Little Feet...
This morning I woke up to the sound of slamming doors and little voices. Not to mention; the feet that hit the walls in the am. It's really hard getting used to the fact that the kids are right next door. It's a good layout, that's how a house should be. BUT when you're up late filling out applications online because the connection is so slow... It's not a good thing waking up to feet and voices. :( I'm tired to say the least. I wish just once I'd get to sleep late in this house. Ever since we've lived here I'm up at 7am or 8am. When I'm up it's not like I'm sitting around. I start emptying boxes, vacuuming, washing and folding laundry. I get more done in the am than most people do all day. That's too early if you ask me! The kids seem to be more hyper living here. They love the fact that they have all this room to claim. Meanwhile, it seems I'm chasing them around and accomplishing nothing. Everyone keeps telling me it will take awhile to get the house up and together. Yeah, I know...But I'm not willing to wait. Ugh! I'm just tired of looking at boxes and piled of pictures waiting to be put up. Last night when Charles got home we cleaned the garage. The garage was so bad you couldn't walk in it at all. Both cars are outside because of that and it's ridiculous. The balk of the mess is the kids toys. We took apart their play house and slide. It was in a million different large plastic pieces and in the way! We took it out in the back yard, laid down some tarp and covered it all up. What a job that was. It's really windy where we live too and I knew it wasn't going to stay covered. Charles and I, hunted for some large concrete pieces lying around on the lot two houses down. That did the job well. We'll see if these NM winds will take that apart. The wind has already ruined a little chime skeleton I had in the tiny tree out front. He doesn't have legs now. So much for that idea! We decorated the house for Halloween the last week in September. It looks really cool. Especially Brevy's room. :)~ There's still so much more to be done. I wonder if we'll accomplish all that is needed by the time inspection comes...Hmm...Let's hope so! Mom, is supposed to be shopping for the kids fall clothes. We're still waiting to hear something. It's not top priority for Dad, because he's working on his old '83 Chrysler. He's trying to restore some of the underneath and then he's going to "trade it in." Every week he changes his mind on whether to keep it or trade it in. I told him to sell it. It's a classic and people always want classics. He had a good deal on it, but refused to sell it. He says the guy didn't offer him enough for it. AiyDiosMio! So, mom's waiting on him to make his move so she can shop. So far, nada! It's early and I should get the kids some breakfast...Even though they're naughty, they still have to eat. LOL. Charles, should be home soon. They get 'administrative leave' today. YAY! I'm going to the eye doctor later and applying for more jobs. Which means I'll need to get dressed up.
UGH! :-(
The NM winds did nothing to my great stacking of playhouses outside. Sorry the kids woke you up. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/05/2005 05:18:00 PM
Yeah...That's only because we put those rocks on there. Silly.
Yeah, I hate it when they do that. What else is new tho?!
Love ya too.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/05/2005 05:23:00 PM