Right now my living room and kitchen are sparkling with cleanliness. Come tomorrow at this time it will be a stove filled with pots boiling and an oven cooking up a yummy turkey. Actually, what we do is get up at like 3am and clean the turkey and then we put it in the oven. By the time we wake up, it's done. Of course we check on it and add yummy butter and veggies to cook with it. I don't stuff it with stuffing. It tends to absorb all the raw, yuck juices and it doesn't sit too well with my mind. LOL. So, onions, carrots, celery sticks, etc. Are good enough for me. :) It sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't really. So, everything will be done by noon tomorrow. That's when everyone arrives and we give thanks and feast! Aiy, will be sleeping over tonight and spending time with us tomorrow. Then, it's back to her house and then later if she wants to, she'll sleep over again. I don't work today or tomorrow. Thank you, Lord! Today, is a day of cleaning. I want the house to look nice and pretty for the family tomorrow. So far... Grandma, Grandpa, and April will be with us. We're still trying to get in contact with Marisa. Uncle Rod, has to work. We're not sure if Dee is coming, either. It will be nice none-the-less. The kids helped me with the house cleaning. They got the laundry out of the dryer and helped put things away. While I was vacuuming I didn't relies the water guy had come until Brevy announced it. We're getting water delivered now, because our water is the most awful water I have ever tasted. Who knows what we were drinking. Ugh! So, that takes care of that problem. Brevy and I, are still trying to get rid of our cold. It seems to be getting better. I don't want to be feeling gross tomorrow. Today, will seem never ending. I have a meeting to go to later on tonight. It sucks, because it's supposed to be my day off. Yeah right! Imagine me, relaxing. LOL. Oh well. Maybe I'll learn something new. Still haven't heard from dad. It's a shame that he doesn't call me. Mom told him to call me three days ago and still nothing. I don't bother waiting around, but still it hurts. *shaking head* I would and could never do that to Brevy or Mrs. Bones. That's so heartless!! If I were to visit he'd be all over us (so to speak.) I don't know why it's so different on the phone. Maybe it's hard for him to call. I don't know. I'm always the one to call him. Mom's the same way. Although, she does call at least once a week. It's so different from what used to be our daily conversations. You'd think they be calling since tomorrow is a holiday and all. It looks like I'll be the one to call them. Oh well! I still have plenty to do around here. I should get going. The kids and quietly watching "The Polar Express." Since, it was on sale they got it as a little gift last night. It's a really good Christmas movie. I enjoyed watching it in the movies as well. :) Hope you all have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving Day! Don't eat too much; I know I will! :):):):):):):):)
You're so naughty. The insensitive part of you tends to wonder out every now and then...Grrr. (Blunt statement, over.) You will be the co-cooker with me tomorrow. You will not be "assisting." Naunies. Love ya too.
Posted by
Hillary |
11/23/2005 05:15:00 PM