Yesterday, was so stressful. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, did. Well, almost anyway. I think it's all this pressure to pack up this entire house and start on the cleaning and making it look new. It won't be too hard. It's not like it's dirty, but it's still a lot of work. The kids were awful yesterday, too. Mainly Brevy, he wasn't listening at all. I think I could have used some more sleep, too. I woke up early and that's always hard to do for me. I'm so not a morning person! Just stressed!
This morning the kids had their doctor's appointments. Brevy, got four boosters (which I knew he was going to get!) He didn't even cry until the very last one, it was a stinger. Poor thing! Even though he gave me such a hard time yesterday, I still tear up seeing him in pain. He's fine now playing outside making so much noise. LOL! I bet he'll be uncomfortable when he wakes up from his nap. I already gave him some pain reliever. Hopefully, that takes the edge off. Today, started off feeling like yesterday. I'm hoping to take a small nap when the kids go to sleep and hopefully that makes me feel better. :} Is it noon yet?
"noon thirthy three" That's cute babe. Yeah, I feel a lot better after having a little nap. I think I just needed rest. I am stuck in this house all day with these crazy kids that have way too much energy and sometimes it just gets to me. I can breathe now!!! Yeah, he's hurting right now. He woke up ALL CRANKY AND IN PAIN! I feel bad for him. I told him he would though. LOVE YOU!!! <<3
Posted by
Hillary |
9/13/2005 03:09:00 PM
He took a nice hot bath for 15 min. He felt good until he came out. Oh geez!
Posted by
Hillary |
9/13/2005 03:22:00 PM