Yesterday :)
Church was powerful yesterday. I was at the alter in tears, let's leave it at that. Exciting stuff! Yesterday, we went to go see Ice Age, The Melt Down. It's really funny! I laughed so hard, my face hurt when I left. That's one that we're definitely buying! It's way better than Chicken Little. I didn't like Chicken Little at all! So, we had a really good day. I worked until Midnight on Saturday. It was so slow at work I was almost falling asleep in my chair. We didn't have that many calls and the ones that we did, took forever. Our handle time was sky high and they were trying hard for us to get it down. We had all kinds of contests and stuff, but we were all still falling asleep. I really dislike working that shift. It's a major struggle for me to even do it. When I got home all I wanted to do was to go to bed. Usually I'm wide-eyed and bushy-tailed after getting home. I usually eat and watch TV for at least 15 minutes. This time I just crawled in bed and didn't want to be bothered. Amen? Plus, we lost an hour since setting the clocks ahead. Ugh. Can I really afford to loose an hour of sleep? Not really! I guess I really have no choice. On top of all of that...Sunday morning when we pulled up to get Aiyana, she wasn't ready. Her "mom" claimed it was seven o'clock. I said, "no, it's like 9am!" She so didn't believe me. So, I'm standing there freezing waiting for Aiy to come out and she's no where to be found, because they set their clocks BACK an hour. Genus, eh? So, I told her it's supposed to be an hour ahead of time. Finally, she got Aiy up and ready and we were almost late for church because of it. Ugh! ANYWAY, It's Spring ahead. At least it will be lighter, longer. That's nice! Bad news is, I'll be working while it's happening. :( So much for enjoying the weather and light time. Oh well, what are you going to do?! Answer: Pray for better days!
so what happened at church?!
Posted by
J |
4/03/2006 03:47:00 PM
Some heavy (good) stuff. It just struck something within me. It just rang so true. Ever have a moment like that? These marriage people came to visit and were talking about relationships with your family, when you were growing up, and with your husband. Good info. just very powerful. I prayed along with half of the rest of the church. It was good!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/03/2006 03:57:00 PM
So sorry that your boss is such a devil that she's on you all the time. I hope you get to catch up on your rest one of these days. Come Sunday you take a nap and I'll stay up with Aiyana. Okay?! I love you and miss you so much. We never go a day with out seeing eachother, but I guess I can't say that anymore. I miss you! I haven't see you all night. What...for like 10 min. last night, huh?! Ugh. Rough days, but we'll get through it. We have the Lord and He can get us through anything. MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! HUGS AND KISSES AND LOTS OF SWEETIE PIE NOTES FOR YOU!!!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/05/2006 11:15:00 AM
LOL. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Baby you are so crazy! But ya know, you're right. People like that always get it back at them. I totally believe in Karma. It will happen. Good over does evil!!! You're too smart to fall for that crap. Besides, she should treat people better.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/05/2006 02:28:00 PM