An Empty House
Today, after work we cleaned out almost everything in the house. We rolled up rugs, took all the left over crap we had sitting around and boxed it all. No clothes in closets, no pans in the kitchen, and no food in the pantry. It looks so weird! The house only looked like that the first couple of hours we moved in it. I had pictures on the walls and rugs on the floors hours later after moving in it two years ago. I can't stand a "plain" house, it drives me nuts! I ran around thinking where can I put everything? Also, trying to re-arrange things over and over to make it look better. It's actually fun! I like making things look good. This house is no longer near that, not until the owners take over and furnish it. Their plan for this house is for it to be a furnished rental. Whatever! We trimmed all the vines, cut the flower shrubs in the front, and pulled weeds in the back yard. Not fun, but we got it done. We saw a really cool leaf bug. Oh and while we were cutting the shrubs a leaf bug jumped on my ankle. I screamed, because I thought it was a wolf spider (which we have all over the place.) Hahaha! I have BAD arachnophobia. The leaf bug was really cool though. We ended up seeing two of them and the kids got a kick out of it. :)~ I'm glad we're almost done cleaning this house. The kids keep saying how they're going to miss it, but I don't think I will miss it that much. I'll miss my squirrels and that's about it. We don't go into the Bosque that much anymore. It would be different if we took advantage of the walking trails and such. We didn't do too much of that this year. It's hard to find the time to go running. Or maybe I'm just lazy! LOL, could be both. I think I'm ready for the change. It's kind of scary being out there in the middle of no where not knowing where the hell things are. BUT- I'll learn and learn quickly! I just thought of one thing I will miss, the location of this house. It's next to everything! Nail salon, hair salons, Subway, grocery store, my job...Everything! You can walk to so many places and it will take less than 5 minutes to get there. It's so convenient! That's what I'll miss! Mmm, the yummy Keva Juices I used to get. YUMMY! Oh well, time for a change! What else is going on around here....? Oh yeah, the state fair is here and we haven't gone yet. I don't know if we're going to be able to go this year because of funds, with moving and all....Well, ya know how that goes. Last year Brevy and Aiy, had a great time going on all the rides. She went today so we didn't have her over. Ah, we'll have to see. One more week of the fair and then it's gone until next year. I hope to not be around by then though. One more week of work and I get transferred. I'm looking forward to that. Today, wasn't so bad. I should work the mornings more often. I got home early and had the whole day left to empty the house. :)