I'M BACK!!!! :):):):)::)::):):):)
We're all moved in our new house. We've been extremely busy with cleaning the old house, moving out the left over crap to the new house, and trying to un-box the new house all at the same time. The last week of September we were back and forth about 30 minutes each way just so we could get everything done. We rented a huge moving truck and got it loaded, drive another 30 min. To the new house, unloaded it all in about four hours. We've never done anything so fast before. I think it had a lot to do with having everything ready in boxes. Last time we moved we were packing as we put it in the truck. That takes way too long. This time we were pros and knew we needed to have everything boxed and ready. It was all in the garage. All we really had to deal with was the heavy stuff, like the entertainment systems, etc. We had my brother- in-law and father-in-law helping. Those guys did all the heavy stuff. We couldn't have done it without them. It was so much work!!! We had so much crap in that old house. It wasn't that big of a house either. I don't understand how we could collect so much. I have a little voice that always says, "okay we need to start weeding some of this crap out!" and we still have a lot of stuff floating around. I just don't understand. The good thing is we're done with the old house and we're glad. I don't miss it at all. We've handed it back and can now concentrate on the new house and making it look nice. I haven't really had a chance to work on it. The downstairs is the most completed room. I figure we're always in the kitchen/Dining room/ living room. Those rooms need to be "home" So, I fixed those up first. I'm not done, but it is starting to look like a home. The loft is my favorite room. Even more so now, because I finally have internet access. I went 10 long days with out it. I never thought I could do that in a million years. I really didn't have a choice. Who ever built this house didn't put in a ground wire. I think that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. All these houses are new in this area and every single one of them had a damn ground wire except ours. We have no neighbors on either side of us...Just brand new houses sitting there, waiting for someone to live in them. I really like the area believe it or not. We are in the middle of no where, but it's weird because the community is filled with houses and tons of kids everywhere. There's two parks close by that we've been spending some time at. The kids love being able to hop on their scooters and take off down the side walk. There's lots of room for bikes and stuff. It's a family place for sure. I really enjoy living next to so many families. Our other house was next to the Bosque and we were surrounded by rich, old people. LOL. Now, it's totally different and I really like it. It reminds me of Meadow Hill where I used to live. There were always kids running about and always someone around to play with. Brevy, already got a chance to meet a new little boy while at the park. They were racing in large circles with Aiy. They must have gone around and around 100 times. They didn't seem the least bit tired either. We'll be able to enjoy a few more warm days. The back yard is HUGE, but no zeriscape- just dirt. By the time they get around to doing all the landscaping, it will be winter. We won't be able to enjoy it much then. So, when I look outside the back yard, all I see is dirt. It's okay though. There's lots of places around here to enjoy. The last couple of weeks in September have just been so busy. We just started to enjoy ourselves on Sunday. We got to go to the Annual Balloon Fiesta. We woke up at 5am on Sunday. We all got dressed and took off back into town. It wasn't that cold either which was odd. Every time we go it's so damn cold we can't even move. We just kind of of stand there and look at the sky until the sun comes up. This was pleasantly different this year. We all appreciated it, too! The kids were excited! We all tried picking out our favorites. Mine, is the alien which I didn't see this year. :( I do have plently of pictures of him though. LOL. Anyway, it was a good day. We all came home, ate a good breakfast and got ready for church. The kids were kind of antsy, but did okay. What do you expect for getting them up at 5am?! When we got home we took a nice, long nap and that's when we headed to the park. Our first day of really enjoying ourselves. We worked so hard and really needed a day of relaxation. In between, all of this stuff I've been working the weekends like I always do. I transferred to the store nearest the house and what a mistake that was. It's a GROSS store. The break room/bathroom/receiving room/and audit room are all in ONE small area. It's the worst thing I have ever seen. Then, they wonder why the store has theft problems. Hmmm....Gee....Ya think because the merchandise and the break room are the SAME ROOMS?!!!! I had the worst day ever working there on the 25th. I wanted to run out of that place. I almost did, but I kept telling myself "he's a shitty manager, don't let him get to you!" Even the customers were yelling at this "manager." He really sucked. I was the only person working that afternoon too. It's just a totally different atmosphere. I called the store manager at "my" store and let her know all the things that went wrong and told her to transfer me back. She understood and I'll be working back there on Friday. It was just an awful experience and I don't need to subject myself to that when I can just stay at my old store for now. Meanwhile, I've been putting all kinds of applications in everywhere. Lots of people are hiring and I know I can find something else soon. I might have an interview this Wednesday. So, I'm not really worried about finding another job. I can have it, if I want it. :)~ I should stop for now. I have lots to talk about, but very little time. :( At least I'm back to blogging though. :) I've missed it!!!! <3>
Wow, you sure had alot on your mind. Yep, we're all done and now can relax and enjoy this house. Love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/05/2005 05:14:00 PM
Don't I always have a lot on my mind though?! Yep! I always do! There's more just haven't figured out to write about it or not...
Love you too.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/05/2005 05:27:00 PM
that's great that you're so close to parks and that there are other kids in the neighborhood. :) i'm looking forward to seeing more photos of the house!
Posted by
J |
10/05/2005 05:56:00 PM
Jen- I'll have those pictures soon.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/06/2005 01:33:00 PM
Jess- THANKS!!! It feels good to be back. It's so hard NOT to have internet access or a phone.
Thanks again. We really like the house a lot!!! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
10/06/2005 01:34:00 PM