I got a call yesterday from my church, they want to baptize me on Sunday. Sunday!!!??? That's so soon, I thought. I mean, it's good but I thought there was a waiting list. I guess Sunday is open. Only problem is my schedule doesn't come out until this evening. Sunday, is my "extended availability." Wonderful! What was I thinking when I told them that? Ugh! So if I work, I might be missing church. Isn't that something? I don't like that at all!! When I first got the job I didn't even think about it interfering. I talked to my supp. Last night and she said I can come in an hour before scheduled time. Which interferes with Baby's schedule or stay an hour later every night...Which I just really don't want to do. AiyDiosMio! I don't know! Right now it's on a Sunday unless I change it. I guess I'm hoping since I work late on Saturday night that they won't schedule me so early on Sunday. I guess I can hope anyway. It figures that something would try to ruin my Sundays. (Even though that something was my poor judgment a month ago.) Hopefully, we don't even deal with extended availability until December when things get really busy. *sigh*
I sure hope so, Babe.
Easier said then done, Love!
Love ya, too!
Posted by
Hillary |
11/16/2005 01:48:00 PM