Super Bowl Sunday
Go Steelers!!!!!!!! What a busy day we've all had. We got up early and it was so hard for me to get up this morning. Last night at work I had such a migraine. I took my meds and it still didn't take it away. I left work an hour early (with my job I can leave whenever!-yay) and Charles picked me up. I had to take more meds two hours later, because it didn't work. Awful! So, I was so drowsy this morning I couldn't get up. We went to church and by then I was perky. Church was great as it always is. Charles, is getting baptized next Sunday. I'm so HAPPY for him. Aiy, went to day care for the first time and loved it. She also wants to be baptized there. Wow! God, is good! Kids did great as they always do at church. Then, it was off to take Aiy to Sunday school (her second dose of church). We washed the car while she was there and got breakfast. Then, it was off to Hastings! We picked up the Gospel on DVD. After that we went home. I called mom on the way to wish her a Happy Super Bowl. LOL. She made a lot of food and was getting ready to pig out. Charles, also made a ton of food. We had big fat pork chops, hot wings, bar b q wings, and French fries. I made the healthy stuff; fruit salad and a green salad. We ate well to say the least. Aiy and I, also had chocolate covered strawberries and of course chips and dip. We tried to get some healthy food in there. Most of it wasn't. Oh well, we never get a chance to pig out like that. It was fun! Bones tried cucumbers for the first time and loved them. She ate her whole salad. She also ate jalapeno dip and loved it. Her and Aiy, sat there filling there face. Gosh! G'pa, came over and watched the game with us for almost four hours. I was busy dealing with the kids and didn't get to see much. I saw some good touch downs though, I guess that counts for something. It was a long day. A busy day. I'm glad Charles and dad spent some quality time together. I haven't talked to my dad since before my bday. He didn't even call to say Happy bday. It took my mom past 3pm and then I ended up calling her. That's just how they are, I guess. Anyway, this week has gone by so quickly...I can't believe tomorrow is Monday. Where did Friday go? I still have to complete my Bible Study homework and my snack day is on Tuesday. Oh great! I have to go to Sam's Club and pick up some breakfast goodies for the ole gals. So much to do, so little time. Well, I should end here. It's getting late. G'nite. Happy Super Bowl Sunday, for those of you who are football fans. :)
Yes, it was! Yeah, I didn't see much of the game, but it didn't seem exciting. Oh well. It was nice eating all that food and having Dad over. Right?! Yes, I got the email and wrote you back already at Yahoo. The Rev. is happy and I am too. You're doing great things, Love. We're proud of you and happy for you! We love ya.
Mama Watermelon and the kids.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/06/2006 12:13:00 PM
So much food! :)
Posted by
J |
2/06/2006 03:30:00 PM
Yes, I ate a TON of food on my birthday. I'm a piggy... Go ahead, you can say it.
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 02:16:00 PM
Colette, as far as Catholic religion, I'll be honest; I don't know a lot about it. I know other people who were Baptized as children that were catholic and have moved on to another religion and got baptized, "again." Our church believes in being fully immersed. When Jesus was resurrected, he rose from the dead. That's why when being baptized, you do as Jesus did (it symbolizes a burial and resurrection!) Our church believes you should confess in front of man; Do as Jesus did. Even though many of us were "confirmed" or "baptized" as children (not me)... It says in the Bible any man that doesn't confess in front of man, that he will not do so in front of his Father. (I can't think of the verse, right now.) Baptism doesn't make you a believer-it shows that you already believe. Baptism doesn't "save" you, only your faith in Christ does that. Baptism is like a wedding ring- it's the outward symbol of the commitment you made in your heart. That's what I know, Hun!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 02:37:00 PM
Yes, Baby...That is right. That's what I know too. I hope I explained it right as well. I'm not an expert either and I'm just learning all this myself. I'm reading the Bible and learning about Jesus and what he did. I hope I answered your question, Colette! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 02:39:00 PM
YEAH RIGHT! I am NO passa! lol. You're crazy baby. No, I'm not good...It took me 5 min. to write that and while I was trying to get the words out, you came along and posted a comment before me. Silly. I'm just trying to answer the question with what I know and what our church believes. Love ya too!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 03:05:00 PM
Ya know I love the fact that you guys know my new URL. Just when I thought no one would visit my site again, because I changed it up...You surprise me every time. Amen? Amen! Thanks for coming back and checking up on what everyone said. I love it! That's what comments are for. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
2/07/2006 03:27:00 PM
Not sure. I think you should be able to switch your faiths at any time. That's just me though.
This is really his first baptism. We're really excited and happy for him.
No prob!!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/08/2006 09:27:00 PM
Yeah, you should! Let me know how it goes. :)That's why I love our church...They don't discriminate. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
2/10/2006 11:11:00 AM