Our URGENT care SCARE!!!!!
This afternoon was filled with busy activities...Running around grocery shopping and getting things done. We went home after two long hours of being away to have some lunch. Brevy, finished eating first. I sent him upstairs to get ready for nap time. Bones finished eating her Lunchable and I just started on some chips and salsa. I looked on the table and noticed Brevy, had some trash to throw away. I called him...Nothing. Bones called him a bunch of times...Finally I hear, "Mama?" I turn around and my baby is standing there dripping in BLOOD. I jumped up and said, "What happened?" I drabbed the nearest towel and was looking franticly to see where he was bleeding from. I can't even begin to describe the feeling I was having. Your son is standing there with blood pouring from his head. It's on his shirt, me, his shorts, his hands, EVERYWHERE! I applied pressure and every bone in my body was saying, CALL 911!!!!! I called his dad, I just got off the phone with him, too. He answered right away and I told him what Brevy, told me. Brevy, said he hit his head on the banister. I'm thinking what in the world could he have done to be bleeding so much? I told Charles that I wanted to call 911, because he's bleeding what I thought was a lot. He was coming home from his second job. I really was focused on applying the pressure and keeping Brevy talking to me. I had him recite his ABC's while I called the nearest hospital. I checked his head and it stopped bleeding. My hands were shaking and tears were in my eyes. I tired to be strong. I prayed to Jesus! How did this happen? How could he have hit himself so hard that he bled all over the place? We quickly rushed him to the nearest urgent care. He was seen by a nurse and then triaged and finally saw a doctor, after we went through the nurse's aid (student). He was fine and didn't need stitches. I tried cleaning him up, because blood was everywhere. The strangest thing was, he NEVER CRIED. Not once! Not when he did it, not afterwards, not even when he saw all the blood. NEVER. He said, he didn't feel it. That scared me thinking he was in shock, but he wasn't. He was alert the entire time. His eyes were fine, everything was okay. When I heard he could go home, I was so thankful. I was and still am scared for him. I'm going to tape up the edges of the railing and hope it never happens again. He okay now and was even hyper while he was being checked. He wouldn't sit still so I knew he was back to being Brevy. It was very scary though...It's an image that will take a LONG time to get out of my head. Thank you Jesus, that he is okay!
Update: Brevy is fine and back to himself. He ate chocolate last night and we all sat down to color together. :) Thank God he's okay!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/29/2006 11:31:00 AM
wow that is a scare! Glad he's back to his self!
Posted by
J |
4/29/2006 01:54:00 PM
Yeah, it was really scary.
Thanks. Me too! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
4/30/2006 03:09:00 PM
haha...so was it just a little cut on his head? That's so scary...
Posted by
J |
5/01/2006 10:44:00 AM
Yeah...It was the smallest cut, but it produced all that blood. It was really scary and I think he's tired of me talking about it. I let him know how much he scared me and to be more careful of his head. I keep telling him, he only gets one head! It was really scary though. I think I was more scared than he was! :(
Posted by
Hillary |
5/01/2006 01:31:00 PM
hahaha...that's what my mom always used to say "you only get one set of eyes!"
his cut makes me think of when you get cut shaving your legs - how there's tons of blood everywhere and you don't even feel it. Glad he's better. Too bad Bones is sick now!
Posted by
J |
5/02/2006 01:40:00 PM
Yep. It's so true. He doesn't relise though, that he only has one. He's too young to care. Yeah, but the blood was about 30 times worse. I still can't get the image out of my head. :( It was so surreal. Yeah, he's better. Thanks.
Yeah, now Bones has a little cold. Her fever is gone and she's doing better. Thanks for caring!!! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
5/02/2006 02:50:00 PM
Yeah, I remember when you said she did that. Yeah, I think they are made of steel, something...They sure don't ever feel it when they hurt themselves. lol.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/04/2006 03:35:00 PM