Yesterday, was a GREAT day. Charles had the whole day off! We went to look at invitations...We left the house about 9:30am and we didn't get done until after 11am. We didn't even relies we were there that long. We looked at books and books of invitations to find the right one and we believe we have found it. :) YAY! So, we got that accomplished. I can't wait to send them all out. The wedding planning is coming along greatly. We're slowly getting things done. I get to look at wedding dresses on Tuesday. I also got to talk to my Dad yesterday and my mom. I love talking to my dad...He's so crazy. I miss that. I can't wait to see them all. I'm really excited! Yesterday's weather also was pleasant. We were able to do a lot of outside activities, because it wasn't so hot. The kids played outside. Charles and I washed the outside of the lil, dirty, black car. It looks a lot better. We were making sure everything underneath the hood was good. There are minor things that need replacing, light bulbs, etc. Nothing major. It's pretty cute, now. It's sitting outside looking much better after being washed. It just needs a little TLC, like everything in this world does. We need to get some lysol and spray it down, then some Oust for the air inside of it...Then, maybe I'll sit in it, but probably NOT! LOL.I don't know why I would- really. I cleaned the inside without stepping foot in it. Hahaha...That's funny...But It needs to be sprayed down and get rid of any germs before I even think about sitting it in. The kids thought it was a *new* car. Brev, was very impressed after seeing it all cleaned. He kept calling it the new car. We kept correcting him, "No- it's an old car!" hehe...We were able to take a walk, too. I wanted to wash the van, but our tummies told us differently. So, we ate and played some games with the kids. It was really funny, because we were dancing to some oldies and Meesa, thought we were playing "London Bridges" and was going underneath Brev and I. We were laughing so hard. Then, we all started dancing and also ended up playing London Bridges after all. We also played hide and seek. That Meesa finds me every time. Grr...I guess it's not as easy as hiding when I was a kid. LOL. It was fun. Daddy, has the BEST hiding spots. hehe...Lots of fun!
Yup, we sure did have a good time. Love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/02/2005 01:04:00 PM
<<3 Love ya papa
Posted by
Hillary |
6/02/2005 01:14:00 PM