to remind Marisa to sleep over or something so she's actually there on time. Know what I mean? Love you and Miss you.

Yeah, it was a nice day. Loved the snow!

Love you!

the snow sounds like fun! :) that must be strange for kids, seeing snow and then it being gone a few hours later.

i also fell asleep during the latest Harry Potter movie (I think it was #4?)...and we were in the theatre. But I always fal asleep during movies!

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  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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