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I had my surgery yesterday. Everything went well. This morning I woke up like this and feel as big as an elephant. I'm soar and taking my medicine. I'm icing my big huge cheeks. I said well now I'm really one of you guys (meaning Brevy, Bones, and Charles), because they all have big cheeks. One thing that was really nice was my surgeon called me personally last night from his cell phone. I was really impressed. He said he wanted to make sure everything was going well. Wow! That made me feel good. I also want to thank some people for praying for me. Thanks to my family of course, Hollie, Jen, Jenice, Jessica, and everyone at work. You guys are the best! Today, I can't really speak that well, I'm too swollen. Charles, is taking care of my every need. You are truly the best and I appreciate you. I should go take my penicillin. Just wanted to show you the big difference. :(
Actually all kidding aside. This picture looks way better than how I look today. Today being Thursday and my cheeks are even BIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
3/16/2006 08:01:00 AM