Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself.~Norman W. Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas."


It's Begining to Look a lot like Christmas...

For the last two days I have been decorating the house. Yeah, you know this because I have been writing about it for the last two days. The amazing thing is, we don't even have a tree yet. I mean, it's early people!!! I'm just glad I got the outside done. lol....Look and see for yourself. There's still a little bit to do yet. But it looks cute so far....


Fasinating, I know...It glows at night time though. :)


Lil tree outside. Aw...Isn't it cute? There's another one that's really bushy that I'm going to put lights on. That will be really cute. lol.


Lil Holiday Bear. Aws....

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 


I'm in a grouchy mood. Someone called at 8am and one of the ringers were on so the phone woke me up this morning. I work late tonight so I'm not too happy about it. On top of that Brevy opened his door a total of three times this morning, which also makes a lot of noise. Ugh. Not in a very happy mood that's for sure. I have already prayed for patience. :) Did I mention how Meesa keeps dropping her spoon just so I can run down the 17,18 stairs we have and give it back to her? Yep! Again, I have prayed for patience.

I'm going to finish up the house with lights today which are mostly outside. Around the tree, door, and some of the windows need the xmas clings that I ran out yesterday. We have much more windows than we did in the other house. I picked up some more at Walgreens since Wal-mart didn't have them. I think that will be my escape, outdoors while the kids are indoors. Sounds good to me.

I'm so tired. I might take a nap later, way too much to do before then though. Colette, Jen, Jesse, Jenice....You guys want to come over and baby-sit for me??????? :-)

Monday, November 28, 2005 


There is a high of 37 degrees here in NM. It's windy and feels like 25 out there. The kids and I, started decorating the house today for Christmas. Usually, I wait until Dec. 1st, but we got on it a little early. Today, is my day off and wanted to do something fun instead of JUST house work (which isn't any fun). Brevy's room is done along with mine and Meesa's. I was able to do one of the living room windows. I put some plant decorations outside. I still want to put lights on one of the trees outside and around the front door. It will look really cute when we're all finished. The kids love it! It makes everything look so festive. :)

I got a call from Jenice today. She went to visit her parents and brother. It was good hearing from her. I shared my news about the baptism and she congratulated me. It's always good to hear from a friend.

Kiddies are sleeping now and the house is quite. They won't be getting up until a little later on. "Bones" seems to have the sniffles now. I think she caught what all of us had. Poor thing. It's hard to get better when outside is so cold and nasty. Yesterday, it looked like a sand storm coming home. There's nothing but dirt all around this developing area and when the winds kick up, it looks so scary. LOL. We drove right into it. YUCK! I'll be glad when those artic winds dye down. I miss "Kitty." We haven't seen him since the last time. Which is probably a good thing that who ever owns him doesn't let him out in these temperatures. Not only do the poor animals suffer, but so do the homeless. It's hard not to think of those things when the bad weather comes around. We're saving can goods to drop off at church. At least it will help with feeding someone who doesn't normally have a meal.

I should get going. I have more things to accomplish while the little ones rest. More tomorrow...

Sunday, November 27, 2005 

**********I was Baptized Today! **************

Today I was baptized by Pastor Si. It was myself and a younger little girl. She was nervous for the same reason I was...That we wouldn't be able to get back up. I just reassured her and she seemed excited. I was! Before that we prayed. I joined hands with Pastor and the little girl, her mother also prayed with us. While in prayer I felt like an energy from Pastor's hand and into mine. It shook a little. It was the weird-est feeling. It was really powerful. So, we stood in the water. The little girl was first. The curtain raised and the whole congregations eyes were on us. (We were upstairs, above everyone.) He dipped her in the warm water and she was done. Now it was my turn...I was dipped and before I knew it, it was over. People clapped and we got out. I should mention that today is the coldest day in NM yet. We have very low temperatures mixed with a nasty wind chill. So, as we went down the stairs soaking wet we quickly got changed, into our church clothes, dried the hair, and I headed back to join everyone in service. My in-laws were there. I was really happy to see them supporting me. More than I can say for my parents that still haven't congratulated me. After service I called my mom and she said, "oh cute, that's nice!" Right. The words that describe a new cat, possibly. I think that's the best it's going to get. They don't think of sending cards or really getting into it, at all. These are the way my parents are and I know this. I just have to know that I'm proud of myself. I'm happy with what I have done and that's good for me! She said she'd pass the news on to Dad. I'm sure he'll have the same re-action. LOL. After, service we battled the winds and cold air to the car and headed home for Baby's famous breakfast. YUMMY! Charles, was so proud of me! :) That's my Baby! What would I do with out him?! We ate and then Aiy had a girl scout gathering at the ice rink. YEAH, THE ICE RINK. LOL. Okay, I haven't been ice skating since Mrs. Rolands, fifth grade class. Oh yeah. So, we got there and the scene still brought back lots of memories of roller skating (that's one thing I CAN do.) It was only going to be Aiyana and myself who'd be skating. I wasn't too thrilled at this point. I didn't want to fall and break anything. I went out there anyway and clung to the side. HAHHAH! After about an hour I started to get the hang of it and started going faster every now and then waiting for Aiy. We laughed so hard the entire time. I saw one of my kids I used to teach (when I was a pre-school teacher.) Arista! She was one of my favorites and now she was all grown up. I didn't approach her, just watched her from a distance. Her grandma didn't recognize me. She also ended used to work with Charles and she hadn't recognized him either. Oh well. At least I got to see her. Might I add that she was skating better than I was. LOL. Well, I think everyone was skating better than us, but we still had fun. Eventually Aiy, linked hands with two teachers and wanted me to join. OH geez, I thought... Please don't let me make anyone fall. LOL. We did great and went around and around. Aiy, started feeling confident and went to try it by herself. This is something I didn't think I was going to enjoy, because I thought I'd be on my butt on the ice the whole time. I didn't fall not once. YAY! I can't say the same for Aiy. LOL. I think she was purposely falling to see what it felt like. LOL. We had a blast! I told her we'd try to come every Sunday after her Sunday school. AHHH! LOL. No, it should be fun getting better at it. We got home around 3pm to have a snack and take a nap (all of us.) Charles and I, were up until midnight the night before. That's when I usually get home on Saturdays. We were pretty tired after getting up this morning at 7:30am. Aiy, didn't sleep though. She insisted on thumping on the floor periodically and woke me up many times. I tried to take a nap at least. hehe. Kids are up and we're going to be eating dinner soon. Baby, is cooking. Today, was a really great day. I had a great start with being Baptized and we even went ice skating. Wow! Another busy day. We still have to go take Aiy home and then come back and get the little ones ready for bed. All and all a great day! Brevy and Meesa, were happy to see that I got soaking wet in the water. They giggled and thought it was "cool." I'm happy! :-)

Thursday, November 24, 2005 

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Family, friends, food, and beautiful flourishes are life's graces, and we ought to celebrate them everyday."--Donata Maggipinto

We woke up at an early 3:30am;contact-less and drowsy. All to clean the turkey and get it in the oven. After that was accomplished...Baby, thought that he'd put the alarm on every couple of hours so we can wake up and check on Mr. Thomas (the turkey.) Somehow an hour later we were awaken by scratchy sounds, a.k.a "the alarm." I said, "It will be fine, we just put in it there." No, baby had to go check on it. All to come back up all 18 stairs just to say that it didn't look any different. I guess two hours later we woke up again, based the turkey and went back to sleep. This went on until about 7am when Brevin, woke me up with his loudness. After speaking to him sternly about being quite while the other people sleep...I checked on Mr. Tom, based him with some butter and herbs. I tried to go back to sleep. Of course when I finally DID fall asleep I heard a LOUD SNORT. Who else, but Baby snoring. Ugh! Was I going to ever get any sleep this Thanksgiving morning? No, was the answer that I then didn't know. I tried falling back to sleep and guess what now? The girls. Meesa, had woken up with Aiy and they were playing, loudly. They're right next door to our room. I got up again all to tell them that they need to go downstairs and turn on the t.v. until we get down there. Feeling I had lost the battle with the technique of sleep...I gave in. I got on my new cloudspun, grapesorb robe and headed down stairs with Baby,to meet the kids. I started on the potatoes. I peeled and peeled while the kids ate breakfast. Then, it was the sweat potatoes. Yummy! By then "Mr. Tom," was done and looking quite handsome. Double yummy! I headed up stairs to get the kid's clothes picked out. I opened Brevy's blinds all to see "Kitty" walking across the street and into our driveway. I flew down the stairs yelling,"Kitty is here!" The kids came running and we opened the front door and he came right in. LOL. We ended up playing with him for a whole hour. It didn't seem like it, but I still had to get the kids ready. Grandma and Grandpa, were planning on coming at noon, Here it is ELEVEN O'CLOCK. We put kitty outside and ran a bath for Aiy, got Brevy and "Bones" dressed, and I jumped in the shower. We rushed around and got ready in time. Then, I had to set the table...Which helper Aiyana did for me. I had to mash the potatoes, and finish up by cooking the corn, biscuits, and stuffing. We got a lot done in a little bit of time. It was fun! The kids had a blast running around. We still had time to play while we waited for Grandpa. He got there on time and Kitty came back in for a little while to play. Grandma called and was going to be a little late. We started slicing the turkey and put Kitty outside with a bowl full. I don't think he minded one bit. As Grandma and April came. Guess who showed? Marisa! A pleasant surprise. Brevy and Meesa, said the grace together and we all ate and ate well. The kids ran off upstairs to play while Charles and I, took Aiy back to her "mom's." We came back and found Grandma and Grandpa finishing up The Polar Express." Good movie! We watched the Cowboys play and it was nice just sitting around with them. I shared some wedding pictures and finally gave them their digital wedding albums. (OOPS!) All and all it was a good night. We're done with cleaning up the kitchen, food is all put away. The only thing I want to do now is watch "LOST." My favorite t.v. series. :-) Then, go to sleep because the tryptophan is working it's magic. Good Night!

"A good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody."-- samuel pepys

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 

Right now my living room and kitchen are sparkling with cleanliness. Come tomorrow at this time it will be a stove filled with pots boiling and an oven cooking up a yummy turkey. Actually, what we do is get up at like 3am and clean the turkey and then we put it in the oven. By the time we wake up, it's done. Of course we check on it and add yummy butter and veggies to cook with it. I don't stuff it with stuffing. It tends to absorb all the raw, yuck juices and it doesn't sit too well with my mind. LOL. So, onions, carrots, celery sticks, etc. Are good enough for me. :) It sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't really. So, everything will be done by noon tomorrow. That's when everyone arrives and we give thanks and feast! Aiy, will be sleeping over tonight and spending time with us tomorrow. Then, it's back to her house and then later if she wants to, she'll sleep over again. I don't work today or tomorrow. Thank you, Lord! Today, is a day of cleaning. I want the house to look nice and pretty for the family tomorrow. So far... Grandma, Grandpa, and April will be with us. We're still trying to get in contact with Marisa. Uncle Rod, has to work. We're not sure if Dee is coming, either. It will be nice none-the-less. The kids helped me with the house cleaning. They got the laundry out of the dryer and helped put things away. While I was vacuuming I didn't relies the water guy had come until Brevy announced it. We're getting water delivered now, because our water is the most awful water I have ever tasted. Who knows what we were drinking. Ugh! So, that takes care of that problem. Brevy and I, are still trying to get rid of our cold. It seems to be getting better. I don't want to be feeling gross tomorrow. Today, will seem never ending. I have a meeting to go to later on tonight. It sucks, because it's supposed to be my day off. Yeah right! Imagine me, relaxing. LOL. Oh well. Maybe I'll learn something new. Still haven't heard from dad. It's a shame that he doesn't call me. Mom told him to call me three days ago and still nothing. I don't bother waiting around, but still it hurts. *shaking head* I would and could never do that to Brevy or Mrs. Bones. That's so heartless!! If I were to visit he'd be all over us (so to speak.) I don't know why it's so different on the phone. Maybe it's hard for him to call. I don't know. I'm always the one to call him. Mom's the same way. Although, she does call at least once a week. It's so different from what used to be our daily conversations. You'd think they be calling since tomorrow is a holiday and all. It looks like I'll be the one to call them. Oh well! I still have plenty to do around here. I should get going. The kids and quietly watching "The Polar Express." Since, it was on sale they got it as a little gift last night. It's a really good Christmas movie. I enjoyed watching it in the movies as well. :) Hope you all have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving Day! Don't eat too much; I know I will! :):):):):):):):)

Monday, November 21, 2005 

I will protect you through the storm and always!


Up coming Thanksgiving Day...

Turns out that I have a cold now. Ugh. Baby is blaming himself, because he was sick for a while. Really, I could have gotten it anywhere. Especially, sharing keyboards at work. Yuck! I noticed it when we went shopping for our Thanksgiving trimmings last night at Wal-Mart. What would we do with out Wal-Mart? We got our 15 pound turkey for $6.00! I don't think I've ever seen a turkey for $6. Very impressive! When we got to the check out, the lady told us it was cheaper somewhere else. So, we got the competitive price. Nice! It's fine with me!!! We got our yummy pies for $1.90 too. Good pies, not the yucky ones. Hehe...We made out like bandits. We're inviting the whole family over to eat for Thanksgiving. I just hope they all come, because we have a huge turkey for just us. I do suppose I can give it to our adorable new friend, Kitty. We have a cat that comes around now. He's always hungry and I am always giving him food. I'm sure he'd love a turkey dinner. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I think it's my most favorite holiday to cook for. It reminds me of when I was younger and used to help my mom. Then, we'd go get dressed up in our prettiest dresses and wait for Daddy to come home and surprise him. Then, we'd all sit down to a huge meal with wine and just feast. Yeah, my dad gave me wine mixed with Sprite when I was young. That's what his mom used to give him. He always said it was harmless. Ha! Anyway, I'm sad that I can't be with my mom and dad for Thanksgiving. I would really like to see them more often. Although there is no way that we'd visit them around the winter months. I don't think the kids could take a NY winter. I don't even know if I could. We've been spoiled by this beautiful NM weather. Although it does get pretty cold here, too. I wish I could just surprise them and show up un-announced (and stay in a hotel, that is!!) LOL. That would be nice! With Uncle Franklin getting his strength up, there's no way. He's doing better. He walks around the house now. He even spent some time in his favorite spot, the basement. He also hasn't been allowed to smoke his pipe anymore. YAAAAAAAY! I couldn't tell you how happy that makes me. Now if only my Dad stop smoking...Eh, ya can't tell him anything. He's such a hard-head. (I'm going off the subject I do relies...Bare with me.) So, it will still be nice to have my in-laws over. It will be the first time they've all been here at the same time in the new house. I'm excited! I don't have to work, which is always nice. It would be even nicer to get paid for it, but I haven't been there for 60 days yet. Now Christmas is a paid holiday. YAH! I really wanted to go to our Church's holiday dinner and service this Tuesday. It looks like I'd only have the time to make it for the dinner at 5pm. I'd miss the service, because I work at 7pm. :( So, I think we've given up on that idea. Sucks! Christmas will be another story though. We're definitely making it for that occasion. Aiy, doesn't have a play to do this year. We'll be at service none-the-less. Hopefully, we get to see her for Thanksgiving. It's hard working around who's going to have her and when. Too bad it wasn't simpler. I just want her to be with us while we all celebrate such a thankful time. I'm sure we'll have her for some of the day. We have so much to be thankful for. We just need to keep that in mind, everyday--Not just because it's Thanksgiving Day. I'm am truly thankful for all that I have each and every day. :-)

Friday, November 18, 2005 


I'm going to be baptized on Sunday the 27th! YAY!!!!! <

;-) Exciting stuff!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005 

If you missed Oprah...

It was a great show !!! The topic was: " When I knew I was gay!" (People are probably going to have a lot of opinions about this topic.) BUT-- To me, It was interesting to hear the parents side and the son/daughter's side of the story. I know if I had that similar situation happen to me, I'd support that person 100%! I think it needs to be talked about. I don't think people should be treated differently because of their sexual preference. I'm glad Oprah has a show that deals with real issues. If you didn't watch, go to www.Oprah.com and read about it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 

Girly Girl

pic. removed.

Miss. Naughty girl as she was getting ready this morning. She did stop to give me a smile. aw.


Naughty Boy

pic. removed. Naughty Boy Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

Here's Mr. Naughty this morning as he was watching t.v. He looks like he's up to no good! hehe...



I got a call yesterday from my church, they want to baptize me on Sunday. Sunday!!!??? That's so soon, I thought. I mean, it's good but I thought there was a waiting list. I guess Sunday is open. Only problem is my schedule doesn't come out until this evening. Sunday, is my "extended availability." Wonderful! What was I thinking when I told them that? Ugh! So if I work, I might be missing church. Isn't that something? I don't like that at all!! When I first got the job I didn't even think about it interfering. I talked to my supp. Last night and she said I can come in an hour before scheduled time. Which interferes with Baby's schedule or stay an hour later every night...Which I just really don't want to do. AiyDiosMio! I don't know! Right now it's on a Sunday unless I change it. I guess I'm hoping since I work late on Saturday night that they won't schedule me so early on Sunday. I guess I can hope anyway. It figures that something would try to ruin my Sundays. (Even though that something was my poor judgment a month ago.) Hopefully, we don't even deal with extended availability until December when things get really busy. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 

No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one Autumnal face. - John Donne

Sunday, November 13, 2005 

Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself."



Today, we went to church as we have been on Sundays. Aiy, decided not to come over last night so we didn't have to get up that early for Church. Church is fulfilling to me. I enjoy being there. The kids are a little distracting, but for the most part, they do well. We came home and Daddy made us a huge breakfast. YUMMY! I was so hungry. As he cooked I called my mom to see how everyone is doing. Uncle Frank is home and has been since Friday night. He's not doing too well. His legs are weak from sitting in the hospital for three weeks and not walking. He has to get help sitting up in the bed and walking around his room, etc. I prayed for him to get better and stronger. I'm glad he's well enough to be home though. Mom says, his appetite isn't that great, but it's getter better. He only eats three small meals and sometimes not even that. He's lost over 30 lbs. Total. Which is great! Mom's got challenges ahead trying to keep him on that schedule. A nurse will be coming to the house once a week. They also want to enroll him in a rehab. class to get him strong again. He's scared that they'll admit him in a senior center and leave him there. That's absolutely awful. No one would do that to him. I think he just doesn't know what to expect and is a little apprehensive. I told my mom to let him know that she'll go with him and be there to watch him. Poor Uncle Franklin! I'm sure he can only benefit from it. On Tuesday our Church is having Thanksgiving dinner and service. I work on Tuesday evening, but we're going to try to make it in early. There's so many different things I want to participate in at church and it seems like with my new job that it conflicts. Ugh. I know I can make it work, I just have to figure out how. I also signed up to be baptized there and I really want to do bible study on Tuesday mornings. I am really excited about all of it!!!! :):):) One thing at a time, I tell myself. I should end here. I have to get the kiddies up from their nap. Oh, by the way...I took a nap too today. YAY! I am finally getting my rest from these two hectic weeks. :) Amen!

Saturday, November 12, 2005 

Movie/Feast day

Saturday, ended up being movie day. The kids and I, spent some time together in the morning while Daddy was at work. Today, happened to also be Feast Day. I got the kids dressed in their "Feast clothes" and we waited for Daddy to come home. Once he did, we ended up deciding NOT to go to the Feast, because it was so cold and windy outside. So, we decided to go to the movies. We were going to give it one more shot. We went to see "Zathura". http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/zathura/Okay, I really don't like the whole "sci-fi" scene. The movie kind of sounded like the kids version of "star wars," but it sounded like something mainly Brevy would like. It ended up being a really cool movie that we all liked. It had some big, ugly lizards that looked like dinosaurs in it that scared Brevy. Besides that, it was a good movie. LOL. We had to go to Wal-Mart to get some groceries. That wasn't fun, because we were all really tired from the movie and all needed a nap. Instead of napping I also ran into Target and I picked up "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" on DVD. As a kid I did NOT like this movie. I think Sheri and I, were the only ones who didn't care for it. I remember that, because all the other kids in our class LOVED it. Ugh! I gave the movie another chance when we ended up seeing the new version with Johnny Depp in an IMAX theater in NY. I actually liked it and decided to get it on DVD for the kids. :) Maybe it was because of Johnny, I'm really not sure. :) So, it was a "movie" day for sure. Aiy, ended up dancing for Feast even though Daddy told her not to. She did it anyway. She always gets sick and comes over to our house and gets all of us sick. We think her "mom" made her. Whatever! All I know is it was windy and chilly for feast. She should only dance when it's warm and that's how we feel about it anyway. I guarantee she'll get sick as she does when dancing in the colder weather. We explained to her that if she does get sick she can't come over. She didn't seem to mind. Oh well, I guess. I think they have her brain washed at her house. Poor kid! Hopefully, she doesn't get sick, We'll see. It was a busy day even though we didn't go to the Feast. I think the kids had fun! *YAWN* I'm tired and warn out. Time to go to bed!

Friday, November 11, 2005 

Happy Three Month Anniversary, Baby! Awww....:)



I graduated from training class on Friday. Our teacher said she's never had a whole class who graduated before. They had all the supervisors there and they all cheered for us as they called our names. The gave us each a balloon and a certificate saving we've completed training. It was cute. After graduation we went on the phone for five hours. My calls were all good ranging from inquiry to placing orders. All I was able to do. My AOS was booming! Nice! If you're not doing well with your AOS, you're not to worry...We get $2.00 on top of what we already make. If you're doing it yourself, you have the potential to make $8 on top of base. It's really nice! We had our pot luck on Thursday. Let's just say that I ate GOOD! LOL. I'm glad I'm done with training. They were long hard hours and I missed my Hubby and kids so much. Meesa, half the time calls me "Daddy" LOL. Then, she'll say. "I mean, Mama" It's confusing for them. Now I won't have to be away as much. Instead of eight hours, I'll only be gone four hours. Which is a lot better. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2005 

I'm almost done...

Today, we're having our pot luck, I'm bring cup cakes. We'll be on the phones for four hours tonight. We took another tour of the phone area, which is huge. We already got offered a shift change. Usually, that doesn't happen until after your 60 days, but they didn't get a great response. So, they offered some shifts to us. I won't be changing my hours or days, because I'm the one that picked them. I'll just be glad when this whole 4-midnight thing is over with. The training is killing me. I've had a migraine every night for a week now. I don't know if it's because I'm starring at a screen all night and it's bright in there or what. I just don't want anymore migraines. Friday, is graduation! Our trainer printed out our certificates already. She says she just knows that we'll all graduate. Wishful thinking? Nah, I think we're all doing really well. :) Tonight should be fun. She listened in on one of my calls last night. She says I'm doing really well. I was making recommendations, but the lady didn't take them. Ya win some, ya loose some. That's fine! I still got to put my name in the raffle. We're having a raffle on Friday. If each call is over $170 we get to put our name in the basket. If we get a reward or sell a credit card, we also get to add our name in. My name is in there a bunch of times. We'll see on Friday how lucky I can get. :) I just have to make it through today and tomorrow. I've gone this far, I can keep going! :-P~

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 

Great night!

Last night was another good night on the phones. We learned about some good incentives that we offer our clients and it was interesting putting that knowledge as we were prompted to do it. All my calls were pretty basic. I had some things thrown in there and I was able to help them every time. I'm getting better and faster. Nice! I met my supervisor last night as well. She listened in on my last call. She said I sound great and to keep doing what I'm doing! Nice! :) All and all it was a good night. This girl that I work with gave me a ride home. We live like two streets away from each other. She's really nice! :) Tonight I think we'll be on the phones for a while four hours. We go on towards the end of the night. We first learn new material in the classroom and then apply it. It's pretty fun. I found out that one of the incentives that we offer our clients, we're getting FOR FREE! NICE! I'm so excited!!!!! I'm glad I work for such a great company! We'll see how tonight goes. :)



"The deepest beauty, the most inspiring beauty, begins in the fields and forests and mountaintops."--Thomas Kinkade

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 

Got Kids?

I got a forward today from my cousin that I think every parent and/or guardian should read. http://www.snopes.com/toxins/dustoff.asp As I sat there reading this forward, By my computer is a can of Duster. My heart sank to the floor. I'm getting rid of it at once!


The Phones...

Last nights' calls went well. We were on the phones for two hours. I didn't get any nasty calls. My whole class seems to be getting these calls where the customer is just yelling and screaming at them. Maybe I am just lucky so far. Not sure, but I'm glad I'm not getting those crazy callers. Our teacher says, "Kill 'em with Kindness!" Great way to put it! I think it works, too! I'm always nice when I talk to the customer. I guess there's those customers that think because they are shopping from us, they can treat us any way they like. Oh no...Not true. Hehe...I'm just glad no one yells at me. Last night I was standing outside waiting for Charles and the "smokers club" came around me. I kept moving away. I don't like smoke and I don't like to be around it. Everywhere I went they followed me. Ugh! They were telling their horror stories about their callers. Don't ask me why they were following me. I wasn't that engaged with talking to them to begin with. Some of their stories were funny. They're all really young girls and really loud...Like I was when I was about 16/17 years old. They were just being wild. I was hoping that Charles would get there quickly. About ten minutes later he showed up and by then my head was pounding. I just wanted to go home, eat, and go to bed. I smelled like smoke, which grossed me out even more. By the time I got in the car, I was dizzy and my stomach was a mess. I felt like I was going to pass out. We put the kids to bed and then I finally got to eat. What a mess I was! Ugh! Just feeling really sick and tired. I think the second hand smoke got to me as well. Tonight, I'll be standing in the building if I get out early. They can't smoke in there. Gross!

Monday, November 07, 2005 

Sunday <3

We woke up early and went to get aiy. Sunday's are my days off for now and we all went to church. I'm loving the whole church scene. It's a little challenging with the kids. They get coloring papers and crayons to work on while we're tuning in; it works for the most part. Then, we took aiy to Sunday school. A holy morning, LOL. After that we wanted to take the kids to see "Chicken Little." That movie is the kids version of "War of the Worlds." If I would have known that it was like that, we wouldn't have gone. I couldn't believe the violence and aliens. I mean, ALIENS in a kids movie? No way! That's not okay for MY children to see. They're just too little. I didn't like it at all. There was this one part in the movie where I JUMPED! I mean, to jump in a kids movie is just crazy. Brevy, was scared when the aliens came out. He was grabbing his cheeks and clinging on to my hand. Poor thing! That's one movie we're NOT buying on DVD. On Saturday we picked up some movies from Hastings. We got Robots, Crash, and Fever Pitch, All really good movies. It makes up for awful movie we saw in the theater. It's so expensive to go to the theater and then when you do go, you want to make sure it's a good movie. I was so disappointed. On top of that we got back to the car, got belted in, tried to start the car...And nothing. A clickity- click sound. THE CAR WOULDN'T START!!! Oh great like we need something else to go wrong. I got out and walked back to the mall to find a security officer. I found one and told him where we were parked while Daddy stayed with the car and kids. We got a "jump," but it took like 40 minutes. UGH! And guess who left the lights on? Brevy! He was sitting in Daddy's seat before we left to the movie. He must have turned the lights on and Charles didn't notice, because it was light outside. Sucks! At least the guy came to help us though. It would have gone faster if we would have had a small car. I just thought he was going to hook up some jumper cables and jump start it. He had this little hand held battery charger. When we finally got home the kids took a nap and Charles took the battery to the nearest auto place to re-charge it. Come to find out that was a wasted trip, too. He got there and the guy told him it was fully charged. I guess when your battery is low and then you get a little bit of juice in it, as you drive it charges itself. Weird. I didn't know that! I should mention that I know nothing about cars. Wish I did, but don't. So, anyway...The mini van is okay now. Thank God we have the lil black car as a back up. Not that I would ride in it, but it helped Charles get to the Auto store. LOL. Oh well...It was a long day, but good. We ate dinner together and then took Aiy home. We decided to go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart before going home. We were in the store for awhile. The kids didn't get to bed until after 10pm. Geez! By that time Charles and I, are exhausted and want nothing more than to lay our heads on a pillow and go to sleep. Ugh. Long days! I finally had a day off and I don't think we (Charles and I), spent much time together. It sucks! I'll be glad when training is over. I'll be crossing my fingers that I graduate.

Saturday, November 05, 2005 


We went on the phones last night. I was so nervous!! I logged in on the PC and then the phone line. I waited...Nothing. I made sure I did it right and I did. I just sat there gripping my script, waiting anxiously, and nothing. Then, I heard a BEEP in my ear. THIS WAS IT!!!!!!!!! I used my script and read it to the best of my ability. I heard a small voice on the other end calling from California. A sigh of relief went over me. She was just placing a "basic" order. She apologized for not finding the right page. Imagine that, I thought...Apologizing to me? I'm just a "rookie." No problem, I said...I can take the item number and we'll find the page together. It was an "easy" call. She was sweet and nice. A MEN! After finishing with her, I waited for that small deep in my ear, again. Nothing! I waited and waited, listening to the others around me reading their scripts. Finally, another call came in. A raspy, old, voice. It was an older man from Ca. I said to myself, I can do this; He as well was just placing a "basic" order. I helped him very well I thought. Then, the question...."Are you a rookie?" I almost laughed. I tried not to, because the headset is very sensitive. I said, "Well Sir, as a matter of fact tonight is my first night." LOL! It was hard not to laugh. He kind of reminded me of my Uncle Frank. That made it even funnier. Oh well, I guess I was slow. I didn't make any mistakes. I upgraded his shipping. I shipped it to an alternative shipping address. I was able to do it all. My AOS would have been "rocking" if those two calls were counting. They didn't, because it was only training. Too bad, because I could have potentially made some money for myself. I got the hang of it and now I won't be so scared of what's on the other side of the phone. It was actually fun. I enjoyed being able to help people find something that will make another person happy. Our trainer came around and put as on AUX, meaning no more calls. I was happy that I got through it. Proud! As we sat there sharing our stories, I quickly learned that not everyone had the pleasant experience that I did (minus the "rookie" part.) People seemed to have some really awful customers. The fear set in that I may too have these problems come Monday. AHHHHH! For now though I was happy to have had a great first night on the phones. :-) I did it!!! Baby, you were right! Now that I've experienced it, my fear is over! Thanks! Love you!

Friday, November 04, 2005 

Something New

The time has come for a new cursor. Yes, another one. Halloween is over so we said goodbye to the little cute ghost. I couldn't find a turkey or anything related to Thanksgiving. So, I bypassed it and found a handsome lil' Snowman. :) Hehhe...Enjoy.



I had two assessments in the last two days. I'm proud to say that I passed them both. YAY! I had a written assessment on Wednesday and an oral assessment on Thursday. I was nervous about the oral, because we'd be role playing with our teacher and two supervisors in a separate room than our training room. They were sitting so they could see everything we were doing on our screens. NERVE WRACKING!!!! I got through it. The only thing I didn't mention was the second pair of panties for $24. UGH! I mentioned getting a panty to match the bra, but forgot to add the other one. Oh well! I found out later as people were coming back from the assessment that they too forgot. It's because it "pops" in blue, which the majority of the screen is blue. Kind of hard to notice it, if you're not looking for it. So I'm pounding in my brain, "Look for the second special!"-Repeatedly to myself. Ah, with practice it will come. Speaking about practicing...Today, will be my first day going on the phones, LIVE with customers. I sort of feel sorry for the customer. Mom says, that everyone has to go through training. I still feel bad though. I don't think I'm ready. I'm in a class for twenty and none of us feel ready, but we have no choice. Charles says, "It's just getting through the first call, everything after that will be fine." It's that first call that I'm worried about. I'm just hoping that it's a basic order and nothing major. *Sigh*

Spoke to Mom today about Uncle Frank. Apparently, he's lost 30 pounds (which is a good thing!) He went ahead and did a stress test. They're waiting on the results for that. He has to stay in the hospital through today and I guess they see how the test went to determine when to release him. Hopefully, all is well. Mom, might go see him today after my Dad gets home from work.

It seems like the kids are running wild these days. Every time I call from work, they are screaming in the background. Daddy says, it's because he's on the phone with me and they take advantage of the fact that he's not watching them as closely. I don't know what it is. I think they know mamma's gone and it's free time to do whatever. Hoping that's not the case...Aiy, won't be over tonight. Maybe things will be more calm. It's hard having all three of them to watch out for. It's hard period to just watch Brevy. After getting off the phone with him, I'm kind of glad I'm at work. LOL. Mom's need a break too. Pretty soon I will have a two day vacation. No training on the weekends. Amen to that! I'm just going to relax! No plans, just church! Oh and we're taking the kids to See "Chicken Little" on Sunday. That's it, just a relaxing day. I need that, because my schedule is so crazy right now, that yesterday I couldn't keep up. I got a migraine and Charles had to bring a Relpax to my job. Ugh! An hour and a half later, it went away. Times like this when you wish you could crawl into bed and just sleep the night into day away.

Hopefully I graduate in a week...Then, there will be no more assessments. :) Amen!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005 

Happy Halloween

Halloween, was my first day at my new job. I was excited and sad at the same time. Excited, because it's something new and it pays a lot. LOL. Sad, because I couldn't be with my children on a special holiday that they enjoy. I heard them on the phone as they were Trick or Treating last night. Brevy, sounded happy. I'm sure Meesa was too, but all I could hear was Brevy. LOL. First day of training went really well for me. It was a lot of talking about the policies and procedures and what to do if there's a fire or a tornado, etc. We signed about 100 papers. After signing our lives away we got to eat some dinner. I was the only one that packed a lunch in my training group. We smart people, don't forget our food. LOL. Lots of people that have been there for awhile had their lunch as well. I think everyone will bring it today. LOL. We did get a chance to listen in on some calls for about 30 minutes. The person I was with wasn't good at all. She messed up several times, which I'm sure I'll do as well. She didn't 'up sell' or even tell her name; all things that should be done. I had to help her with a credit card number. The lady rattled it off and she missed some numbers. So, I wrote it on paper for her and she found out why it wouldn't go through. She smiled at me, but wasn't every helpful. Oh well. I got the idea of how things worked. At the end of the night it was hard for us all to stay awake and our trainer passed out her personal stash of candy. Nice! So, as we sat there listening and filling our faces with candy we learned a lot already. So, far I get it. I was right along with the teacher the whole night, helping the people on each side of me at times. I hope I continue to be this way. Wish me luck! Right now I have to get the kids ready for the day. Charles, is off so we're going to go out for lunch. He's fixing up the little black car and then it's off to town. We want to pick up some curtains for our bedroom. The sun is right in our eyes in the am. We must fix that at once. LOL. Then, it will be off to work again until after midnight. Hopefully, I can keep my eyes open. 8-*)

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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