R.I.P- T.J
I just got some really hard news a short time ago, from my mom in NY. She called to tell me that my cat, T.J had to be put to sleep. They took him to the vet for his breathing. He's been having a runny nose and lots of sneezing for some time now. He's old and they wanted to get him checked out. The Vet said his lungs were full of fluid and did some tests on him. It turns out that he had, "Kitty HIV". He contacted it through another cat while fighting. The Vet said they can give him antibiotics, but his body wouldn't be able to fight it off. They gave them the option to put him down. He was suffering everyday. When we visited them we could see him in misery while trying to catch his breath. He used to sleep with his mouth open. My mom and uncle decided to put him down and stop his suffering. After getting home a little while ago, she called me to let me know. It's a sad day in Newburgh. He'll be cremated and buried in Connecticut. He was our cat. He was a good cat. He had a lil "girlfriend," named "Boots." She is mostly black except for her white paws. They were always with each other . They hung out together outside my uncle's house. T.J, was both an indoor and outdoor cat. T.J (Thomas Jay) will me missed, but not forgotten. :*(
He sure was a nice cat. He was really having a hard time breathing when we were there in Sept. I so sorry Ma. Keep your head up and know that you and TJ has some great times. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/04/2005 12:05:00 PM
Thanks Pa. It's hard, because he's been around a long time. A couple of days ago my Dad told me to say hi to him while on the phone. My dad said he raised his ears. He still remembers my high pitched squeeky voice when it comes to him. Aww...Teegh! :(
Posted by
Hillary |
3/04/2005 12:20:00 PM
oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that, he was such a sweet kitty. How your mom doing with it? I remember playing with him all the time.
Posted by
J |
3/04/2005 01:43:00 PM
She's really sad. My Dad doesn't know yet, because he was at work. TJ and him were good eating buddies. It's just really sad. He was a good cat. :(
Posted by
Hillary |
3/04/2005 03:08:00 PM
You're right and that's the only thing that keeps me at ease- is he isn't suffering anymore. :( You probably didn't see him while you were there because he was scared of any company we had in the house. He'd usually run outside or hide under a bed. :(
Posted by
Hillary |
3/06/2005 04:06:00 PM
Posted by
Hillary |
3/06/2005 04:07:00 PM