Up coming Thanksgiving Day...
Turns out that I have a cold now. Ugh. Baby is blaming himself, because he was sick for a while. Really, I could have gotten it anywhere. Especially, sharing keyboards at work. Yuck! I noticed it when we went shopping for our Thanksgiving trimmings last night at Wal-Mart. What would we do with out Wal-Mart? We got our 15 pound turkey for $6.00! I don't think I've ever seen a turkey for $6. Very impressive! When we got to the check out, the lady told us it was cheaper somewhere else. So, we got the competitive price. Nice! It's fine with me!!! We got our yummy pies for $1.90 too. Good pies, not the yucky ones. Hehe...We made out like bandits. We're inviting the whole family over to eat for Thanksgiving. I just hope they all come, because we have a huge turkey for just us. I do suppose I can give it to our adorable new friend, Kitty. We have a cat that comes around now. He's always hungry and I am always giving him food. I'm sure he'd love a turkey dinner. I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I think it's my most favorite holiday to cook for. It reminds me of when I was younger and used to help my mom. Then, we'd go get dressed up in our prettiest dresses and wait for Daddy to come home and surprise him. Then, we'd all sit down to a huge meal with wine and just feast. Yeah, my dad gave me wine mixed with Sprite when I was young. That's what his mom used to give him. He always said it was harmless. Ha! Anyway, I'm sad that I can't be with my mom and dad for Thanksgiving. I would really like to see them more often. Although there is no way that we'd visit them around the winter months. I don't think the kids could take a NY winter. I don't even know if I could. We've been spoiled by this beautiful NM weather. Although it does get pretty cold here, too. I wish I could just surprise them and show up un-announced (and stay in a hotel, that is!!) LOL. That would be nice! With Uncle Franklin getting his strength up, there's no way. He's doing better. He walks around the house now. He even spent some time in his favorite spot, the basement. He also hasn't been allowed to smoke his pipe anymore. YAAAAAAAY! I couldn't tell you how happy that makes me. Now if only my Dad stop smoking...Eh, ya can't tell him anything. He's such a hard-head. (I'm going off the subject I do relies...Bare with me.) So, it will still be nice to have my in-laws over. It will be the first time they've all been here at the same time in the new house. I'm excited! I don't have to work, which is always nice. It would be even nicer to get paid for it, but I haven't been there for 60 days yet. Now Christmas is a paid holiday. YAH! I really wanted to go to our Church's holiday dinner and service this Tuesday. It looks like I'd only have the time to make it for the dinner at 5pm. I'd miss the service, because I work at 7pm. :( So, I think we've given up on that idea. Sucks! Christmas will be another story though. We're definitely making it for that occasion. Aiy, doesn't have a play to do this year. We'll be at service none-the-less. Hopefully, we get to see her for Thanksgiving. It's hard working around who's going to have her and when. Too bad it wasn't simpler. I just want her to be with us while we all celebrate such a thankful time. I'm sure we'll have her for some of the day. We have so much to be thankful for. We just need to keep that in mind, everyday--Not just because it's Thanksgiving Day. I'm am truly thankful for all that I have each and every day. :-)
I am thankful for you as well, My love! I don't think you are the one that got me sick, baby. I bet you're tired. You're always up late with me and then you get up way too early in the am to go to work. My poor papa! Someday, you will get a break. You can sleep in on Saturday. :) YAY!!! Okay. Well, did you tell Rod, Dee, and April? What about Marisa? We should call her too. lol. Everyone!!!! I hope they all come.
I love you. Kisses!
Posted by
Hillary |
11/22/2005 11:06:00 AM