Playground Time!!!
Yesterday, we went to the park when Daddy got home. Right before the park Brevy, was yelling out the window to some older boy across the street. Then, I heard, "Hey Kid!" Brevy said, "What?" So, I go over to the window to see who he's talking to and it was the kid that lives across the street. I told Brevy he could go outside if he wanted to. So, he raced down the stairs, put his shoes on, and while going out the door... Daddy came in. Slow down...We're going to the park in a minute, Daddy said. Brevy, wanted to play with the little boy. So, I guess while I was getting ready Brevy, went to go talk to the kid. I come outside and I guess we weren't sure if Brevy wanted to play with the boy or go to the park. He decided to go to the park. So, we put his bike in the back and took off down the street. When we got to the park there wasn't anyone there. Five minutes later a family with two boys came. The dad had a basketball and Charles and I, were attempting to play Frisbee. I apparently was good at this last year. This time around I couldn't make the damn thing so straight to save my life. Ugh! Even Meesa, throws a Frisbee better than I do. She's actually pretty good. She must take after her dad. Charles, is like a Frisbee pro. LOL. Anyway, It wasn't very fun (for me.) Then, the other family started throwing our frisbees at one another and we were watching their kids try to catch them. He was pretty funny. One of the little boys was only 1.5 years old. His other son, looked about Brevy's age. It was cute! Then, another family came. Which happened to be the kids from the last time we were at the park. Meesa was hand in hand with the one little girl, They played in the sand. While, Brevy raced on his bike with the other two little boys. They had a lot of fun. We left kind of early, because it was getting cold. We're going to go back to the park today and have so more fun with the kids. :)
sounds like fun! I remember trying to play Frisbee w/Brev at your mom's house this summer - that was too funny! :)
Posted by
J |
10/18/2005 11:29:00 PM
Baby--Yep, we sure did!!! yesterday, was fun as well. It's nice being able to go there when it's nice outside. Hey, I'm getting better at frisbee!!! I guess all it was needed was a little biy of practice. Love ya.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/20/2005 11:39:00 AM
Colette- freshman suck no matter what. lol.
My kids are good kids. They just have a lot of energy. Meesa, is really good at frisbee. Really good!
Posted by
Hillary |
10/20/2005 11:40:00 AM