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Sunday, April 24, 2005 

Long days, Long Nights

Sundays are such long days. It rained about 5:30am-6am this morning until about 11am. I knew the rain was coming. I miss the rain. Living in a desert like NM, we barely get rain. Although we're getting a lot more precipitation than we did last year. So, I knew it as going to be a dreary day. We picked Aiyana up this morning and had to return home to wait for those American Furniture people to call. I just knew the minute we stepped out the door, the phone would ring. Luckily, the waited until we were eating breakfast. Grr...I made them put shoe covers on their feet. People need to respect other people's wishes. My wish is to keep this stupid, wool rug clean in the kids room. To do that anyone that comes into our home must take their shoes off. Hey, it's not our house, we're just renting. So, they wore shopping bags on their feet while they worked on the bunk bed. You could tell they just loved my idea. Again, you need to respect a person's home and wishes. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing that stupid carpet after Brev had a bloody nose. I guess he decided to lean over his bed and watch the blood drip into shapes on that very pale wool thing. Grrrr...So, I'm not about to have two guys carelessly bring in mud and crap on the carpet that I just cleaned. No thanks! I hope Brevy doesn't decide to do that anymore the next time he feels another bloody nose emerging. Mommy, doesn't appreciate it. :( Didn't sleep well again last night. What the hell is up with the allergies? I have never been this bad in my life. I don't know what the hell is blooming in NM, but I wish it would bloom so I can get on with my life. I barely get any sleep these days. Now wonder why I am so cranky and have no patience. The problem isn't getting to sleep, it's waking up and sneezing, blowing, and wiping my drippy nose a million times. Then, I'm tying to breathe (this all goes on even AFTER already taken allergy medication, too) and can't. So, I lay there struggling to breathe out of one side of my nose and never get back to sleep. It's awful and I'll be glad when it's all over. I never went through this crap in NY. I must have immunities to all the allergens over there. Even Brevy, has the swollen, red, itchy eyes. He cried all the way home yesterday, because his eyes itched. It just happened and there was nothing I could do in the car. Poor Brevy...Has awful allergies like his mama. We fixed him up when we got home and he was better- instantly. Me, on the other hand suffers all day and night. I was kind of reluctant to see the rain today thinking maybe I wouldn't be so bad. Think again...My hypothesis wasn't correct- at all. So, here I am trying to make the best out of a miserable situation. Did I mention it feels like you want to rake your eyes out, because they itch so bad? Yeah, I thought I did...I'm not a happy camper, at all...

Note to self:

Dear Hillary,

Next year when coming to NM to visit DO NOT come March-May, it's when you suffer from Allergies.

Good Luck,

I actually get really bad allergies in Wisconsin, but not in New Mexico. I think it has something to do with your body building up antibodies or something. But my mom grew up in NM and is super allergic there but not in the Midwest.

This is gross, but you might want to try a nasal spray. When I was a kid, I used to get nosebleeds a lot in NM, but not anywhere else. The high elevation makes folks more prone to them. Of course, Brevin might not like having anything sprayed up his nose. When I was little, my mom kept a tissue box by my bed and told me to hold it by my nose until it stopped bleeding.

Exactly, you're used to NM, because that's where you grew up. In NY, I'm fine, too!

I did hear about the nasal sprays...at this point I'll try anything. I used to get TONS of bloody noses in NY when I was growing up and was hoping Brevin wouldn't. It's also the dry air out here in NM. Plus, his allergies already aggravating it. I tought him to pinch the bridge of his nose to make it clot and of course to get tissues and hold it to his nose. So, he knows what to do now...after bleeding all over the rug. Grr...

Hey Ma,

I'm no good for tips, I'm not allergic to anything well cept for PWT. I love you. Let's hope this passes quickly.

PWT- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Baby you are so CRAZY! LOL...I'll be laughing at that all day. You always know how to make me laugh- that's for sure.

Let's hope it passes...and I get over these silly things called, Allergies. ew.

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About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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