Three more days at work. Yay! I'm still catching hell for leaving them. The male managers don't let me forget, that's for sure. One manager keeps telling me that he ripped up my two week notice and threw it in the trash. He keeps telling me that I'm not leaving them. The other manager is just mean to me whenever I need him. Gosh! I get no love! I'm tired from last night. I got home after midnight. I didn't go to bed until after 1am. Charles, was so sweet. He always has dinner ready for me. He made three separate meals last night. One for the kids, one for himself, and one for me. That's a lot of work, I wouldn't have done that. hehe...Thank God for Baby! Well, more work today. I have to get the kids dressed and ready for the day. I have to eat and get ready for work myself. Ugh! Thursday to Sunday seems endless. I barely get to see Charles, it always feels like we're running around with out our heads. AH! I'll be glad next weekend when I don't work Saturday and Sunday. THAT will be refreshing! For now...It's weekend chaos.
well...just keep thinking that you'll be done soon! :)
Posted by
J |
10/24/2005 08:42:00 PM