Sept. 11th
I went to work this afternoon until 5:30pm. It wasn't that bad of a day. I came home and had dinner with the family. Then, we went to venture for some more moving boxes. The kids rode their scooters when we got home. Brevy, feel off his sideways luckily not hurting anything. Meesa, fell off her bike bumping the back of her head a little bit. Brevy, ended up hitting his ankle bone before coming in. Before that Aiy, pulled him off of our bed hitting the back of his head on the bed frame. They wear helmets and are still beat up. What a mess! Besides that they are doing well. Baby and I, packed up some of our bedroom. We boxed clothes, DVD's, candles, books, and more stuff tonight. We got a lot done in an hour. Tomorrow, I should have most of our bedroom done and can focus more on getting the kids posters down and some more closet stuff away. The kids are the only ones that still have stuff on the walls. Every other room in the house is bare. We're ahead of schedule really, which is good for us. We always seem to wait until last minute to accomplish things. I just really want to be mostly packed for next week so we can just focus on loading the truck. We're moving on a week day and we only have that one day to do it. I was hoping to take off of work in order to get it done, darn! We found a bunch of old clothes that we're going to donate to the Red Cross for the Katrina victims. It always feels good to do something positive for someone in need. We have so much going on all at once all the time. The kids have a doctor's appointment coming up. It's a child well and I think Brevy will be getting his shots. AHHH!!! He hasn't had to get them in two years...So, it won't be a good thing. He's a little trooper though. I switched over their hospital since their one doctor retired. It's sad, because we've had that doctor ever since the kids were babies. Now we're moving on to a new place and who knows what doctor we'll get. One thing is for sure, if I don't like him we'll be picking someone else. LOL. As long as the little ones are getting the shots and care that they need, we're good. I've been married for one month today. It's weird, because that one month went by so quickly. At the same time it seems like Charles and I, have been married for forever. I'm just proud to be his wife and can't wait to see what the future has to hold for us. Getting married is just the beginning! I should probably be getting to bed soon. I could sit here and go on and on all night. More tomorrow though. Good Night! ~
WHAT? LOLOLOLOL! You are so crazy, baby! How could you NOT know? I am very proud to be your wife. That's all I talk about. When I answer the phone I say, "Sandia Residence!" And any chance I get to say, "my husband" I DO!!! You're so silly. I think you knew...I just think about it more than you know. :-) Know what I mean? lol....
I love you Mr. Sandia! You're a big help babe. That one night we did great! It's just hard with having the little ones around. Kisses! Don't worry!
Posted by
Hillary |
9/13/2005 03:07:00 PM