Plans to do nothing...
What a night! I thought I was going to have a peaceful night of blogging and relaxing, but Lilly is at my feet wanting attention. She's sneezing all over the place. She's jumped up on my computer three times now. She doesn't get it! She's got a free exam tomorrow morning. Other than that she's good. She's been gaining a little weight as well. Usually, she just sleeps all the time. She isn't that playful, because of the surgery. As I type this she's going crazy trying to find a way on my lap as I type (jump no. Four)-Ugh! Charles, is sleeping, because he doesn't feel good. I think we all gave him what we had. Bones is sick, but she's covering it up well. Only once and awhile will she cough. Poor guys! I'm glad I didn't have to go to work today. I was able to lounge around the house. (jump no.5) I read to the kids 10 different books tonight including the one they got from Jen and Colette for Christmas. What a cute book! It's called, "and Tango makes Three!" Brevy, had lots of questions like, "Well why doesn't she (penguin) have a mom?" Curious minds! We read a SpongeBob book that their Grandma and Grandpa got for them for Christmas as well. We picked up a bunch of other books and were on a roll. I was trying to keep them still while Charles went to bed early. It didn't work that well, because in between books Brevy, was loud. I don't think that kid could be quiet if he tried his hardest. He's a little motor mouth. I tried though. I never get to read to them anymore, because I'm always working at this time and I miss it. I have nothing planned for tomorrow other than taking lil naughty Lillian to the Vet's. I'm tired and I'm just looking to relax. Sounds good, huh?
You're welcome. You are so naughty with your no. You know you feel 100% because you slept a lot the next day as well. Remember we took a nap? lol. Sleepy head.
You love Lillian. You have to help in training. She's never had a family to teach her anything. We are her teachers. lol. She'll get it after awhile.
Didn't appreciate waiting up so early this morning MR!!! GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
Love you, too
Posted by
Hillary |
1/01/2006 04:52:00 PM
Thanks. OH I didn't remember you saying Lilly. I remember the Anna thing, because I HATE that name...But I was thinking of a flower name for her. Oops. So sorry. Too bad my memory isn't better.
Posted by
Hillary |
1/17/2006 01:06:00 PM