Get together
Some of the mom's and I, are getting together and will be taking the kids to the park tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful outside and I hope it keeps it's promise. The kids are so excited to get together with some of the other kids to play. They miss them, because we haven't been last week. It's Spring break and family week at church. Everyone is supposed to stay home and spend time with one another. I'm excited about getting together with these ladies, because I don't know anyone here in NM. I have no friends really. I have a few that I talk to at work, but that's work. Bible Study has been great. I have the chance to talk with other mother's who are also learning about our Lord. I missed having class! Our next Bible Study class will be our last for this session. I remember the first day, I was so nervous, I didn't know what to wear. I felt weird, because I didn't know anyone. Here I am loving it and I don't want it to end. The good news is we're having another one this summer. I can't wait! I just hope I'm not away on vacation when it starts. Won't that just be my luck though!? I'll pray that it will be just in time. We should know more details this coming Tuesday, about dates and all that good stuff. We're making our last day a great one. We get to bring any kind of food we'd like to share with the class. It's going to be a pot luck and we're inviting the staff members of the church. It will be nice to end it that way. :) Here's to good eating!
hope you guys had fun!
Posted by
J |
3/30/2006 04:56:00 PM
Thanks Jen! I hope so, too! :) I'll take some pictures and let you know how it goes. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
3/30/2006 05:53:00 PM
Yeah, we sure did. I thought noone was going to show up and just when I thought wrong...They had a good time.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/02/2006 06:30:00 PM