Packing, Packing, and More Packing...
This morning has been a morning of nothing, but packing. Oh and calling all my magazines and updating my new address. :) I thought I was done doing that and then I found a bunch that I definitely don't want to miss getting. My allergies are also on the rise with all this dust everywhere. Ew! Anyway, kids are feeling better. I think all of us are. We're over the cold thing that was floating around. Brevy, isn't hurting today with his new shots that he received yesterday. He's feeling like his old self again. "All is well", as I like to say! I'll be glad when the house is all packed, this way I can actually sit and breathe. I hate this moving process, it's such a pain the the a$$! Six more days until we're in our new house. Brevy, is counting down the days. He's excited, because he'll have his own room and no one to bother with his trucks. I'm excited to be in a new area with new neighbors (eventually), and being in the middle of no where. LOL. It should be interesting. I think if nothing else it will make us plan better with the whole 'food shopping' thing. We almost- always go every night to pick up food. With gas prices being as high as they are (they're coming down, but still high), That's crazy! We need to be buying food once a week and just stocking up on things. I've been trying to tell my husband this for years. Maybe now we'll actually DO that. We're going to have to, there isn't even a grocery store near by. It will be a total change of *set ways.* Which is a good thing! I should stop rambling and get back to packing. AH! Anyone want to help? I could use some help! :-)~
Yeah, I hear ya babe. I think it'll be a new experience that will take some time getting used to.
Love you
Posted by
Hillary |
9/14/2005 03:30:00 PM
NO THANK YOU! I'm still trying to UNpack from a month ago!
Posted by
J |
9/14/2005 03:44:00 PM
Hahahah! Oh come on! It will be fun!!! hehe...
Posted by
Hillary |
9/14/2005 03:49:00 PM
Awwwww~! Thanks Jesse! You and Colette are the only ones that want to help! hehe. Yeah, it's really exciting. My mom said she wants to come and see the new house soon. I dunno how serious she is, but I sure hopes she does come. :) That would be nice.
Posted by
Hillary |
9/15/2005 09:46:00 AM