Gpa's Birthday
Yesterday was Grandpa's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!! We did all of our usual Sunday accomplishments, like go to church and take aiy to Sunday school. We came home for a bit so the kids could eat. We picked up the cake and the bday cards and we were on our way to Jemez. We surprised him by stopping by with the cake and all three kids. He was happy to see us. We visited and cut cake. Afterwards the kids ran to play outside. While outside they claimed to see a bear and flew in the house to tell us. I started laughing and said, "what?!" They showed me what they saw and I told them to get back in the house. It was a HUGE.....Dog. LOL. It was black and brown and was HUGE! But ya never know if it will bite or not. They stayed in for about five minutes and ran back out to play again. Brev thought that the little bread house was an actual house. Aiy said he was knocking on the door and expecting someone to answer. He couldn't figure out why there wasn't anyone in there. Aiy, just laughed at him (we all did). He's too funny! We left G'pa for a little bit to go to the playground at Charles' old elementary/high school. It reminded me of when we first lived in Jemez. We used to play basketball there. Well, Charles did, I just used to get the rebounds. I missed it. We used to take Aiy there as well when she was two. We really haven't been back since. On the ride up there I was looking at the beautiful scenery. The red rocks are gorgeous. I miss it! We passed a spot where they once found some actual dinosaur bones. I was telling Brev about it and again he was looking for the actual dinosaur. He said, "well where are the dinosaurs then, I don't see any." He's a character! Anyway, we played at the playground for awhile. It was a nice warm day. Charles, decided that he was going to teach me how to play tether ball. I didn't even know what it was. He had to explain it. Okay, I am a New Yoker, remember this. We used to play kick ball and dodge ball...Stuff ya heard of. LOL. I know...I know...So, anyway- I think I started to get the hang of it until baby started cheating. LOL. It was fun, but the ball was hard and I think I hurt my wrist. Then, it was off to the swings. I LOVE SWINGS!!! The kids took off and I sat there swinging for awhile. My mom and I, used to swing when I was little. It's her favorite, too. But that's what it reminded me of. Bones and I, were going to go down the slide and I put her up on the platform and I was getting up...All of a sudden I see her walking backwards and I knew she was going to fall...I couldn't grab her and I yelled her name. Too late, she hit the dirt. Poor thing. She got up and looked around. I asked her "are you okay?" and she started crying. A big delayed reaction! I think she was fine until I actually asked her. Poor thing! So, we got up together and went down the slide after that. It was fun! We stopped at Gpa's to say bye and then the kids wanted to see if G'ma was home. While going to G'mas house I saw Mona (April's dog!) Actually MY dog! I love her so much. When she was a puppy she used to jump all over me. I waved at her and she saw me from the car. While in G'mas driveway I didn't see any Mona. Aiyana, said lets go see if she's coming down the road and nothing. So, we all ran down the dirt road to the end. She was sitting at the edge of her driveway. I said, "MONA!" and she looked at me and nothing...Then, in my squeaky "I'm talking to an animal" voice I said, "MAMA!" and she looked at me...And she started running. She crossed the road without even looking and ran to me. It was funny, because she's so fat she runs sideways. LOL. She jumped all over me and the kids. My mom in law started walking towards us. She was probably wondering what we were doing. LOL. We all walked back to the house with Mona. She was so cute. She wouldn't let me go into the house either. She'd sit so I couldn't go into the door. We spoiled her for awhile and then it was time for a snack. The kids didn't want to leave. Charles and I, were ready. We had a night of cleaning up ahead of us. Little things, because I did a lot the other day, but it still had to get done. So, we left and headed home. I had to give the kids a shower, because they brought more dirt home with them than there was at the playground. Charles and I, finished up what had to be done around the house. The kids helped. They went up and down the stairs picking up stuff. We all pitched in and got it done. We ended the day with stories out of Brevy's Bible. Aiyana got picked up and the kiddies went to bed. Charles, was exhausted. I stayed up and finished four chapters of homework in my workbook. I got it all done! We had a good day!
Yeah, we did all that. Silly. I remember what we did, b/c I'm tired from it all. It was good, but tiring. I love you, too.
Yep, we sure did.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/27/2006 04:56:00 PM