Sunday, Kids day
Sunday, was fulfilling as usual. :) We woke up and went to church. It was 'kids day.' After church we ate and went to the mall to get the kids new shoes. They got two pairs of shoes each and it didn't cost much. :) Then, we went to the books store and picked up a few more books. We also hit up Best Buy for some CD's, but they didn't have them. I did end up picking up a renewal of my virus protection though. :) So, we went next door to Circuit City and they had the CD's we were looking for. The sound track to the "Gospel" and Yolanda Adams. Nice! We headed home to put the kids asleep and Charles and I, hung out. I did some of my Bible Study lessons that are due on Tuesday. By then it was time for Aiyana to come over. She arrived with her mother and didn't say anything to me. I think her mother trains her to be like that. So, after she left she was talking. Weird! You would think her mother would teach her better. It's like being in second grade all over again. I mean, GROW UP! Ugh! Anyway, so she would be sleeping over and the last couple of times didn't go well. I wasn't looking forward to being awakened a million times during the night. Daddy, made his famous friend chicken for dinner...Need I say any more? We headed to Hastings and got some movies for 'movie night.' I think "Chicken Run" was the only movie the kids hadn't seen so we picked it up and flew home. :) We made sugar cookies and the kids drank milk with it; Charles and I had tea. It was a good day! Aiy, of course threw her fit before going to bed. She came up with every excuse not to go to sleep. On top of that she lost her tooth at dinner. I thought if we'd mention to go to sleep so the tooth fairy could come, that would help. No chance, she had other plans in mind. So, we rubbed "ashes" on her. Did that help? No! Then, she was scared...We went through everything in the book to make her feel safe. Did that help? No! Then, she missed her mom. We ensured her about her mom and told her to say her prayers. Did that work? No! Then she missed her dad. Charles, held her and told her he's always there for her. Did that work? No! Then her tummy hurt, her feet hurt, everything hurt. Ugh~She had every excuse in the book. Charles and I, were up for a little bit trying to watch a movie (which I did not like, by the way) and she kept coming in with those excuses. Then, after we went to bed; which was well after 11pm she still came in all night. It was awful! Finally, I think she fell asleep and no sooner did she fall asleep, it was time to wake up. So naughty!! That's why I raised Brevy and Bones to fall asleep by themselves if they woke up in the middle of the night. Aiy, has always been "babied" and have always had these sleep problems. Not good! She doesn't have enough confidence to do it on her own. Ugh! I don't have patience with that kind of stuff. I mean, I try and did well helping Charles with her. She's old enough to start doing better though. She was doing fine until she didn't come over for a whole week...That made her a little uneasy. Who knows what they tell her at her house as well. Poor thing. Poor us for being all sleep deprived. Ugh...Charles, had a talk with her and supposedly she'll do better on Wednesday when she sleeps over again. Let's just say I'm glad I'm working and don't get off until really late. :) Today, I'm off as well. I have to pick out something for my Dad's birthday. It's coming up so quickly. Well, I sure I have to do something around this house...More later....
Yes, please do. What a night.
You're welcome. I love you, too. Have a good day babe. even though you're tired. Aw...
Posted by
Hillary |
1/23/2006 01:29:00 PM