He's back!
Yes, he's back!!! We were all anxiously waiting his arrival yesterday afternoon. We were counting down his landing time which was 12:30pm. So, at Noon I was telling the kids,"Daddy lands in 30 minutes!" Then, it was "20 minutes" and so on...We were so excited! When his plane landed, he indeed called and told us how long it would be before getting home. There's bags to pick up and the car, of course. So, we rushed outside and made me a chalk banner on the drive way that read, "WELCOME HOME, DADDY!" Decorated with hearts, flowers, and scribbles from the kids. While we were waiting we made hop scotch and spent an hour hopping up and down it while we awaited his arrival. It was so beautiful outside. Nice and warm-70 degrees! The sun was shining, birds singing, and a nice breeze. I told Brevy, "don't get dirty!" What did he do? He got dirty! I said, "Don't spill your water!" What did he do? He spilled his water all over him. I said, "Don't fall!" Because he was tipping himself in a plastic blue chair. What did he do? He fell! I HAVE GOT to STOP saying, "DON'T!" I was so used to choosing my words carefully before I had children and was a preschool teacher. It was much easier then, because I practiced it all day. Now, it's like that's all I ever say. I was taught from George that when you say "don't do..." The child is actually thinking about what you just said...And they heard...."Do!" And then they react, because that's exactly what they are thinking about. Ugh! I know this! I just need to start choosing my words more carefully. I should say, "feet on the floor!" instead of "don't jump off of that..." I have some work to be do. So, anyway...Everything I told him not to do, he did and was a mess when Daddy arrived. That's okay though! :) Miss. Bones, had on a pretty spring dress that she picked it out herself and was happily twirling it in to show daddy. She also ran over to hop scotch and showed him a thing or two. It was funny! I, of course ATTACKED him. :) I've been waiting long enough. Patience doesn't come that easily. LOL. It was nice! We took the kids to the park after exchanging gifts. Boy, did the kids get a lot of stuff. (Pictures to come!) I, got a really nice mug. It's a blue/purple color with a Mickey Mouse on it, he looks 3-D, it's really cool. Now Charles can keep my other Mickey cup that he's always stealing for tea. You're welcome, Babe! All, is well and I'm so happy he's back home! Safe and sound!
Yes! You're welcome. We missed you and we wanted you to know it. Amen?
I love you, too! <3
Posted by
Hillary |
3/07/2006 04:35:00 PM