Yesterday, I woke the kids up early from their day time nap so we could go and play in the snow. At that time it was about 3.5 inches and the snow was still coming down. Brevin, was excited to put on all the winter gear and get ready to PLAY. Aamya, on the other hand was still sleepy. These kids will sleep all day if ya let them. So, after having two hours rest, which is just enough, I geared Aamya up and we were ready to embrace the snow. We weren't planning on staying out there long, considering they're just 'lil guys.' It was fun though! Brevin, couldn't wait to throw a snowball at me. HA! I must say he has pretty good aim. Aamya, was trying her hardest to throw one at me. So, I let her for kicks. HA! She's so cute. After a short while we came back in the house all wet with rosey cheeks. It was a lot of fun. I took the camera out, too and got some good shots of their second snow experience. It was a BLAST! After some hot (warm) chocolate and a good lunch, we were ready to stay warm and play inside. It was nice to see the snow fall from the sky, again. I haven't seen snow you could say since I left NY. It doesn't snow much, if not at all where we live now. We're stuck in a valley. Ugh- BUT we got about 6 inches when it was all said and done. This morning I woke up to snow. It makes me feel like a kid again. Plus, it's just great to see Brevin and Aamya's eyes light up when looking at it. Hehe! :) Everything is so much prettier with snow on it. :) I went out and swept away the snow out back so my birds could eat their food. They didn't know what to make of it. Poor lil guys. After coming home from the dentist, (which was a waste of a trip. I changed dentist and they just took a look at me and scheduled another appointment. They really just wanted my x-rays. I thought it was going to be for a deep cleaning.?> They didn't tell me that part!!! If people would only do their jobs- ugh!) Charles and Brevin, got to throw snowballs at each other, too! Brevin, took another chance and got me right in the butt and the eye...grrr...He thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Daddy, got him good though. It was fun! Aamya, practiced again and threw hers toward the driveway, not looking to stun anyone. Good Girl, Aamya!
After all that fun, we ate some lunch and decided to go to the movies to see, Robots! This way we could get the car fixed at the same time. Sounds good to me... After walking around the mall to find some high bouncing balls, we headed to the movies. It was a great and really funny movie!!! Ya got kids? GO SEE IT! HA! We just got home a little while ago...We wanted to stop by Best Buy and get, The Incredibles. Greta movie, too! Aiyana, will be coming over soon. We'll have some great times tonight playing all of our games and then we'll have to take her home. Only to do it all tomorrow. Sad thing is, the snow is melting and there is hardly anything left...:( It was beautiful and FUN while it lasted. :-)
LOL! I want pictures of you and your belly. hehe...I've never been prego in the Winter time-to where I was noticable. It must be hard! Instead, I was in 99 degree, that's any better?!LOL I'm ready to wear cute Spring clothes, too!
Posted by
Hillary |
3/16/2005 08:42:00 AM