Vacation and SICK- ugh
Nothing much going on with us today. We're still trying to get over our head colds. Kids can't go swimming, because they're sick and it's an outside pool. It's only 60 degrees out there. Grrr...Can't do that. We ate lunch today at Subway. The kids and I found a Strictly Denver store and bought some postcards and a t-shirt for Aiyana. The kids like getting on the buss and getting out. The kids are napping now, it's the only time I have to actually sit down and write. I'm glued to CNN, what else is new? Charles went back to "work" to some conferences in the Tower building next door. I still can't wait to take lots of pictures. We brought three cameras and only took a few pictures of the kids, crazy! If I didn't have any cameras I'd sure be longing for one. It's just hard with all the cold weather we've been having. We're just trying to get the kids in and out the car as quickly as possible and into the buildings. So, there's a lot of scurrying going on. Nothing looking to the 7 hour drive back home. Charles, is feeling ill so that means I might be driving, ahhh. We have a cute rental car, it's a Poniac. It's really small compared to our mini van back home. It's just right for the four of us. We couldn't possible fit anyone else though. The kids have April's DVD players so they don't really mind what they're driving in. We went to eat at Cracker Barrel last night. It's good country cooking. The kids love playing with the Chinese checkers until the food arrives. hehe. Charles, is napping now because he doesn't feel well. Everyone is sleeping except me, lol. It's so hard to have fun when you feel like crap. I'm just glad we're not in NM. I think I'd feel worse knowing I Charles was here and we were home. That sucks...So, even if we can't do many "fun" activities at least we're all together. Mom's going to call soon. I'm sure everyone will feel better tomorrow. Warm weather always helps. More tomorrow...*Snif* *Sneeze*
Thanks for nursing me back to health. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/16/2005 04:55:00 PM