The Phones...
Last nights' calls went well. We were on the phones for two hours. I didn't get any nasty calls. My whole class seems to be getting these calls where the customer is just yelling and screaming at them. Maybe I am just lucky so far. Not sure, but I'm glad I'm not getting those crazy callers. Our teacher says, "Kill 'em with Kindness!" Great way to put it! I think it works, too! I'm always nice when I talk to the customer. I guess there's those customers that think because they are shopping from us, they can treat us any way they like. Oh no...Not true. Hehe...I'm just glad no one yells at me. Last night I was standing outside waiting for Charles and the "smokers club" came around me. I kept moving away. I don't like smoke and I don't like to be around it. Everywhere I went they followed me. Ugh! They were telling their horror stories about their callers. Don't ask me why they were following me. I wasn't that engaged with talking to them to begin with. Some of their stories were funny. They're all really young girls and really loud...Like I was when I was about 16/17 years old. They were just being wild. I was hoping that Charles would get there quickly. About ten minutes later he showed up and by then my head was pounding. I just wanted to go home, eat, and go to bed. I smelled like smoke, which grossed me out even more. By the time I got in the car, I was dizzy and my stomach was a mess. I felt like I was going to pass out. We put the kids to bed and then I finally got to eat. What a mess I was! Ugh! Just feeling really sick and tired. I think the second hand smoke got to me as well. Tonight, I'll be standing in the building if I get out early. They can't smoke in there. Gross!
Yep! That's another thing she says. What they don't know won't hurt them. lol...
Yeah, smokers are just gross! YUCK!!!! COUGH COUGH!!!!
Love you, too!
Posted by
Hillary |
11/08/2005 10:57:00 AM
hahahahahahahahahhahahha! That's a good idea. They did it again last night, too. They started to light up and I moved out and away from them....sure enough they started moving my way. I think when I moved by the sidewalk, they got the message. Ugh! I should take some febreeze with me though. lol...
Posted by
Hillary |
11/09/2005 10:43:00 AM