First day of school
I took my son to school this morning. I told myself I wasn't going to cry (in front of him). I kept my promise! He got ready in his brand new clothes, new sneakers, new book bag (I'm a NY-er, I call em book bags!), and his cool new hair cut. We piled into the mini van and took off towards school. There was tons of traffic, which I'm not used to, because usually I'm still sleeping at that time. We got into the parking lot to find it packed with no place to park. I parked against a fence and left it at that. We headed towards his classroom; kids were running everywhere. There was a long line that had already formed for his class area, which is also shared with a neighboring class. We waited for the line to go down and decided to go in. He found his spot for his book bag right away and I was really proud he recognized his name without me pointing it out. We found his table with his name on it. Some kids were already in there and his teacher was busy talking to other parents. I knelt down beside him and he started to color a nursery rhyme paper that was sitting in front of him. He was really happy and excited. I, on the other hand was apprehensive and ansty. I watched as he colored some and I talked to him about his day. I ensured him I'd be there to pick him up. He's only there for a half of day today. His teacher came by to greet us and talked to Brevy about his wonderful smile. I rubbed his back and sat a couple of minutes more. Other parents already started to leave by this time and I wasn't ready to. LOL. I asked Brevy if it was okay for me to leave. He said, "yes mama!" I told him to have a good day and kissed him on the cheek. I got up and started towards the door, holding back the tears; Bones followed. I looked back to find he was watching us. I blew a kiss to him and left the room to already find that my tears could hold back no more. The tears had fallen down my cheeks and a mom behind me told me she cried last year. I told her the hardest thing is not to let him see me. She agreed that it was the hardest for her, too. It was comforting to talk to someone else who had been there and was compassionate. We headed for the car to find out how we'd get out of our parking spot. The tears running down my cheeks I stopped them while getting Bones in her car seat and then got in the car to drive home without my son and the tears just POURED down all the way home. Bones was quite, thinking about her brother. We reached the garage door and I called Charles, as he instructed to do so. He was there for me to lean on even though he's 30-40 miles away at work. He couldn't be with us on his first day of school, but got to talk to him on the phone before we left on this "grown up" journey. Almost everyone I know has younger children then I do. Some ladies at Bible Study were sharing their stories yesterday, too. Two ladies have older children and they were telling me about their experiences with the "first day." Oh Boy!!! Lord, help me today!!!! Hopefully, I'll keep myself busy enough not to notice the time. We'll leave a lot earlier to pick him up, because of all the other parents that are doing the same thing. Wish me strength to make it through with out crying!! I need it today! Thanks in advance!!!!
I love you, too. It's hard not to have tears. It's your baby and he's off on his own at school. Can you imagine...our little guy. I know he's going to do well, but it's a big step. It's his first step out of the nest. *tear*....okay I should stop, because this isn't helping. Thanks for your support babe. You're always there...Love you.
Posted by
Hillary |
8/16/2006 10:44:00 AM
Yeah, it was hard, but he's home now. It was an accomplished day. I got so much done without having to stop and yell at the kids for fighting, etc. The entire house is clean. I'm exhausted from waking up so early this am. I'm glad his first day is over. Tomorrow he'll be gone for 7 hrs+ (YIKES!) Thanks for your support cuz!!! :)
You'll see when it's your turn. :(
Posted by
Hillary |
8/16/2006 02:54:00 PM