Today, I have an interview at Borders. I filled out their application the other night and got a call yesterday afternoon. Jen, just got a job at Borders not too long ago and I think she likes it. I also, have another interview at Vicky Secretes next week. I'm hoping I get Vicky's!!! It will be a lot more money. I also work tonight. Ugh! At least I'll be back at my old store and not cramped in that little (so called) "work environment." That place was so awful, but I refuse to write about it, again. :) Baby's getting off early to take me to my interview today. I actually like going to interviews, It's exciting! They probably pay the same as I'm making now...But it's a new environment. The new store won't be up for weeks, which is good news. Hopefully, that gives me a chance to see about Vicky's interview which is going to be two hours long. Then, there's another interview after that...And maybe a third. :)~ We'll see I guess.
We put up more pictures around the house last night, which was a lot of work. It took me 30 minutes to find the hammer. All along it was in the tool box. Mind you, I already looked there. I had the kids search the house as well. LOL. Anyway, we found it and started in the loft/family room/office. We put up the kids pictures, because I want it to look like a "warm" place to be. I love it! We put Brevy's Hummer poster up in his room. We put Aiy & Meesa's, pictures up in their room. Their room is really plain. Brevy, has all the furniture and the girls just have their toys and bed. Poor girls! It will have to wait though, because they're are other things they need more right now. I got a lot accomplished with Baby at basketball last night. He's back on his basketball "work" schedule every Thursdays again. He referees two games and then plays with his own team after that. He loves playing basketball! Hehe...I've been spending a lot of one on one time with Brevy lately. We're working on his writing skills. He's been doing work sheets that I make out for him, everyday. He's doing really well. I want to prepare him as much as I can for kindergarten. He's got so much energy and can't sit still half the time. These little sessions that we have teaches him also that there's a time for playing and a time for homework. He's starting to catch on and really focus. I haven't seen him so excited about "work" in a while. He's really smart! He just has to apply himself. Yes, I said apply himself at the age of four. You can never start too early with these little ones. :) It reminds me of when I was a pre-school teacher. It's such a rewarding job. I miss it! I know I can go back at any time and do what I was doing before I had Brevy. It's just an 8-5pm job and I'm not able to do that right now. Not until the kids get into school, but I have plans during that time though. I'm going to start college classes in January. It's about time to start "working" on me. The kids are old enough now and can understand that, "mamma's got to go to school and will be back later." I'm really excited! The possibilities are endless! :-)
Yeah, you love it though. You know you do. If you didn't like it, you wouldn't have played an entire game with 4 overtimes. :)
Thanks Baby. Love you, too! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
10/07/2005 10:48:00 AM