A Dusting
This morning I woke up to a small amount of snow. What a pleasant surprise! I knew it was going to snow. The mountains looked ominous last night and you could almost feel it. We'll take anything we can get, even just a dusting. I opened one eye this morning and saw the snow and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm worse than a kid! This time I didn't run and get my sweats on and jump in it though. Maybe I will a little later. :)
Yesterday, I had my stitches out. I guess I didn't relies I only had them in the bottom. LOL. I guess I was out of it all week. It's been a rough week. I went to work and went home right away on Monday. Everyone was happy to see me, but I had trouble when it came to the offers. I couldn't talk fast enough or even clear enough, in my opinion. My supervisor was like, "why are you here?" Sent me home...LOL. I left early last night as well. I just can't seem to do it. My left side is fine and back to normal. My right side LOOKS fine, but isn't. It feels like there's a little tight ball in the corner of my jaw that isn't allowing me to open my mouth or even chew correctly for that matter. It's all because of that nerve (that has a name as long as my arm) that runs through the bottom of the jaw. When, they injected to num me, the muscle is now num, too. They told me it was perfectly normal to be able to not feel a part of my chin/lip. Oh wonderful, that makes me feel a lot better. Then, came more good news...It could take up to three months to regain it. Isn't that something?! Ugh! So, for now I have to put up with it. I have to keep up with the hot packs, that will "loosen the muscle"--Right! Only me! Oh well, the teeth are out and hopefully in the future I'll look back and say, "I did the right thing getting those annoying wisdom teeth out!" I can hope, anyway!
As far as today, I have a million and one phone calls to make. I need to check on so many different things, it's not even funny. I feel like I'm so way behind in everything. Yet, I should pace myself or I'll go crazy.
Oh, I almost forgot...Bible Study was fulfilling yesterday morning. Oh how I'm missed last week so much. I could have used it! My teacher let me take home the DVD. So, now I can plug in Beth Moore anytime my heart desires and receive the message. Amen! We don't have class next week due to "Spring Break" and get to keep it an extra week. :) Well, that's about it for now. I should get started on some things and attempt to accomplish something at least. Have a Blessed day!
Yesterday, I had my stitches out. I guess I didn't relies I only had them in the bottom. LOL. I guess I was out of it all week. It's been a rough week. I went to work and went home right away on Monday. Everyone was happy to see me, but I had trouble when it came to the offers. I couldn't talk fast enough or even clear enough, in my opinion. My supervisor was like, "why are you here?" Sent me home...LOL. I left early last night as well. I just can't seem to do it. My left side is fine and back to normal. My right side LOOKS fine, but isn't. It feels like there's a little tight ball in the corner of my jaw that isn't allowing me to open my mouth or even chew correctly for that matter. It's all because of that nerve (that has a name as long as my arm) that runs through the bottom of the jaw. When, they injected to num me, the muscle is now num, too. They told me it was perfectly normal to be able to not feel a part of my chin/lip. Oh wonderful, that makes me feel a lot better. Then, came more good news...It could take up to three months to regain it. Isn't that something?! Ugh! So, for now I have to put up with it. I have to keep up with the hot packs, that will "loosen the muscle"--Right! Only me! Oh well, the teeth are out and hopefully in the future I'll look back and say, "I did the right thing getting those annoying wisdom teeth out!" I can hope, anyway!
As far as today, I have a million and one phone calls to make. I need to check on so many different things, it's not even funny. I feel like I'm so way behind in everything. Yet, I should pace myself or I'll go crazy.
Oh, I almost forgot...Bible Study was fulfilling yesterday morning. Oh how I'm missed last week so much. I could have used it! My teacher let me take home the DVD. So, now I can plug in Beth Moore anytime my heart desires and receive the message. Amen! We don't have class next week due to "Spring Break" and get to keep it an extra week. :) Well, that's about it for now. I should get started on some things and attempt to accomplish something at least. Have a Blessed day!
wow, sounds like you're still recovering! it was surgery, so i guess it does take a long time to get back to normal!
you guys have been getting lots of snow! we had some intense flurries this am, i took some photos (it looked like a blizzard when it was coming down, but only lasted for about 5 mins!)
Posted by
J |
3/23/2006 11:44:00 AM
Yeah, I AM still recovering... It sucks at times, because I'm in pain and don't want to eat because of it. Then, I have to wait for the meds to take effect until I can eat. Eh, it's a pain. It's just my left side, but it's enough from stopping me do my normal things.
Yeah, lots of snow for us. Look fwd. to seeing your snowy pics. I uploaded some more on flickr. You might want to try leaving a comment on there. I messed with some stuff. See, if that works. If not, then they're on Snapfish as well.
Posted by
Hillary |
3/23/2006 03:11:00 PM