Cleaning up, or at least trying to...
We rearranged the garage tonight while Brevy, rode his bike and Meesa, chased him. What a mess we have! We found old love letters from when Charles and I, first started talking when I lived in NY seven years ago. Seven years ago we still have all those letters, notes, cards, you name it. That's so crazy! It's cute, but crazy! It was funny because first we found his box with his purple folder FULL of my stuff. I was saying, "I can't believe you still have all this crap!" Then, about five minutes later I found my purple folder/binder full of his letters, cards, etc. Hahaha! We just threw his in with mine. We're going to be together for the rest of our lives, I think I'm willing to part with some of that stuff. Hehe...It's cute though. We accomplished a lot tonight. I was hoping we'd throw out more crap. Nope! Not a chance! We will eventually donate some of the kids toys. They have a huge TV box full of old toys that we're going to give away. There's no way we can take all this crap with us. I did say that once we get to the new house we must go through it all and throw stuff out. See, that was the purpose of going threw it in the first place. Baby, has a hard time parting with stuff. Don't ya, Babe? Yep! So, we attempted to clean a mess. We combined some junk, but it's still 'junk' in my book. Oh well! We tried! After that we went to Red Robin. The kids love it there. I had my famous chicken burger. Kids had Mac n' cheese which they could have at home. Daddy, had a cheese burger. It was good! They got their balloons and we came on home. It will be weird not calling this place "home" anymore. Aiy, even expressed how much she'd miss it. We all will! We had some really good times here. Especially, around the holidays. My in-laws have really started to come around and they did so coming at this house. Lots of family nights. I hope they want to do the same thing at the new house. You'd think they'd come over now that we'll be living closer to them. I can't wait to start everything on Tuesday. They still don't even have the refrigerator in the house or the window coverings yet. I just can't believe it! It's like, "HELLO WE"RE MOVING IN SOON!" Ugh! People! Hopefully the agency completes it by Tuesday (is what I was told.) It's like well if you want your money you better look like completing it by Tuesday. Why can't we ever get some good ole customer service these days? I'm not rude when I go about these things. I only get rude in here (my blog!) You would think if you want some people to take over the rent in your house than the least you can do is put up a window covering by move in day. I mean, after all they said they'd would get it done when we first went to look at it. It's just frustrating, is all. Colette, knows what I'm talking about. LOL! Don't ya?! I'll keep ya updated on the progress! Right now I want to go relax a bit. Wish me luck! G' night!
Hahahahah! Baby you are so crazy! Yeah, I guess the whole sophistacated gentleman thing is burried in the box with the 80's Rock tapes. Those tapes have been in that box for years and you have not touched them. As a matter of fact, I don't even think you remember they were there. You don't see me drooling over the old 90's Pac tapes, do you? Okay...Just his cd's...but that's not that often!
Work on those gentleman habbits!
Love you too!
Posted by
Hillary |
9/16/2005 01:00:00 PM
Oh Babe, Know what? Penelope, is actually a BOY! I saw her, him today and he sits just like Merrill. He's a boy! Merrill Jr., is a good name for him. There's also another big fat guy in the neighborhood. I haven't named him yet, but he's HUGE! lol. Yeah, I was in my glory clicking away. :)
Love ya...
Posted by
Hillary |
9/16/2005 01:08:00 PM letters! :)
Posted by
J |
9/16/2005 10:05:00 PM
Nenny- :) hehe...*blush*
Posted by
Hillary |
9/17/2005 09:40:00 PM
Colette- We've been going there ever since I had Meesa, because it's "kid friendly." It's a good spot for families. :-) Good food too.
Posted by
Hillary |
9/17/2005 09:41:00 PM
Oh yeah, I love their Watermelon Limeade! You've GOT to try it. YUM!!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
9/17/2005 09:42:00 PM