Ditch Work
So, my baby has been doing "ditch work" since Thursday. It sucks, because I'm used to talking to him when I want. We have our times that we talk during the day and now it's like I never know when he's going to call...And he never knows when he'll be able to. It sucks! The worst part is that ditch work has gone into our ONLY day, TODAY...It's like, It's OUR day!!! And we can't be together. I wanted to take the kids to the park, it's beautiful outside (75 degrees!) Ugh, and he has to be working his "tooty" off doing ditch work- not by choice. It just sucks!!! So, I'm here and bored while it's a gorgeous day outside. It's actually HOT in the sun. It feel so good. I'm finally not freezing. I wish my babe could have been home today. We would of had fun. I can't wait until he gets home though. The days always seem to go by so fast when we're together and so slow when we're apart. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. Turns out it will be the same way tomorrow, more Ditch work. It's taken 4 days- 2 of our days to clean those crazy things. UGH!
So, we have two dental appointments coming up in the beginning of the week. One is mine, ugh! I'm not looking forward to it. I guess no one does. I'm going to get it over with though. :-P Nothing good going on these days. Just lots to get done...And that's no fun. :-P