Happy Easter
We had a wonderful Easter!!! We fixed the kids Easter baskets the night before after they were fast asleep...Get this, they got money instead of candy. My kids DO NOT eat candy. Once in awhile they get a lolly pop, but that's very seldom and I'm going to try to keep it like that. (They'll thank me when they're a teenager and have all their teeth) lol...So, we put coins in their eggs. Easter morning the kids got up and ran into the living room where everything was waiting for them. They had a good time playing with everything. Then, we got ready for church. Church, was PACKED! I knew it would be. We stood at the back of the church and stayed about an hour before Brev and Meesa, got really antsy. Meesa, was really naughty- but she was standing near her daddy and I more less had Brevin....We tried to keep them quite. Brev, did pretty well. Meesa, was standing by a door and kept hitting her head on it. The sound echoed through the whole church- I swear...LOL There were lots of babies crying in church so it wasn't that bad. After Church it was the funniest thing... Brev, was hungry and felt like telling me every 3 minutes. So, Brev, had an idea that we'd go out to eat. He said he wanted, pancakes....And eggs....And had the nerve to ask ME what else HE wanted to eat....lol....So, after per swaying us for 10 minutes we decided to take him up on his offer and go out to eat. We went to chili's and that made him happy. He's too funny!!! We were just going to go home and make them lunch there, but NO- Brev wanted to go OUT and eat. So, there we are at chili's. Charles and I, got an "oldtimer." Brev, wanted Mac n' cheese. Meesa, got chicken and broccoli so they can spilt it and have a lil of both. We ate well though and thanked Brev, afterwards. He DID have a great idea. Now it was back home to change the kids for their afternoon nap. While the kids napped, I talked to my mom for a little bit. Same 'ole stuff going on there...But it's always good to know about what they were up to. Next, Charles and I, decided to be productive. We went out in the back yard and uncovered the kids house and slide.(Their slide was in pieces inside the house.) So, we started folding up the tarp that it was covered with and taking all the pieces out. Thank God, we only had to put together the slide and not the house. Charles, noticed there was some depris coming out of the slide as we lay the pieces out. Then, he said, "I think there was something living in here." I freaked out and was like, what are you talking about? As the sun beat down on us I noticed a shadow in the pieces that make up the side...I looked some more and yelled, "There is something in there!!!" I looked closer and it was the shadow of a MOUSE! I freaked out and Charles, was turning it and turning it so the mouse would come out one of the holes...Meanwhile, all these peanut shells were falling out onto the concrete all over he place. We figured out they were living in there through the Winter. Right next to where we had the house all covered up, is the tree I fed the birds. I always put pop corn, bread, seed, and peanuts for the squirrel out there. So, these damn mice have been stocking up in our son's slide....Ugh- okay on with the story. So, we saw the first one run out and take off over the wall. He was cute (his face that is...The lil stringy tail has got to go, ew) and then we started looking at the other pieces to see if there was any more little guys hiding in there. Turns out there was another one...They must have been living together. Ew!! I was worried about their poop and caring diseases....Charles, shook everything out and we looked at what came out- Just leaves and lots of peanut shells- no poop! EW! Thank God!! We figured they pooped outside while stealing all the bird's food. So, we cleaned it out with the hose. I ran in the house to get some BLEACH and we cleaned it good. I couldn't get over that... They were cute, but I don't want them living in our children's toys for heaven sake. So, after cleaning and putting the slide together it was okay, again. While I was out there in the back yard my dad called. Him and I, got to talk for like 30 minutes. He never talks that long on the phone. hehe. I was happy, but I was baking in the sun. It was only 60 degrees yesterday, but in the sun it felt at least 70! HOT! But we had a good talk. :-) That was nice! After all the stuff with the mice, I think I decided just to stick to just bird seed. That was cute, but I wish they would have found somewhere else to house over the winter. Charles and I, took a walk in the Bosque yesterday as well. We saw lots of tad poles in the stream that runs through the Bosque- actually I think it's a ditch. They were really cute though. We saw a few lizards in the back yard, as well. All animals/reptiles were out yesterday, because we had gorgeous weather. :) The kids got to play outside, too after their nap and they loved it. They had fun in the back as Charles and I tackled another problem area, The garage! We had tons of boxes from the kids new bunk beds and also from all the girl scout cookies. Charles' dad was going to come with his truck and take it all away, but we needed to get rid of it. What a mess!!! We took all our left over crap and piled it nicely on one side. Brev's, fire truck bed, too. Gosh, we have a lot of junk in there. We found some more stuff to give to 'The Arc.' The rest we put neatly and swept all the 'yuck' out. Now it looks nice! :) So, we got a lot accomplished on Easter Sunday. Usually, I'm in the kitchen back home with my mom cooking in our 'good clothes.' This year I was cleaning in my Kapris- go figure! We had fun and got a lot done. Charles, cooked a good dinner, too. YUM! Nothing like ham on Easter and for dessert we had chocolate covered, strawberries that we made ourselves. Yummy! We never got to color eggs which is a Easter tradition that I always did as a child. We're going to do them today instead. There isn't enough time in a day to get it ALL done, but we sure did try. hehe...We had a good day. :)
Wow, I'm winded just reading all we did yesterday. we had a lot of fun though. Thank god Brevin wanted to eat, it was really good. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/28/2005 02:04:00 PM
We sure did, Babe. Yeah, Brevy had a GREAT idea. He was too cute naming all the food he wanted to eat. I love you, too! <3
Posted by
Hillary |
3/28/2005 03:21:00 PM
We colored our Easter eggs THIS EVENING (3/28) and had a lot of fun. The kids made them rainbow colors and liked putting stickers on them as well. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
3/28/2005 09:22:00 PM
We sure did (hehe)...Maybe that's why I am so tired...hmmm...
Posted by
Hillary |
3/30/2005 07:35:00 AM