<3 Baby Days <3
Today, was a productive day. Charles and I, went through the garage and got out all of Brevin and Aamya's baby clothes. My cousin Jessica is having a baby and I can't wait to give her all of Brevin's clothes. Seeing some of that stuff brought back so many memories. He was such an "easy" baby. He even slept through the night when he was a new born- I mean not at first, but when he was a couple of months old he got the hang of it right away. How many newborns do that? Not many! We couldn't have asked for an easier baby. Giving him baths and getting him dressed was something he enjoyed as well. I saw so many of his little body suits and mittens (newborns scratch their face.) I found a lot of tiny, tiny socks and lil shoes. There are so many other cute and tiny outfits. I wish he was a new born again. I can actually say that and smile. :-) Aamya, on the other hand was the complete opposite. She was a baby that never stopped crying. She never slept through the night unless her daddy held her...She was a "needy" one. Ha! She's grown out of that- Thank God. We didn't get any sleep with her until she was like one! Ha! No, but she was definitely going to have us running raged right away. She's my lil Mama. I wouldn't have it any other way. I wish I knew someone that was having a baby girl. That would be nice to actually SEE the clothes going to someone you knew. It looks like my friends aren't going to have babies any time soon. lol. Thanks, Jen! Thanks, Jenice! So, I'll probably give them to The Arc. www.arcnm.com We have so many things to get rid of. It has to go sometime and better now then any time. This way when we move we're not lugging baby items and clothes with us. I mean let's face it- Charles and I are done having children!! We have 1 boy, and 1 girl together and Aiyana is my God's gift. I didn't have to go through labor with her, but I've been in her life since she was one. She's just like my child. :) And we have Marisa. She couldn't be a better teenager. So, we're happy with 4 children. Time to let go of some of the baby items. I, of course, have their outfits from when we brought them home from the hospital. And the baby blankets we wrapped them up in. I even have 2 newborn diapers (un-used of course.) I saved them so I can frame everything. When we finally move, it will go on their wall in their new room. Now, that I have dust in my contacts from that crazy garage I think I'm done for today. I've sorted everything out and I'm just waiting word on Jesse. Let me know what to do, Girl! :)~
I want them to go to someone I know. I want to feel like they went to good use...and I feel good knowing they're going to you. It's sad, but I can't hold onto them forever. I'm ready to part with them. :) They're yours. They're all in a box all folded and cute and ready to come your way. :-)
Posted by
Hillary |
1/24/2005 11:07:00 AM
You're welcome! Give me a week! I'll let you know when it's on it's way. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
1/25/2005 12:39:00 PM
I'm asking around, but don't know anyone who's having a baby girl. And you're not gonna have any lil babies from ME for a looong time! lol ;)
Posted by
J |
1/26/2005 05:43:00 PM
I figured just as much and gave up on the thought. lol. Aw...Can't wait until you do. The baby is bound to have your eyes! 8)
Posted by
Hillary |
1/26/2005 08:26:00 PM