FINALLY!!!! They are finally landscaping our backyard. I bugged and bugged them until she finally had the guy call me yesterday and set it up. The only thing that's bad about that is that they woke me up before 8am this morning. Ugh! I tried telling them there was no way I was going to be up at that time, because I work nights. They were talking so loudly and it's right outside my bedroom windows that I was in fact up at 8am! I sat there listening to them laugh so I decided to wake up the kids. The kids decided to sleep in and wanted no part of waking up early either. LOL. We've been watching them all morning dig holes and plant trees. It looks really nice so far. They just had a semi bring in all the rocks. I screamed for Brevy to come see the truck as it rose up vertically and dumped the rocks in front of our house on the ground. They thought it was pretty cool. That's what we're doing for now, watching other people work. We have to go to Wal-mart and pick up some groceries. I'm going to be so tired at work tonight, ugh. At least our back yard won't be just dirt anymore; that makes it worth while! :)
It's so pretty. When I came home they were putting in a dirt area and filling the rest with rocks. It looks really nice. :) Maybe we can get some plants and trim it with plants. Yes? Oh and I want to get a bench. PLEASE?
Love you.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/26/2006 03:11:00 PM
sounds nice! send some pics when it's all done
Posted by
J |
4/26/2006 07:19:00 PM
Yep! My husband confirmed that I can send my money on making it look even more pretty. lol
Posted by
Hillary |
4/27/2006 09:28:00 AM