*OuR HoMe*
Okay, so get this...We found out the other day that the owners of our home want to make the house we're renting from them, into a high pricey, furnished home. Meaning, at the end of our lease- we're out, because of course we have our own furniture. Now, I should say that Charles and I, weren't planning on staying another year. We're moving East. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't though. Isn't that crazy? They told us, "Don't freak out!" I mean, it's their house and they can do with it as they please. I was like, so if we weren't getting married and wanted to stay loner, we wouldn't be able to?? Damn!!! That's messed up!!! lol...It IS great timing though, since we never wanted to sign again. We're getting married in August and then moving at the end of September. That's two MAJOR events happening back to back....Ya know what that means?? No honey moon. Well, that's what I'm thinking. How are we going to go off for a couple of weeks or even a week, if we have to move junk and clean house? Ugh...That's how I see it. BUT you can bet your money we're going to get one. I don't know where to or how, but we'll figure it out. lol. Things always have a weird way of working out. I was stressed after I heard that news...Then, I thought, why am I stressing? We were planning this move for awhile now. I guess it just puts it all into prospective a little better. Time to start throwing out some junk. lol. Good Will or The Arc, here I come!! I love giving it away. It makes me feel better knowing someone will use it. Anyway, the owners are great people. They're in Hawaii now. We'll see what happens when they come back in May. Some news though...
so have you guys started looking for a place out east yet? or are you still waiting to hear if charles gets the BIA job in DC?
Posted by
J |
2/04/2005 11:03:00 AM
I guess a good thing about not having furniture of your own is that you don't have to MOVE the furniture. Which is a huge pain.
Posted by
J |
2/05/2005 04:10:00 PM
There's nothing good about NOT having funiture. I've been there and it isn't fun. Besides with the kids, they come with luggage of their own. We're going to have to move regardless. I hate moving. It will be way different this time though...Moving across the country!
Posted by
Hillary |
2/06/2005 09:05:00 PM