Everyone is Sick! :-P~
I've been sick since Dec.23rd. I'm just now starting to get better. Brevy, got sick that same day. We both felt awful for Christmas Eve. Now Charles and Meesa, are starting to get sick. Brevy, seems to be the worst. He's got this really awful cough. This morning I went in his room and he was still asleep at 9:30am. He never does that! He's always up before Charles leaves in the am. I was really surprised. I've been telling him to get his rest or he's never going to get better. He skipped his nap the other day, which I wasn't happy about. Grr. I guess he made up for it today. Really surprising! He sounds like he's getting a little better, too. Charles and Meesa, are the ones that are just getting the head cold. Sucks! Charles, is working at his second job through his "vacation." He gets home a half an hour later, too. Work hasn't been that great for me these last couple of days. People are only shopping clearance and it's impossible to get that lift. Company has lowered their standards since all the new clearance catalogs have released, So that helps. I haven't talked to mom in a couple of days. I called her a bunch on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We got our packages the same day, which was kind of ironic. They bought the kids tons of clothes and some other cute things. I'm grateful for that! Their other Grandma got them nothing but toys, so it evened out. LOL. Other than that it's the same ole here. I wish we all weren't sick. It's so hard to work when you feel like crap. Especially Charles as an optician. That's a job where you actually have to be alert and hold a conversion with people- face to face. Ugh! At least I can make faces at people while on the phone. lol. I feel for ya, Babe. Get better soon!
I wouldn't doubt that you did give them the cretch. Awws...
I'm glad you are better. Love ya, too!
Posted by
Hillary |
1/01/2006 04:50:00 PM