YAY!!! Baby is coming home tomorrow. AMEN! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! I've been missing him so much. Last night I worked until 11:30pm. Usually, I call Charles when I'm walking to the car...This time there was no one to call. :( I missed that! I just talked to Jesus and that made me feel better. I got to talk to Charles when I got home. Iended up going to bed really late. Mom-in-law woke me up at 6:45am and then followed Brevy. Why there are morning people, I could not tell ya. ugh. The alarm didn't even go off and here I am up and walking around trying to find the heater, so I could turn it on. lol. Then, of course with all the talking that mom and Aiy were doing, there was no getting back to sleep. So, I got up talked to baby again and got ready for church. The house was a mess. The kids had out 7 DVD's thrown everywhere. Their dirty clothes from last night were all over the place. They had toys in the living room. Ugh. I made them clean up every little bit of it, too. Naughty kids! I didn't find any pen marks on the walls as of yet, but last time I sure did. The house is all nice and tidy now. :) Anyway, so we went to church. Virg, in her car with Aiy and me and the kids in the van. They followed me all the way. We got there early and dropped the kids off at day care. It was strange not having Charles with me in church. It's strange not having him around at all, really. I sure did miss him! Pastor and friends are back from Cuba and had a safe trip. We talked about marriage and some things going on at the church for married couples. Nice! :) After church we went to the mall. We had "hot dog on a stick." I love that place, because they have the BEST lemonade. We all got corn dogs and cherry lemonade. Then, it was off to the movies. We went to see "Curious George." It was cute, but I wasn't in the mood for a movie. :) hehe...I laughed my head off anyway. It was silly and funny! I used to love reading those books when I was little. I'm exhausted now that I'm home! I had little sleep and was hoping to take a nap, but it's so beautiful outside. I feel like I'll "waste" a good day being in the bedroom sleeping. I dunno! I feel like I should be outside in the sunshine. Charles, is shopping for us right at this very minute. I said to him,"Get me anything MICKEY!" hehe. He bought Brevy a nice hat and himself one, too. I guess he's working on the girls. We're a little bit "harder." lol. I just can't wait! I know I'll sleep good tonight knowing he's just hours from getting home. I think the next time he decides to leave me with the kids, the kids are going to have to be in school. They just drive me nuts at home! Ugh! We think of things to do, but those only last so long. Amen? Well, if you have kids you know what I'm talking about. I sure am beat from these last couple of days. Today, though is a good day though! :) I'm happy and in a great mood!!! Thanks for your emails every morning, babe. They helped! Love you, muches!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
lol. I love you and I was glad, too. Yeah, I missed you like crazy, too. It was so much easier when the kids were younger. I don't think it was that bad, then. BUT these days...oh good Lord, let them be in a school first.
Love you. I just barely made it through. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
3/07/2006 04:37:00 PM