We went on the phones last night. I was so nervous!! I logged in on the PC and then the phone line. I waited...Nothing. I made sure I did it right and I did. I just sat there gripping my script, waiting anxiously, and nothing. Then, I heard a BEEP in my ear. THIS WAS IT!!!!!!!!! I used my script and read it to the best of my ability. I heard a small voice on the other end calling from California. A sigh of relief went over me. She was just placing a "basic" order. She apologized for not finding the right page. Imagine that, I thought...Apologizing to me? I'm just a "rookie." No problem, I said...I can take the item number and we'll find the page together. It was an "easy" call. She was sweet and nice. A MEN! After finishing with her, I waited for that small deep in my ear, again. Nothing! I waited and waited, listening to the others around me reading their scripts. Finally, another call came in. A raspy, old, voice. It was an older man from Ca. I said to myself, I can do this; He as well was just placing a "basic" order. I helped him very well I thought. Then, the question...."Are you a rookie?" I almost laughed. I tried not to, because the headset is very sensitive. I said, "Well Sir, as a matter of fact tonight is my first night." LOL! It was hard not to laugh. He kind of reminded me of my Uncle Frank. That made it even funnier. Oh well, I guess I was slow. I didn't make any mistakes. I upgraded his shipping. I shipped it to an alternative shipping address. I was able to do it all. My AOS would have been "rocking" if those two calls were counting. They didn't, because it was only training. Too bad, because I could have potentially made some money for myself. I got the hang of it and now I won't be so scared of what's on the other side of the phone. It was actually fun. I enjoyed being able to help people find something that will make another person happy. Our trainer came around and put as on AUX, meaning no more calls. I was happy that I got through it. Proud! As we sat there sharing our stories, I quickly learned that not everyone had the pleasant experience that I did (minus the "rookie" part.) People seemed to have some really awful customers. The fear set in that I may too have these problems come Monday. AHHHHH! For now though I was happy to have had a great first night on the phones. :-) I did it!!! Baby, you were right! Now that I've experienced it, my fear is over! Thanks! Love you!
great! I'm glad to hear that your first night went so well! :)
Posted by
J |
11/05/2005 05:44:00 PM
Yeah, my customers call me with their credit card in there hand! :) It should be fun. We go on the phones for an ho ur every day until Thursday and then it will be two hours. It should be pretty easy to upsell these days. People are xmas shopping and buying in quanity. :) (NICE!)
YOU HAVE TO STILL CALL. What are the chances that you'd get me taking your call? Colette!!!! And IF (which is a BIG IF) you get me, HANG UP! lol...and try again. hehe...You can't stop calling. You should only want to be calling even more. :) hehe...
Posted by
Hillary |
11/07/2005 10:44:00 AM
Thanks Jen! I was glad too. I was so nervous. My stomach was turning. lol... Glad the first call is out of the way and I can just focus on getting better. We have a whole week of new techniques and skills to learn. It should be interesting.
Posted by
Hillary |
11/07/2005 10:51:00 AM
Thanks Papa! I love ya too.
Posted by
Hillary |
11/08/2005 11:20:00 AM