Real Food...
It took me an hour to eat pizza last night, but I ate it. It was my first real food since Tuesday. Wow! I'm getting tired of yogurt, apple sauce, jell-o, and pasta. I could never get tired of eating ice cream. My mouth is always frozen after I eat that and that's a good thing. Hopefully, I get better every day. It's hard when your mouth is so swollen it doesn't open much. For the first time ever I can say I don't have a big mouth. Big cheeks, but not a big mouth. Kids are driving my crazy, because Dad's at work. Is it 1:00pm yet? I'll be glad when he gets home. Ugh...
Thanks Babe. Yeah, I'm getting better. A nice Subway sanwish was a real good change earlier. Dinner was good, too. I'm getting better slowly. Thanks for your patience. Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
3/18/2006 10:38:00 PM
That's supposed to say, "sandwich," but Lilly is in my lap and I can't type too good with her here. lol.
Love you! You know what I'm trying to say. Now how about some ice cream? Yum!
Posted by
Hillary |
3/18/2006 10:40:00 PM
Thanks Colette! Yeah, it's getting better. The swelling is going down. Hope you're enjoying your time in UKraine.
Thanks again.
Posted by
Hillary |
3/20/2006 03:54:00 PM