I graduated from training class on Friday. Our teacher said she's never had a whole class who graduated before. They had all the supervisors there and they all cheered for us as they called our names. The gave us each a balloon and a certificate saving we've completed training. It was cute. After graduation we went on the phone for five hours. My calls were all good ranging from inquiry to placing orders. All I was able to do. My AOS was booming! Nice! If you're not doing well with your AOS, you're not to worry...We get $2.00 on top of what we already make. If you're doing it yourself, you have the potential to make $8 on top of base. It's really nice! We had our pot luck on Thursday. Let's just say that I ate GOOD! LOL. I'm glad I'm done with training. They were long hard hours and I missed my Hubby and kids so much. Meesa, half the time calls me "Daddy" LOL. Then, she'll say. "I mean, Mama" It's confusing for them. Now I won't have to be away as much. Instead of eight hours, I'll only be gone four hours. Which is a lot better.
congrats! :)
Posted by
J |
11/14/2005 09:44:00 AM
Thanks! Thanks! and More Thanks! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
11/14/2005 12:08:00 PM