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We went to Zoo Boo today. The kids and I, got up early. Charles, had already left for work. It was up to me and me only to get these little stinkers ready. Boy, was that a lot of work after working late last night. We took the long ride to the Zoo starting at 9:30am. We got there at 11am. We had to pick up Aiy on the way. Parking was easy, because we got there an hour early. The kids and I, went in and started looking at the animals right away. Brevy, wanted to see the Elephants. Meesa and Aiy, were just happy being there. Along the way they got some candy and goodies. Not much, because people started pouring in and the lines were so long. Candy wasn't something we were willing to wait for. Fun though~! We got to see almost all the animals. We didn't go into Bug World. When we went past it, they were still setting up. We saw a lot of cool costumes. The best one was a walking Sponge Bob. The kids loved it. It was huge! Charles, was able to meet us there around 1pm. We were almost ready to give up looking for him. There were just too many families there. I didn't think we'd find each other. We had the cell phone with us, but it wasn't working. I still didn't figure out what went wrong with it. We didn't need as much as I thought. Even though it was frustrating, I was relieved when I saw him coming. Thank God, I thought. He took over the stroller and we finished looking at the animals together. It was nice! As we were leaving I got to see a really cool Alien (adult). Very cool! We didn't get home until 3:30pm, which makes for a long day. I drove the entire time. I think my hip and knee will be stiff the rest of the day. We came home and had Subway sandwiches and put the kids to bed. They were tired from all the walking. I would like to take a nap too, but I couldn't resist blogging. It's been some time since my last entry due to my CPU fan dying on me. Ugh! I'm glad that's over with. We still have a lot to do though. After the kids get up we're going to get the kids some Halloween shirts for their pictures. I love having time off. I better soak it all up, because I only have the rest of today and tomorrow. Tomorrow, we have a pretty busy schedule as well. We're starting off with a new church. I kind of want to see what else is out there. Ya know, keep an open mind. Then, Sunday school and pictures. We'll be busy little bees. :)~
Yeah. It's such a cool place. The kids like walking in the "treehouse" too. It's really neat to see the monkeys hanging and swinging everywhere.
I love the polar bears and the cats, they're my favorite.
I wish our zoo was free. We still enjoy going. For the zoo boo, the kids were free id they were wearing a customs. :) YAY!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
10/29/2005 06:28:00 PM
looks like it was fun! :)
and it HAS been a long time since you blogged - glad your computer is fixed!
Posted by
J |
10/31/2005 09:42:00 PM