**********I was Baptized Today! **************
Today I was baptized by Pastor Si. It was myself and a younger little girl. She was nervous for the same reason I was...That we wouldn't be able to get back up. I just reassured her and she seemed excited. I was! Before that we prayed. I joined hands with Pastor and the little girl, her mother also prayed with us. While in prayer I felt like an energy from Pastor's hand and into mine. It shook a little. It was the weird-est feeling. It was really powerful. So, we stood in the water. The little girl was first. The curtain raised and the whole congregations eyes were on us. (We were upstairs, above everyone.) He dipped her in the warm water and she was done. Now it was my turn...I was dipped and before I knew it, it was over. People clapped and we got out. I should mention that today is the coldest day in NM yet. We have very low temperatures mixed with a nasty wind chill. So, as we went down the stairs soaking wet we quickly got changed, into our church clothes, dried the hair, and I headed back to join everyone in service. My in-laws were there. I was really happy to see them supporting me. More than I can say for my parents that still haven't congratulated me. After service I called my mom and she said, "oh cute, that's nice!" Right. The words that describe a new cat, possibly. I think that's the best it's going to get. They don't think of sending cards or really getting into it, at all. These are the way my parents are and I know this. I just have to know that I'm proud of myself. I'm happy with what I have done and that's good for me! She said she'd pass the news on to Dad. I'm sure he'll have the same re-action. LOL. After, service we battled the winds and cold air to the car and headed home for Baby's famous breakfast. YUMMY! Charles, was so proud of me! :) That's my Baby! What would I do with out him?! We ate and then Aiy had a girl scout gathering at the ice rink. YEAH, THE ICE RINK. LOL. Okay, I haven't been ice skating since Mrs. Rolands, fifth grade class. Oh yeah. So, we got there and the scene still brought back lots of memories of roller skating (that's one thing I CAN do.) It was only going to be Aiyana and myself who'd be skating. I wasn't too thrilled at this point. I didn't want to fall and break anything. I went out there anyway and clung to the side. HAHHAH! After about an hour I started to get the hang of it and started going faster every now and then waiting for Aiy. We laughed so hard the entire time. I saw one of my kids I used to teach (when I was a pre-school teacher.) Arista! She was one of my favorites and now she was all grown up. I didn't approach her, just watched her from a distance. Her grandma didn't recognize me. She also ended used to work with Charles and she hadn't recognized him either. Oh well. At least I got to see her. Might I add that she was skating better than I was. LOL. Well, I think everyone was skating better than us, but we still had fun. Eventually Aiy, linked hands with two teachers and wanted me to join. OH geez, I thought... Please don't let me make anyone fall. LOL. We did great and went around and around. Aiy, started feeling confident and went to try it by herself. This is something I didn't think I was going to enjoy, because I thought I'd be on my butt on the ice the whole time. I didn't fall not once. YAY! I can't say the same for Aiy. LOL. I think she was purposely falling to see what it felt like. LOL. We had a blast! I told her we'd try to come every Sunday after her Sunday school. AHHH! LOL. No, it should be fun getting better at it. We got home around 3pm to have a snack and take a nap (all of us.) Charles and I, were up until midnight the night before. That's when I usually get home on Saturdays. We were pretty tired after getting up this morning at 7:30am. Aiy, didn't sleep though. She insisted on thumping on the floor periodically and woke me up many times. I tried to take a nap at least. hehe. Kids are up and we're going to be eating dinner soon. Baby, is cooking. Today, was a really great day. I had a great start with being Baptized and we even went ice skating. Wow! Another busy day. We still have to go take Aiy home and then come back and get the little ones ready for bed. All and all a great day! Brevy and Meesa, were happy to see that I got soaking wet in the water. They giggled and thought it was "cool." I'm happy! :-)
Posted by
J |
11/28/2005 11:56:00 AM
Thanks Jen!:)
Posted by
Hillary |
11/28/2005 02:56:00 PM
Thanks Baby!!! I love ya so much. You're truly my best friend. xoxoxo
Posted by
Hillary |
11/28/2005 02:58:00 PM