I went to the dentist today. We got up early, because my dentist is way on the other side of town. My concerns were of my Wisdom Teeth. After my cleaning I wanted the Dr. To look at them and see if there was anything that he could do. I went to see a specialist that will cost well over a grand in the summer. That isn't an option so I wanted him to look at the x-rays and see if he could do the procedure. Turns out he'd rather send me to a specialist. He says there are nerves really close to the teeth under the gum and doesn't want to risk it. The bottom ones are really coming in at an angle. So, it looks like I may have to see a specialist after all. I should of had them out by now. I should have had them out when I was a teenager. These things didn't concern my parents, I guess. Now, that my dad knows about the risks and dangers...Even though it's a common procedure, he's concerned. I was thinking, you never cared before. Ugh! Parents! That's why my children go to the dentist every six months. They're going to get used to going. They get used to brushing and they are NOT going to have issues when they get older, because I will take care of everything right off the bat! *shaking head* So, I'll be searching for some ways to get dental coverage and see what I can do about it soon. They need to come out! They're not really bothering me, other than the swelling I can feel on a daily basis. Well, after writing that...I guess they pretty much ARE bothering me. It's just something that needs to be dealt with. *Ugh* The things that come my way, are endless. Yes? Yes! :-P~
I just want to give them what I never had. I hope we find some coverage soon. Ahhh! Love you too baby.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/11/2005 02:54:00 PM
Thanks...It really sucks.
That IS the worst xmas ever. Poor thing. :-*(
I hope that you guys can come. It would be so much fun!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
10/12/2005 09:55:00 AM
Ya hear that, Nenny? You've got to come to NM for New Years! It will be so much fun!!!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Posted by
Hillary |
10/12/2005 09:56:00 AM
yeah, I hope things work out and I can come for a visit. :)
Dental insurance is such a necessity...I had to get something done last summer (filling, or drill the decay out, or something...) and it cost like $500. If I hadn't taken care of it then it would have cost like $2000 and they would have had to out a crown on my tooth...yuck. I had dental when I worked at IT Convergence and had my appt the last day that my insurance still covered me! It's good to get the kids started on that stuff when they're young - then it'll be routine when they get older!
I'm sure everything will work out with your teeth...I had mine out a while go and it hurts for a bit...but then you never have to do it again!
Posted by
J |
10/13/2005 07:40:00 PM
Yes, everything better work out for New Years. Ya have to come!!! You haven't seen to NM in years...It's changed so much. It has!!!
Yeah, I remember you telling me about that last year when I went for my consultation. Remember when I wrote about the Dr. starring at my chest the whole time? Yep...That was my experience.
That's exactly why I start the kids off now. It's a MUST that they go. Aamya's got her dental aapt. coming up. :-E
Yeah, I need to find some coverage and then I'll go for it. Maybe with me starting this new job. We get great benefits. :-)
Thanks for your concern. I'll keep ya updated. Ahhhh....scary....
Posted by
Hillary |
10/13/2005 09:02:00 PM